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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives


    What would make dual-wielding better?

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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by SadPanda Fri May 31, 2013 1:02 pm

    With the gameplay reveal still bringing up new topics 2 months after, I think it's time we talk about dual-wielding and how it will be enhanced.

    Since dual-wielding has always been seen as more of a dexterous style that incorporates the combination of rapid/fluid swings and the ability the deal out more damage in a small amount of time. I think that this should be the case since having the same incentive with greatswords would be ridiculous.

    A game I believe which captures dual-wielding in perfection is Dragon's Dogma. If you haven't played it, the daggers are an EXTREMELY fast and fluid weapon, even on par with the larger greatswords and maces. The daggers also allow for different augments and skills, one including faster speed, flurries of swings, and very fast far-reaching sprint attacks.

    I believe that with an ideal moveset like this that dual wielding would be greatly improved. If your only weapons are two daggers, you need some sort of a handicap or an incentive to use two small, low damage weapons. One thing I would want incorporated with this is a baseball slide if you roll from a sprint. Or a aprint attack that can be used as a very quick hit and run type method.

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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by Myztyrio Fri May 31, 2013 2:08 pm

    All of the above. The way power increases in DkS should continue, but also allow for more variety.

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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by Rayko Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:33 pm

    I suppose people like animation sets Dual Wielding and it's Incentives 3358384175
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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:53 pm

    Hows about all 3?

    I mean there needs to be a proper incentive to dual wield.. but to make the ones like faster swings and diverse movesets work they'll have to do a lot of work.. after all people will wanna dual wield different weapons, not just 2 axes or swords.

    I know i for one would really appreciate sword and spear moveset, would be easy to do, just steal the soulcalibur moveset of that character on IV silly

    I guess if i had to vote for one it would be faster swings though- that's what would give you the edge in PvP. Being able to dodge and attack before the opponent has time to dodge is the core of PvP, faster swings would be te most useful thing
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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by RANT Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:07 pm

    Those bearded axes better parry otherwise I'm not gonna dual wield much.

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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by darkrisen Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:24 pm

    All i can think is that my parry dagger build will be more viable now. (it worked decent in demon souls, but got pretty broke in dark souls.) It's a nice touch but because of the game design not having a shield to block heavy damage (and sometimes undodgable) would be way to much of a trade-off for some extra attack power.

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    Dual Wielding and it's Incentives Empty Re: Dual Wielding and it's Incentives

    Post by SadPanda Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:54 pm

    So after watching a clip from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon posted by Animaaal, I noticed a weapon that I haven't seen since Deadliest Warrior went off the air. The thing I noticed were dual-hooks. Essential just two hooks as the name implies, both razor sharp around and inside the curves. But you can put the hooks together and have a fearsome swinging weapon. Since we know that Dark Souls 2 will have "power stances" with dual-wielded weapons, I wonder if we will see anything like this.

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