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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Toaster Oven

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by Toaster Oven Wed May 29, 2013 12:23 pm

    I'm an SL 64 on Xbox and I really need 99 cracked red eye orbs. I have a titanite slab I can trade for them.

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by Anibux Thu May 30, 2013 9:33 am

    If you were to have a red soap stone I could help you out, but I do not believe that a single titanite slab is worth nearly 300,000 souls. I would be more willing to trade you some in the range of 20 to 30 red eyes

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by abmoner Fri May 31, 2013 2:27 pm

    I think its fair. Only 3 possible slabs per play through and souls are easier to get.

    Let me check some of my DW toons to see if I have that much. What's your gt?

    Gt abmoner
    Toaster Oven

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by Toaster Oven Fri May 31, 2013 3:42 pm

    abmoner wrote:I think its fair. Only 3 possible slabs per play through and souls are easier to get.

    Let me check some of my DW toons to see if I have that much. What's your gt?

    Gt abmoner

    I agree. People spend hours farming for slabs without turning up anything. 20-30 orbs is less than 100k souls, which anyone can make after a few PvP fights.

    I'll message you on Xbox Live btw.

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by jimmyc0341 Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:47 am

    If you still need the orbs let me know but please have the rss. My invader trader toon is sl120 and it makes it easier if the person has an rss
    Toaster Oven

    Posts : 3
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    Join date : 2013-05-29

    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

    Post by Toaster Oven Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:57 am

    Jimmy I've got RSS but since its late where I am we can make the trade tomorrow.

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    [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs Empty Re: [Xbox 360, SL 64] Willing to trade a titanite slab for 99 cracked red eye orbs

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