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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.


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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet. - Page 2 Empty Re: Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.

    Post by SirArchmage Thu May 30, 2013 11:16 am

    @passivefamiliar There are beliefs that the Xbox is not attempting to compete with Sony so much as compete with Apple over the control of your living room. It would make sense if that was the focus of their direction, as many of their features have contradicted what a gamer would want, and even when their features could have been well used by gamers, they ignored the possibilities. They will talk more of the game aspect of it at E3 though.

    @Tehdoomgrasp It was first thought the PS4 would have 2 DRM, so Xbox thought they were winning in that department, saying their system is better. Then they made it 4 DRM. Then 6. And it may go up to 8 soon.

    @Skarekrow13 Used games will essentially be deleted from existence within the next few years. From a game developers point of view it is just plain smarter and cheaper. I think the era of used games is finished, especially with more and more games being downloaded rather then bought off a disc.
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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet. - Page 2 Empty Re: Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.

    Post by Encore Thu May 30, 2013 12:11 pm

    What is DRM?
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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet. - Page 2 Empty Re: Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 30, 2013 12:17 pm

    Digital Rights Management (I think).....essentially it's digital licensing that attaches to the "ownership" of a game to specific accounts or the like. I can give an example with my Soul Sacrifice online pass from earlier.

    I have a physical copy of the game. Anyone can put that in their PS Vita and play the game, no questions asked. However, prior to going online, the game is going to check the player's account to see if they own an online pass. Without that license, it won't allow you to play online, diminishing the value of the game to force people to pay Capcom/Sony ten dollars to get the full range of the game. It's a way of still making money on the game even if I sold it secondhand or let someone borrow my copy.

    The controversy Microsoft has gone into headlong (Sony is actually possibly doing the same thing, they're just better at PR) is an attempt to take it a step further where you'd have to purchase a license for any of the game to be playable secondhand

    EDIT: To be fair, purchasing digital versions of games is already using DRM. It can be downloaded to multiple systems but only by the account that purchased it. All Microsoft has suggested is the same thing to physical copies of games.
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    Chosen Undead

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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet. - Page 2 Empty Re: Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.

    Post by Encore Thu May 30, 2013 12:35 pm

    Think Sony is going to do it... I mean it´s not really super duper bad... At least Xbox One do other bad thing too.

    I hope they´ll limit the DRM because the backlash Microsoft had.

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    Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet. - Page 2 Empty Re: Xbox One = Abyss in my wallet.

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