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    influx of new players

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    Post by billy_bayonet Fri May 31, 2013 6:36 pm

    i made a level 15 toon for invading in the parish, using plus 5 weapons, with the goal of giving players a taste of how invasions change the game without being So OP you ruin the experience.

    alot of newer players not knowing how the game works have thrown accusations of me being a cheater one guy said "Hakkor you broke my estus you suck at this game go die" i messaged him and said "google lloyd's talismans" he never replied.

    What i'd like to know from you guys do you think i am being a griefer or helping these people get used to the PVP side of things against a person who's weapons are just as good as there own and have a fighting chance against me honest opinions please

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    Post by CephGabriel Fri May 31, 2013 6:42 pm

    I got a message accusing me of hacking when I riposted someone.. did they not know what parrying was?

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    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri May 31, 2013 6:47 pm

    I'd say it's griefing.I'd wait until at least lower blighttown to invade as by then they will know how to summon and been invaded by Kirk and Mildred.My opinion isn't too valid on this subject though as I invade in Sen's which some people think is griefing.On the up side,I do get to kill a lot of NG+ players.

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    Post by Ghadis_God Fri May 31, 2013 6:48 pm

    I never get hatemail from using +5 in the parish, most players seem relieved to have a bit of a chance rather than being one-shotted by maxed pyro and Chaos+5 weapons. The fact that I wear a dress, Xanthous helm, and dual wield Claws is probably a part of it.

    Last edited by Ghadis_God on Fri May 31, 2013 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by billy_bayonet Fri May 31, 2013 6:49 pm

    Hmm see i was of a similar mind but you'd be surprised how many people i have reinvaded and they have clued up to how lloyds works, or compensated for lag.

    For every invasion i take up thats one less twink one shotting people with Ele weapons
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    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 31, 2013 6:50 pm

    In my opinion it's not griefing if you're invading with legit gear. It's not your fault they're crap at the game
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    Post by billy_bayonet Fri May 31, 2013 6:53 pm

    Thats not what im asking, im invading for the sole purpose of letting them get used to PVP so when a twink invades they at least know how to deal with it!?
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    Post by skarekrow13 Fri May 31, 2013 6:59 pm

    Billy, you're good. Seriously, the game is designed for players to mess with each other. You're giving a better chance to learn than a lot of invaders

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    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri May 31, 2013 7:00 pm

    I didn't read that you only use 5+ weapons.It's unfair because you are better than them but I don't see that as a reason not to invade.I have a question on this subject,is it griefing if I invade in the same place WITH elementals but no intent of killing the host with them? I'm thinking of making a troll build to poison them with dung pies and run off cackling like a madman.
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    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 31, 2013 7:01 pm

    billy_bayonet wrote:Thats not what im asking, im invading for the sole purpose of letting them get used to PVP so when a twink invades they at least know how to deal with it!?

    Well every pvp experience is helpful, even being griefed gives you experience and helps you learn...

    plus you asked if what you were doing is griefing :razz:

    I think you are helping them more than fighting griefers would do, for certain.

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    Post by wretchedsausage Fri May 31, 2013 7:01 pm

    Billy, I think that what you're doing is great. I think that giving new players a taste of what invasions and PVP are like early in the game helps to prepare them for later. Whilst I can understand why some people may think it is griefing, you seem to be doing it with the best of intentions, and that is commendable, and perfectly reasonable.
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    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri May 31, 2013 7:03 pm

    You are helping them billy. Beat them to teach them. It will help them even if they do get the butts handed to them and whine about losing.
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    Post by Dibsville Fri May 31, 2013 7:04 pm

    In my opinion, there are two types of griefing, one neutral and one bad.

    By my definition, griefing is invading a lower level or new player with items not able to be obtained at that time by the "regular player".

    The bad griefing is the obvious one, having stronger weapons, good armour, etc.

    The neutral griefing is when you make it fair to the other player. You try to give them the advantage, or try to fight them on even grounds. Such as only using +5 weapons or below in the Parish, where people normally have no embers at the time.

    While I'd consider it griefing, it's DEFINITELY not bad in any way, and is actually probably helpful to the newer players.

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    Post by twigsterxd Fri May 31, 2013 8:48 pm

    billy if you're using reg. +5 weapons upgraded with 9 reg. titanite than no I wouldn't call you a griefer. Kev, if you invade with an elemental type weapon, you could be called a griefer even tho you're not using your weapon unless you have too, but if your armour is maxed out I can see where you could be called one.
    Also, billy your armour as well. If your armour is not starter armour it could be mis-construed by the host as you being a griefer or hacker if they have read the wiki and know your armour is available later on in the game. If the guy was noob, he may not know that people can actually beat the game at your level or lower. Making him think you're hacking. But I still don't think you're griefing.
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    Post by Animaaal Fri May 31, 2013 9:29 pm

    billy_bayonet wrote:...i made a level 15 toon for invading in the parish, using plus 5 weapons, with the goal of giving players a taste of how invasions change the game without being So OP you ruin the experience...

