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    Best talismans


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    Best talismans  Empty Best talismans

    Post by Critical50 Wed May 15, 2013 10:58 pm

    I've never actually made a cleric build, I started out making an all aroud no magic build when I was a noob. I got better and thought that clerics were only for healing miracles (I know now they also have offensive miracles too..) So I wanted a mage. I know for mages the best catalyst til you get to around 40 Int is sorcerer's catalyst then logan's. So for clerics, what are the best talismans while you're still in the low faith stat then the best when in the high faith stat?
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Best talismans  Empty Re: Best talismans

    Post by Dibsville Wed May 15, 2013 11:01 pm

    Darkmoon, Canvas, and Thoruland are normally the best types, and it will depend on your Faith level which one excels above the others.

    Low Stats: Thoruland
    Mid Stats: Canvas
    High Stats: Darkmoon

    The order is the same as the catalysts;
    Thoruland for lower Faith (Like Oolacile)
    Canvas once you reach 27 Faith (Like Sorcerer's)
    Darkmoon at 40/41 (Like Logan's)

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    Best talismans  Empty Re: Best talismans

    Post by reim0027 Wed May 15, 2013 11:20 pm

    This should answer all of your questions.

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