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3 posters

    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140


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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by domesplitter13 Wed May 29, 2013 10:46 pm

    So i need to kick the rust off for the upcoming tourny. Planning on hanging out in the forest hosting invasions. Anyone want to join up and trade off invadors...punish the violators of the code??

    Mic is nessasary. I'll be sl 140 in light of the tourny, but i do have a 124.

    I'll be on about 8:30-9pm pst. First come first serve...backups are a plus.

    gt: domesplitter13

    Posts : 263
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    Join date : 2013-05-28

    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by Bontee Thu May 30, 2013 12:00 am

    I might be able to tomorrow, I'll message you then big grin

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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by domesplitter13 Thu May 30, 2013 12:19 am

    cool buddy.

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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by domesplitter13 Thu May 30, 2013 9:30 pm

    on tonight if anyone is down.

    just bring a joke with ya.

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    Age : 31
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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by KrazykevS10 Thu May 30, 2013 11:54 pm

    I'm pretty sure ganking is generally looked down on here.Not saying anything against you,just pointing it out.And between you,me and anyone reading this,some of the catbros do deserve it.

    Posts : 137
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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by domesplitter13 Fri May 31, 2013 1:07 am

    a lot of things I do is looked down upon but I don't even flinch. unfortunately for you ganking is not one of them

    Anyways, I'm willing to wager your dks skills are as good as your comprehension skills. reread and eat a foot whiner. (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 1985502568

    ps, i wish i was as nice as you...but i'm not. you know, upbringing and all.

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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri May 31, 2013 1:28 am

    Very nice,I make a simple statement and go out of my way to express that there is no negative sentiment involved and you get confrontational.If I misunderstood the meaning of this thread,it is because of your apparent lack of comunication skills.I suggest you learn to write correctly,I will not be back as the last thing this forum needs is another flame war.

    Posts : 137
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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

    Post by domesplitter13 Fri May 31, 2013 8:29 pm

    domesplitter13 wrote:So i need to kick the rust off for the upcoming tourny. Planning on hanging out in the forest hosting invasions. Anyone want to join up and trade off invadors...punish the violators of the code??

    Mic is nessasary. I'll be sl 140 in light of the tourny, but i do have a 124.

    I'll be on about 8:30-9pm pst. First come first serve...backups are a plus.

    gt: domesplitter13

    Ya, my bad. lol.

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    (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy.  sl 140 Empty Re: (xbox)Gonna chill in the forest, host some pvp...lookin for a buddy. sl 140

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