    I love your chivalry. You're my kinda people... big hug

    billy_bayonet wrote:Thats not what im asking, im invading for the sole purpose of letting them get used to PVP so when a twink invades they at least know how to deal with it!?

    Sadly no. How do you prepare for a "One Shot Plus Fifteen Gear I Used The Mule So %$#@ You And Your Game" build when you are new to the game, or are NOT a pvp pro????...answer = you can't.

    HOWEVER, you're still doing them a great service. They don't realize how honored they should be to be invaded by someone with your frame of mind. You may not be helping with deal with a twink/mule, but you are helping them deal with a skilled player. Which imo, is the best lesson anyway. Point Forward

    wretchedsausage wrote:...Billy, I think that what you're doing is great...

    Just needed resaid.

    In end, I’ve been doing phantom work like crazy in the Parish past few days, got maybe 100 multi-victories???

    I haven’t used the mule and am making all my characters from scratch. I now have my fire, chaos, and very large embers and can make anything I want…but I won’t do it for invading there even though I got it all legit.

    With that said, the “mule invaders” are there in droves. I have seen dozens of them so far. You are the exact opposite of them and their trollkind.

    Keep up the good work billy. Bow

    +1 sir

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    Post by reim0027 Fri May 31, 2013 10:58 pm

    Wait. Did I hear you right? The Darkstalker leader wondering about the morality of invading? Invade with legit and location-appropriate gear. This is part of the game. About the only thing I would do is to offer help to someone who is clearly having problems with the game (as in a white phantom). I've made quite a few friends by killing them and then helping them.

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    Post by BrotherBob Fri May 31, 2013 11:03 pm

    Let me just ring in with what I usually do with my SL25 char. When I actually invade someone around my level (happens about 30%) and it's clear that they haven't the slightest clue of how to PvP, I keep my fully upped gear equipped. I pull out a Broken Straight Sword and PvP as I normally would. I think that with this approach, they get a taste of PvP in a more forgiving way.

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    Post by Elifia Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:58 am

    I have this SL9 Balder cosplay with which I invade in Parish. I have fully upgraded armour and shield and 99 humanity, but I wear the calamity ring. I have a whole range of weapons: BSS+0, BSS+5, BSS+15, Lightning BSS+5. I also have 2 pyromancy flames, 1 of them not upgraded at all and the other ascended and fully upgraded. I carry 1x Black Flame and 1x Fire Surge.

    Basically, when I invade I pick whatever weapon and pyro flame best matches their stuff. Usually I go for the BSS+0 and no pyro at all. If they have phantoms though I'll quickly dispatch of those phantoms with the ascended pyro flame.

    What usually happens is that I keep hitting them for roughly 30 damage lol! while they hardly ever hit me at all. Eventually they'll start using estus, at which point I backstab them for just short of 200 damage. When I get bored of their estus chugging I'll pull out the BSS+5, which kills them a whole lot quicker.

    I think doing it like this is very fair. I'm often weaker than they are if they picked up the Drake Sword, Black Knight Sword or Astora Straight Sword, or if they actually took the time to upgrade their weapon. I'm just giving them a taste of PvP, that's all.
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    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:10 am

    i decided im going to make a video of this, called The Parish Ninja as thats the gear im using, Shadow mask no chest piece Brigand Boots and Black leather Gauntlets with East west shield +5uchi +5 estoc +5 offhand scimitar

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    Post by wretchedsausage Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:51 am

    billy_bayonet wrote:i decided im going to make a video of this, called The Parish Ninja as thats the gear im using, Shadow mask no chest piece Brigand Boots and Black leather Gauntlets with East west shield +5uchi +5 estoc +5 offhand scimitar

    and where would one be able to access such a video, if one were so inclined?
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    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:09 am

    my youtube channel
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    Post by Zero LeStrange Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:20 am

    Stealing your idea Billy. Gotta have someone do it on Xbox anyway right?
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    Post by GrinTwist Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:23 pm

    I do it too every once and a while. I would say that as long as the gear isn't OP you're fine with what you are doing.

    Maybe, send them a message after the duel telling them what they did wrong if they really got into the fight. Who knows this might be the best way to introduce PVP to the new players.

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    Post by WaffleGuy Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:25 pm

    Even +10 weapons like straight swords etc. are probably not even the same AR as the Drake Sword. You're not a griefer, as you don't charge at them with unbeatable end-game equipment.

    I do the same thing however and I get a furystorm of hate-messages telling me I'm a hacker, a griefer or just a huge ****. I take my time to explain why I'm using fair equipment, I didn't attack first and that they're partially to blame for letting me invade. The latter makes people go berserk sometimes. Just be ready for ignorant people pointing fingers at anyone but themselves.

    Though, from time to time you'll see honorable and friendly people who apriciate a fair duel. When the host doesn't go swing-happy at first sight and takes the time to wait for me, I gave them useful items. :razz:

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    Post by reim0027 Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:47 pm

    Also, be prepared for phantoms to have elemental weapons, and the semi-frequent invading people with a much higher SL (depending on when you pvp).

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