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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?


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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by Pratix Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:44 pm

    I attacked Nico by accident in FireLink Shrine. So should I just kill them or should I resolve my sin? Rhea is also attacking me, i'm worried I might have ruin a certain part of my game... pleas help me!

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:50 pm

    If you need Reah's miracles then absolve your sins you damn sinner. If not then kill those bastards. twisted

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by Pratix Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:52 pm

    Okay, I'll absolve my sins. Thanks!

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:54 pm

    Yeah, lucky you there's Oswald. I have some sinny sinner thirst right now...Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? 932657698

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by bmurn Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:54 pm

    You could also experiment and kill her guards and then absolve your sins and see if she hangs around by herself. But don't do this if you want her miracles since the outcome might not be favorable.

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by Pratix Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:57 pm

    Yeah, this is a faith build so I need her miracles. Any ideas on how to kill the hellkite dragon?

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by bmurn Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:58 pm

    You don't have to kill the dragon, but you can do it with a bow. There are some videos on youtube about it. It takes some time.

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by Pratix Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:00 pm

    Alright I'll try it.

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:26 pm

    Try to be more than SL 100 and equip giants or black iron set. Bring a lightning weapon or buff your weapon with Sunlight Blade, and kick his a$$.

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by About8547Souls Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:50 pm

    The easiest way that I have discovered is this. You walk up to the top of the stairs and stand in the middle of the bridge. Then quickly run back down the stairs. It will make him kill off the Hollows on the bridge.

    Next, you go to the top of the stairs and shoot him with a bow. This will make him fly down to you. Quickly two-hand the strongest weapon you can wield and run out there and hit him in the face with it. Then run back as fast as you can down the stairs.

    If you do this repeatedly and are careful, you can kill him without even getting touched. I've never died or even gotten hit by him doing this. But you may day once or twice before you get it down properly. You can also run across the bridge to the little area on the opposite side of the stairs. He'll kill all the hollows and you'll be safe in there.

    Then you shoot him with an arrow and run straight towards him. When he lands, you run to his right side and just keep running. You'll be able to make it to the bonfire without him even touching you if you do it right.

    He will fly off behind some mountains after that, but he's not gone for good. If you try to cross the bridge for some reason he will fly back and try to cook you alive.

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

    Post by ChillerHR Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:59 pm

    It's exactly 4 swings with full lightening gargoyle halberd, when he lands just run between two of his left leg fingers....swing with two hand grip 4 times...he's gone...stupid red can do it with Lvl 16...if timed ok he never hits you or spits fire, jus start runing toward him when he starts landing, you'll be between his claws... happy

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    Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea? Empty Re: Attacking Nico and Vince? Good Idea?

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