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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?


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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Micha369 Tue May 21, 2013 11:30 am

    Hello folks,

    if I get caught in this spell my answer is the task manager. I really admit this here!
    I don't no other answer in the hope that casters of this imo unfair spell will loose their motivation to cast it.

    Do you have a differet solution other than dying?

    Thanks for your help!

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by barrywilkins Tue May 21, 2013 11:35 am

    Don't get caught in it. If you do, its your own fault and deserve what comes.

    Harsh? Yes.

    Some mechanical stuff: Twop is a very easy to dodge spell in any circumstance but spawn ganks (in which case, you aren't going to win unless lag is seriously on your side even without the twop,) It has a cast animation that is very obvious, and takes awhile. It has a duration of roughly 10 seconds, and while its up, the caster will have a ring around their torso indicating that it is there. If there is no way to dodge it due to circumstances of things, simply raise a shield and ride out the storm. Treat the spell with respect, and you'll find that you rarely ever get hit by it anymore.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Micha369 Tue May 21, 2013 11:43 am

    This anxiety of mine comes from my inexperience with this cast! The only encounter is in the woods. And here I already have my good weapon to kill the stone giants easily in time.
    But in pvp I may have reacted in panic! Thanks for your tip!
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue May 21, 2013 12:19 pm

    Once you've seen it more you're gonna be just fine. If you have Wrath of God attuned it's a very fast way to make the caster back up. I used to PvP in the forest a lot and saw this constantly. I've killed a surprising number of players who cast this because they just didn't expect to be blasted to death. Hell, I've even ran toward the caster just to make them think a little bit (that actually works pretty darn well)

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by ICEFANG Tue May 21, 2013 12:27 pm

    If your build uses a weaker shield, then it only lasts 10 seconds and you need to stay out of it, otherwise (and you can quick swap to Crest Shield, which is best overall as usually they will spam WotG on you), you can just back up and back up and back up keeping your shield up and its very difficult for a player to hit you effectively in those 10 seconds.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by LunarFog Tue May 21, 2013 1:08 pm

    Run away. Unless your build is meant specifically to counter this then there won't be much you can do. Artorias/havel shield. Magic shield. Magic barrier. WoG/Force. Those can all save you.
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by User1 Tue May 21, 2013 1:11 pm

    How to answer it?

    Don't even acknowledge it's existance. Pretend the caster just got a nuke in his hand for 10 seconds.

    Problem solved! silly
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Tue May 21, 2013 1:13 pm

    Running is a good option for this since the time it last is thankfully short. If you get caught I got three options depending on the foe. 1: If he is a simple R1 spammer block it with a shield as long as you can. 2: Any AoE or do something to get the guy to back away from you. 3: I don't like this one but if you can r1 spam him and then it is just luck who wins that.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Tue May 21, 2013 1:20 pm

    It usually comes with a backstab so you might try an unlocked pivot-parry when they circle you.Run away if you can before it hits you but once you are stuck in it,parry or mash the attack button.If you hit them as they backstab,you will cancel it and take no damage from it.
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by billy_bayonet Tue May 21, 2013 2:33 pm

    two types of twop casters, those who will cast it and try to bs/stunlock you and thos who will cast magic, now for the first one you cna do a pivot parry to mess up the bs attempt or just setup parry the r1 spam.

    now for the magic cast thats an entirely different story if you have a crest shield as people said ride it out, drop your shiled between the casting to recover stamina just a little quicker it wil be the difference between blocking 3 hits or getting stunned on the 3rd.

    After its effect wears off my advice is to see red, the person who cast this is a skilless sack of bad gamer! so teach them a lesson!

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Elifia Tue May 21, 2013 2:39 pm

    But what if they use dead-angle WotG? How ya gonna defend against that?
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by billy_bayonet Tue May 21, 2013 2:42 pm

    you put the controller down and laugh your *** off at the loser in his parents basement who is sat in his underwear sayin " I AM PRO AT THIS GAME"
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Latitoast Tue May 21, 2013 2:45 pm

    If you're an INT build, Dark Bead his a**.

    If you're a FAI build, WoTG his a**

    IF you're a pyro build, I'd go with maybe Firestorm or Black Flame.

    If you're a pure melee build, try to dead angle him if he's fishing for a backstab or hold up your magic resistant shield to take the spell/sword swings.

