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    New interview with Yui tanimura (


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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Juutas Wed May 15, 2013 1:44 am

    Not too much new info but one answer is...interesting:

    "Is there anything from Demon's Souls that you thought was lacking in Dark Souls that you would like to include in Dark Souls II?

    Yui Tanimura: Though the detail can not be unveiled yet, I could say that it is a heroine who leads the player."

    How this is implemented...we don't know, but it's interesting to say the least.
    The woman in the trailer is naturally going to be the heroine.
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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed May 15, 2013 1:58 am

    I think it's clear that that woman in the trailer is going to be more than mere CGI fodder.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by amaro57 Wed May 15, 2013 5:19 am

    I believe this may have something to do with how Priscilla was supposedly to play a bigger role originally in Dark Souls. Maybe they'll input the concept into the game this time instead of having to cut it out.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Werdax Wed May 15, 2013 8:06 am

    Perhaps she will be the next "crestfallen warrior". Supposedly more helpful and enthusiastic.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Hue Wed May 15, 2013 8:29 am

    Werdax wrote:Perhaps she will be the next "crestfallen warrior". Supposedly more helpful and enthusiastic.

    Something sounds wrong

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Halicarnassis Wed May 15, 2013 9:30 am

    I'm going with the Maiden in Black

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Hue Wed May 15, 2013 9:50 am

    FexDS will finally have a new avatar

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by chaos4ever181 Wed May 15, 2013 10:23 am

    Halicarnassis wrote:I'm going with the Maiden in Black

    Who knows? Maybe she's an all-powerful-dimension-crossing demon that helps the player out at times like in Demon's Souls. If people like Patches, Crestfallen Warrior, and Yurt(personality-wise, not literally. See Lautrec)can appear in Dark Souls, why not a Maiden in Black character in Dark Souls II?
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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Serious_Much Wed May 15, 2013 10:53 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:I think it's clear that that woman in the trailer is going to be more than mere CGI fodder.

    Yeah well that's what we said about Nito too (Zing)
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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Encore Wed May 15, 2013 11:20 am

    I really wanted the player to have a companion (Of kind) guiding you during your adventure in Lordran. Let´s hope we will get just that.

    Though probably not maiden in black (Sad indeed, thought she was awesome) without permission from sony.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Nybbles Wed May 15, 2013 12:05 pm

    Whoever this heroine is, I hope she doesn't follow the player around or constantly point in a direction and say "you must go there next". I don't think that will happen except maybe at the very start of the game when she won't give us any assistance at all unless we prove ourselves first. I also hope that it doesn't develop into any sort of love interest. Though i'd be all for touching the demon inside her…mmm pancakes.
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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Encore Wed May 15, 2013 12:06 pm

    Nybbles wrote: I don't think that will happen except maybe at the very start of the game when she won't give us any assistance at all unless we prove ourselves first..

    That part might relate to the part when they said that "the game will be easier for newcommers to relate to."

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by R3dlace Wed May 15, 2013 12:30 pm

    If I remember well, Oscar was supposed to play the role of the "friendly rival" in DkS ; an NPC that the player would have encountered several times on his quest to be the chosen undead. At times he would have helped, or asked the player for help all while teaching him about the world of Lordran.

    It's kinda buried deep in my head but I remember something like that. Anyways, they scrapped it along with Andre's storyline.

    I don't know where I was going with this, but I thought the concept for a friend-rival was good and interesting, and I see why they'd do it in DkS 2

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Ichikuro Wed May 15, 2013 1:30 pm

    Maybe we will get something like a Solaire that guides the player through the game.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Aevun Wed May 15, 2013 3:36 pm

    Ichikuro wrote:Maybe we will get something like a Solaire that guides the player through the game.

    I sincerely hope that there is no guide in DkS2. It should be implicit, the player being immersed into paying enough attention to make their way through the game without too many problems. Having a guide I think will ruin the "move at your own pace" and "explore at your leisure" aspects in DkS and DeS.

    If you meant literally like Solaire, a character who can occasionally help you out with bosses and such, then I'm all for it. As long as it's the player who guides Solaire and not the other way around.

    I'd prefer another crestfallen warrior-esque character who vaguely directs the player to their objective. "Two bells, one above, one below."

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Werdax Wed May 15, 2013 5:02 pm

    R3dlace wrote:If I remember well, Oscar was supposed to play the role of the "friendly rival" in DkS ; an NPC that the player would have encountered several times on his quest to be the chosen undead. At times he would have helped, or asked the player for help all while teaching him about the world of Lordran.

    It's kinda buried deep in my head but I remember something like that. Anyways, they scrapped it along with Andre's storyline.

    I don't know where I was going with this, but I thought the concept for a friend-rival was good and interesting, and I see why they'd do it in DkS 2

    Oscar was suppose to have a much larger role in DS. He was suppose to be a "friendly rival" as you said, eventually getting greedy, seeking to become the dark lord. It was probably too cliche for DS, though I wouldn't have minded it.

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by dragonbeast6 Wed May 15, 2013 6:29 pm

    Halicarnassis wrote:I'm going with the Maiden in Black

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    New interview with Yui tanimura ( Empty Re: New interview with Yui tanimura (

    Post by Serious_Much Wed May 15, 2013 8:38 pm

    What Dks REALLY needs is a douchebag Gary Oak-esque rival silly

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