May 25, 2013: 7:00PM EST
Fight Club: Weapon Night
Throughout the Night Hosts will Drop
Different Weapons for the Players to Use.
During the event a chat box will be added to the top of the
forums for all of us to use. Simple.
Universal Time
Click on this link for the universal time:
Soul Level
Sen's Roof (Where Giant Opens Gate)
PS3 and Xbox 360
Baal (PSN)
Demon Slayer (PSN)
Tolvo the Great (PSN)
DaemonNacht (XBL)
Maneater_Mildred (PSN)
Jester's Tears (PSN)
Dibsville (PSN)
Have Fun
No Chain Back-Stabs
No Hornet Ring
No Healing During Fights
Please: No Turtling
Buff then Bow Before Fights
Bow After Fights
Items will be available when needed.
Walk up to host and perform gesture listed or ask in chat.
Humanity (Point Up)
Grass (Point Down)
Come and Represent Your Favorite Covenant
How to Participate
Red Sign Down by Chain on Sen's Roof
Darkmoon Invasions
Since we are playing at a lower soul level, Darkmoon invaders
will be considered hostile. Once they appear on Sen's Roof
FC stops until invader is defeated.
Reply to Post with Your PSN
Reply to Post with Covenant Name
or Just Show Up Saturday Night
Known Participants
1. Yesuurd (PSN)
2. Demon Slayer (PSN)
3. GreenGoblin (PSN)
4. Befowler (PSN)
5. bameegatrops (XBL)
6. Tolvo (PSN)
7. Soris Ice Goldwing
8. Dibsville
9. FinPeku
10. Tehdoomgrasp
11. Carphil
12. RANT (PSN)
13. Latitoast
14. skarekrow13
15. Epicfailville
16. Dusk Soul = Ragnablade10 (PSN)
17. LunarFog
18. Hirograff (PSN)
19. twilightwarwolf
20. Hereticool (XBL)
21. Latitoast
22. reim0027 (PSN)
23. Slarg232 (XBL)
24. Satoshi
25. WhatDoesThePendantDo?
26. abmoner (XBL)
27. Myztyrio (PSN)
28. The_Red_Drifter (PSN)
29. SirArchmage
30. bl0odyMe5s (XBL)
31. Murkulanvippi (PSN)
32. Elifia (PSN)
33. Avenger649
34. crbngville2 (PSN)
35. fry11 (PSN)
36. Dark_Sunbro (PSN)
37. jaythibodeau (PSN)
38. sure-magicians (PSN)
39. Maneater_Mildred (PSN)
40. EeAyEss or LaEspadaRoja (PSN)
41. billy_bayonet (PSN)
42. Ghadis_God (PSN)
43. Uparkaam (PSN)
44. GrinTwist (PSN)
45. Dubscythe (PS3)
46. wretchedsausage = ijackhiggins (PSN)
47. ChillerHR (PSN)
48. robsthedon
49. Rifter7 (PSN)
50. Wolfkeys (PSN)
51. Wilkinson3424 (PSN)
52. Zulos (PSN)
53. Stinkingooze (PSN)
54. Yukon
55. Dutchy
56: BrandBrandBrand (PSN)
57. Errick Akazawa (XBL)
58. Paladin Ryan (XBL)
59. Lorrac ESP (XBL)
60. are2dude (PSN)
61. DesertFoX 797 (XBL)
62. SipuraEin (PSN)
63. mhue3 (PSN)
64. Anonymous Bosch (XBL)
From the bonfire at the start of Sens. Drop down where you fight the titanite Demons and go up the ladder to get out of the area. At the top of the ladder is a hidden wall. Hit the wall and climb the latter. You are here and it is Sunny! Place your signs around the chain.
Last edited by Baal-Avatar on Sun May 26, 2013 8:06 am; edited 33 times in total