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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.


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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by willsvillage Sun May 19, 2013 1:01 pm

    hey guys, so I'm starting up a let's play of dark souls, and would like some feedback on the sound quality, video quality and maybe some ideas for interesting builds. you can find my video here:
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by User1 Sun May 19, 2013 1:10 pm

    The sound was very, very quiet.
    The quality of the video itself is great. silly

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by willsvillage Thu May 23, 2013 8:47 pm

    So I have uploaded a new video, much better quality this time. I have fixed the sound after many days of attempting. If you'd like to check it out you can do so here:
    Thanks for your time, and any advice you could give would be amazing.

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by DemonOfFate Thu May 23, 2013 8:58 pm

    Can i recommend doing something you wouldn't normally do? You choose hunter, why not a range only run? Most people only want to watch total pros, or total noobs. You seem to be in the middle, so I'd recommend setting limitations on yourself in order to get that frustration that anyone who looks up a Dark Souls Let's play looks for.

    The quality in and of itself was pretty good, though i think commentary was a bit dry, you could think up beforehand and write things down on a notebook that you want to focus on, If this commentary is real time, then i'd recommend giving tips on whatever you're currently doing. But i think this might be after commentary, so here's what I'd recommend to spice it up:

    Think up beforehand things you want the commentary to be about.
    Make it more of a challenge, do something you don't normally do and or see.
    Try to talk as much as possible, even if its not actually about something related to dark souls, but make sure you also comment about the gameplay footage. (Multiple times in this video i didn't hear you talking, try to stay away form that.)
    And why don't you try to always stay in human form for invasions? It's always nice to see someone get invaded while watching, but don't summon help all the time.

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by willsvillage Thu May 23, 2013 9:00 pm

    I was doing that, while I was trying to set up all the recording settings. parry only runs, base lvl deprived run those sorts of things, i'll probably be uploading a challenge series next to this one. also it was live commentary, was the audio DE synced or was I just talking to plainly.

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by Scarch Fri May 24, 2013 8:47 am

    I'll just give a couple critiques.

    You should state what you're doing while you're doing it a bit less, and try instead to explain a little more about what you're doing than what is initially obvious. Try answering questions like how and why about what you're doing. For example you said that backstabbing was an aspect of the game, but that is clearly demonstrated when you do it, instead maybe you could mention that it does critical damage or that it is a quick, easy, and efficient way of dispatching monsters.

    Also, the video was a little dry, maybe try drawing out the aspects of the game that are most entertaining to you. Generally I don't really watch someone play when I could be playing myself unless there is some other incentive, like it is comedic or informative.

    I hope that is a little bit useful.

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by Halicarnassis Fri May 24, 2013 10:07 am

    Just a point to note; there are 7 other gamers using the words "Lets Play" in their gamer titles... maybe something a little different or catchy would stand out from the norm?

    I'm going to second Scarch's comment on dryness here; you sound awfully tired when you recorded the vid and there wasn't much atmosphere. Spice it up a little and you'll get me to watch the whole 20mins

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by willsvillage Wed May 29, 2013 3:44 pm

    Allright, thanks everyone, I have taken all of your advice and tried to make the series more entertaining. im now doing it in a walkthrough fashion in which I will be showing off every weapon in the game, excluding magic catalysts. I am also trying to talk in a more entertaining fashion. if you would like to watch you can see the new video here:

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

    Post by twigsterxd Wed May 29, 2013 5:08 pm

    I had to stop after 8 minutes. To me that's not really a walkthru. You kinda sped thru the different classes only reading the descriptions. The messages you blew past them not really explaining very well. Once you got to the 1st mob, it looked like you were messing around, not locking on until the 3rd mob and with the 2nd mob it took you 11 sec to 1H kill him. You should have explained 2H hitting n locking on before you left your cell. When you chose Deprived as your guy, explaining why you chose it and for wut type of build would help.
    Looking at your 2nd video, you went to FL and said you needed 16 str and I forget wut dex but you didn't explain why.
    To me, a walkthru should have explanations of all classes, wut type of builds you could make with each, explain wut your build is going to be and as you adjust your stats, explain wut you adjust 1st and why. Sorry but this seemed like a humour playthru with you fooling around I couldn't watch anymore. It's fine joking around but people may not watch it

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    Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve. Empty Re: Starting a Dark Souls Let's Play and walkthrough and need suggestions on how to improve.

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