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A Fierce Plankton
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad


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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Johnthethird Sun May 12, 2013 11:58 pm

    I was thinking, and I thought it would be a good Idea if dark souls 2 did a trailer showing off PVP fights instead of regular gameplay like all the other souls trailers. I think it would be cool, and the fans would appreciate it a lot.

    But It could also be harmful because one thing that I loved about dark souls was discovering the workings of PVP for myself.

    So what do you say yay or nay?
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Dibsville Sun May 12, 2013 11:59 pm

    Dark Souls is a PvE based game, PvP was just an extra feature.
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Animaaal Mon May 13, 2013 12:07 am

    I say yes.

    It wouldn't really spoil anything. There would still be plenty to check out/learn.

    And also, Demon's Souls was pve with an added feature imo. Dark Souls was a pve=pvp=co-op developed game, and I believe DS2 will have been designed with the same direction and focus.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by SadPanda Mon May 13, 2013 12:15 am

    Johnthethird wrote:I was thinking, and I thought it would be a good Idea if dark souls 2 did a trailer showing off PVP fights instead of regular gameplay like all the other souls trailers. I think it would be cool, and the fans would appreciate it a lot.

    But It could also be harmful because one thing that I loved about dark souls was discovering the workings of PVP for myself.

    So what do you say yay or nay?
    As long as it anounces day one DLC brought to you by Doritos(c) and Mtn Dew(tm) I'll be fine.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Juutas Mon May 13, 2013 12:30 am

    A trailer that quickly cuts trough of all covenants in the game with few clips on each of them would be really nice.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by SadPanda Mon May 13, 2013 1:32 am

    Juutas wrote:A trailer that quickly cuts trough of all covenants in the game with few clips on each of them would be really nice.
    Hey Juutas, I met you last night winking

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Glaesel Mon May 13, 2013 1:17 pm

    It would be great to see a pvp trailer. Need dat pvp in my life.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Juutas Mon May 13, 2013 2:06 pm

    SadPanda wrote:
    Juutas wrote:A trailer that quickly cuts trough of all covenants in the game with few clips on each of them would be really nice.
    Hey Juutas, I met you last night winking

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Serious_Much Mon May 13, 2013 4:46 pm

    Dibsville wrote:Nay.
    Dark Souls is a PvE based game, PvP was just an extra feature.

    Did dibs just make a really good comment about dark souls?! My god, amazing.

    But I have to say it, if pvp is in any trailer- it should strictly be a part of a wider trailer, PvP is at most an add on, so having it in a trailer should only be a cameo- not the major purpose of it

    Also are you mad about showing the covenants?! SPOILER MUCH? I don't think they'd ever do that in my opinion, especially since they like keeping the lore under raps
    A Fierce Plankton
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by A Fierce Plankton Mon May 13, 2013 9:48 pm

    If they are adding much stuff to the multiplayer aspect (like they said they are) I don't think they will be showing it. At least not in-depth.
    But they will probably tease it closer to release, they have been dodging all questions in regards to the online component.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by LunarFog Mon May 13, 2013 11:14 pm

    I think yes. They could just show off standard fights while focusing on showing off the equipment and movements instead of actual skill/advanced techniques.
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Tolvo Mon May 13, 2013 11:23 pm

    I think a few seconds of an invader arriving, then showing them attacking a host would be fine.

    It really depends on the type of trailer, if it is going for strictly information it should show a bit and just be like, "Play with friends," and show a bit of co-op like a few seconds, then "Kill other players" and show a few seconds of an invasion from the perspective of the invader to get the idea that it isn't just an in game enemy.

    If it is like Saints Day, or just normal trailers that do a more immersible feel I don't think they should show online functionality as much other than a few quick flashes without explanation.
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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by GrinTwist Tue May 14, 2013 1:29 am

    Just make it seem like they're confirming PVP in the trailer, that's it.

    Some of the covenants that we needed to join had to be found first so I don't think they'll do a trailer showing the covenants.

    As far as PVP only trailer goes I agree with Dibs. Dark Souls isn't a PVP only game it was a feature added on and was originally supposed to be like that. Even if we do host FCs that doesn't mean they should change PVP from the way it is.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Flankydizzle Tue May 14, 2013 2:50 am

    PvP (with the exception of fight clubs etc) is kinda part of the single player storyline imo. Kinda like what Vageta said, I don't want to see Souls games turn into Street Fighter clones nor do I want to see them advertised that way either.

    So Nay.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by Werdax Tue May 14, 2013 4:18 am

    While PVP attracts the most attention, Dark Souls is all about PVE. I only found out that Dark Souls had online features, much later after its launch. It was a pleasant surprise.

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    PVP trailer good Idea or bad Empty Re: PVP trailer good Idea or bad

    Post by moomootv Wed May 15, 2013 9:07 pm

    no i think that the pvp aspect show be a mystery seeing as it is a pve based game we should get surprised when we are playing

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