    If he goes for melee attacks, then parry him, and show him who's boss.

    EDIT:Or do what Billy said, that seems like a nice solution.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Tue May 21, 2013 3:22 pm

    Elifia wrote:But what if they use dead-angle WotG? How ya gonna defend against that?

    The same way you defend against fire tempest in this situation!

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Nybbles Tue May 21, 2013 3:57 pm

    pull out a great sword, unlock and spam dat R1.

    if they start using dead angle WotG or throwing chaos fire balls…pray

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Seignar Tue May 21, 2013 5:29 pm

    From a semi-experienced Stone Greatsword user (a weapon which is much deadlier than just TWoP since it lacks the start-up and can be looped with itself) and a survivor of TWoP + Dark Bead, I can point out some of the flaws of TWoP:

    1) It has a large start-up even for the Stone Greatsword variant due to lag giving you a half second start before it takes effect. The best way to stop a TWoP is to backstab out of it (and if you're too far to do so, chances are you're also too far to worry about it). In the case of SGS, it is a particularly noticeable weapon, so the biggest tactic is to stay mid-range if they carry the weapon.

    2) WoG immediately makes any TWoP user want to stay away and if they don't, you can at least rest assured that this will halt them.

    3) Similarly, Fire Tempest and all forms of deadly AoE magic deters users.

    4) Crest Shield or the use of Strong Magic Shield are usually the best protection against TWoP in general. It is important to be prepared to deadangle cancel a WoG, no matter how hard that may be.

    5) If the user is going for a backstab (weapon can give it away), it is recommended you pack a good keep-away weapon (a UGS or Curved Sword works) and unlock. Even if they do manage a backstab, you would have most likely chip away at them as well.

    6) TWoP them back!
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Forum Pirate Tue May 21, 2013 7:38 pm

    LunarFog wrote:Run away. Unless your build is meant specifically to counter this then there won't be much you can do. Artorias/havel shield. Magic shield. Magic barrier. WoG/Force. Those can all save you.
    This, against magic.

    You can also parry the bs fishers/r1 spam (its hilarious to kill entire spawn ganks that war, fyi) and if they're not using magic then wog/force will shut them down in a hurry.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by reim0027 Tue May 21, 2013 9:34 pm

    TWoD is hard to run away from when you are 2 or 3 vs 1.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Quarik Tue May 21, 2013 9:44 pm

    If you've got space, run. If you've got poise, stunlock. If you've got a shield, ride it out or parry. If you've got time, apply fire to the unburned areas on their body. If you don't have any of those things, and they're ganking... You're boned. In a 1v2 or 1v3, there's no way you can get around the host to backstab cancel the spell, you often don't have enough time to riposte after parrying, you don't have room to run, and you won't have enough stability to block all of their attacks. I've never had to develop a strategy to counter that, because all the times I've encountered TWoP+Gank have been in the forest, and I went in there with the necessary preparations.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by reim0027 Tue May 21, 2013 9:48 pm

    That's where I encounter it too. Once they trap me with it, I'm pretty much toast.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Quarik Tue May 21, 2013 10:29 pm

    It may not work for you, depending on your preferred weapon, but mine was Murakumo, so stunlocking always worked for me.
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Dibsville Tue May 21, 2013 10:30 pm

    Pull out a Bow and shoot them in the face.
    Interrupt the cast with a backstab.
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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by Marino. Wed May 22, 2013 6:06 am

    I usually do one ot these Three things .

    1. If you're caught in it move Backwards and Block, you cannot be Backstabbed that way unless you have Lag .

    2.When they Attack/Magic Kick 'em, sometimes you get them and one Kick is usually enough for the Twop to run out .

    3. Attack if you have a Weapon with High Poise Damage, Twop makes you slow, not unable to Attack .

    Oh, and if they attempt a Dead Angle WoG just turn around and block .

    If it's a 2Vs1 you should regret not buying a coffin .


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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed May 22, 2013 6:10 am

    Run or Try and get your back to a wall so no bs and spam combustion like mad and pray they don't have decent magic with them.

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    how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp? Empty Re: how to answer "Tranquil walk of peace" in pvp?

    Post by reim0027 Wed May 22, 2013 9:22 am

    Unfortunately, about the only time I get TWoDed is in the Forest with a 2 or 3v1.

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