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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood?


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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Hart Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:24 am

    Note: Not sure if this is a suitable thread for this section, but it seemed like it fit to me.
    I'm sure Mr. Mod Trainee will be kind enough to move this to the correct section if I'm wrong though...

    Anyway, on to the topic...
    How ready do you think the forum is for the influx of new players when DkS2 drops next year?
    It's quite clear that the regulars here are a tight-knit group; even the guys that troll with smart a$$ posts are known to be such, kinda like the Uncle Festers of our forum family.
    With DkS2 supposedly being a AAA game, and with all the effort From is going to to advertise it and bring it to the mainstream medias attention, I think its a fair assumption that when the game is released we will get a big increase in membership.

    Now, there seems to be a good few people on here who, while not what I'd call 'overly-sensitive', are definately not as thick-skinned as those of us who frequent other places on the net (gamefaqs, 4chan, well... can't actually think of anywhere worse than 4chan outside of the DeepWeb but you get my point).
    IF, when the time comes we do get new members from these sort of places--the chances of which are pretty good IMO--there will undoubtedly be people thinking they can bring that attitude here. Sure, if there were few enough people like this they could just be warned/banned.
    But AFAIK, this IS the go-to forum for Dark Souls. I don't have any basis for that idea save my own experience, but even before I officially joined this site I was constantly being redirected here (or to the attached wiki) when googling specific things about the game. This leads me to think that IF the sequel does indeed turn into a smash-hit "z0mg DkS2 is faboo" sort of thing, that we WILL get new members from sites like those above, and more importantly get them in good numbers.

    So I'm interested to hear your guys opinions about whether this will be the case, how you personally will act, and how we as a forum should react if it is.

    (Bearing in mind that this thread is just a way to express any opinions/worries about the topic, not a place to demand things from the admins/mods. I'm sure if we all share in an opinion, and that its reasonable and well thought out the staff here will at the very least give it some thought na'a'mean)
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:47 am

    I look forward to new blood.

    Obviously some people will need to be straightened out but I think we as a whole will be able to cope with the new guys coming in. This place needs more people so it can thrive properly, honestly we really just need some new members and a new game for us to play.

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by reim0027 Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:39 pm

    I'm sure we'll get new blood and I look forward to it. Not everyone will fit in with this forum, and they'll be weeded out. It'll take some time to restore balance, but it will happen.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:41 pm

    Everyone when they came here was new, and a lot of use turned out great, let's think on the positive side about all the new people coming. happy

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:10 pm

    Everyone when they came here was new, and a lot of use turned out great, let's think on the positive side about all the new people coming. happy

    I am a masterful debater.

    Therefore I will masterfully debate with the new members. Not forcefully of course, only if they also find pleasure in such activity.
    Soul of Stray Demon
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:48 pm

    We must scare them away, with stories of monsters and demons.


    Seriously though, I was new once, I ended up ok. (Insert crazy face here)
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Rynn Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:49 pm

    Kill them with kindness.
    Or join them if failing.
    We would be foolish to think our community will not change, but we would not be foolish to resist such changes in a reasonable manner.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:52 pm

    Nothing will change too much, there will be lurkers, prolific posters, lore hunters, stat enthusiasts and of course the couple bad eggs that need a bit of tough love to keep their posting in the rules, but i can't wait- I'd love them to come sooner rather than later

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by twigsterxd Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:08 pm

    All I can say hart is that I know Fex and E are hard at work getting things ready for launch. I'm sure we can handle it. Don't forget, the forum has about 6,000 members or more at this moment. I wasn't here at the start of Dks or this forum but I'm sure we can handle it. If it gets too busy, I'm sure the bosses have plans in place to have their other mods back here more often.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Marino. Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:28 pm

    I don't really know tbh, i don't think much will change for me, there will be a lot more Threads and i'll provide my mustard to it if i feel like it/am able to .

    Now about those people from 4chan, yeah, we probably get a few of those.
    But if they won't behave and call everyone who doesn't agree with them a bundle of sticks then they will be banned anyway and sh!tpost /v/ instead .

    As long as we have good moderation everything will be fine i guess .
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:17 am

    So what you're saying is everything's gonna be hunky dory? winking
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Marino. Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:13 am

    Yeah, what could possibly go wrong ?

    Sure, we're going to have the same old "morality in PVP" and "X and Y are cheap" and "k*** backstabs" discussions but that's pretty much inevitable and a little fisticuffs between some people can't hurt .

    Personally i look forward to it since i kind of missed the last time biggrin 
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:19 am

    lol, trust me you will be glad you missed honour wars part 1 here, it was horrendous silly

    I want to see the new age Glyphblades come to the fore, lore hunters are fun people to have around
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by The Letter X Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:28 am

    I'm eeady for the spike in PvP'ers. They should be easy to... uh, teach.

    Yeah let's go with that.

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:04 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:lol, trust me you will be glad you missed honour wars part 1 here, it was horrendous silly

    I want to see the new age Glyphblades come to the fore, lore hunters are fun people to have around
    I missed the honor wars too! I would have had a field day!

    I'm sure DS II will provide the opportunity as well, however.

    However, forums seem to develop a culture of sorts; people on different sides of divisive spectrums often simply wind up in different places over time. Never entirely, but bulks of populations.

    This community is still pretty small (coming over from places like civfanatics and whatnot), and at least has the benefit of still being able to decide which way it wants to encourage its culture to go.

    Then again, sometimes the game itself throws a fine wrench into the best laid plans! Some of our regulars might find themselves on different sides of a fence. This definitely happened with Civ V for example, and that created a rift that exists to this day (vanilla was really, really bad in the objective functionality sense with broken MP connectivity and a range of bugs/gameplay issues, and on top of that the community was split on design choices, which is more subjective). I truly hope From lives up to expectations on Dark Souls II, lest we have a real firestorm here, and not even from probably-attractive-despite-age women in dark clothing, either. The bad kind.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:39 pm

    I tend to believe that the majority of people are kind and caring, and won't try to mess with the forum negatively. Sure, there will be a few bad eggs, but for the most part, all the new blood could just offer more insight and create new discussions. It's a good thing.

    Unless of course, with Dark Souls 2 being a triple A game, lots of new forums are created for it, and drive away people from here. (And I know quite a few games that have multiple big forums about them, so it's always a possibility.)
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:47 pm

    Nah, we're about twice the size of the next biggest forum. I think we're good silly
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:55 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Nah, we're about twice the size of the next biggest forum. I think we're good silly
    Still quite possible. You can never know the preference of the newcomers. We may have to give up some of what we already know, in order to fit more with everyone.

    When lots of posts were being made, and people couldn't post without 3 other comments already being posted made some users upset, imagine what it would be like if we tripled in size. I for one think it may be quite annoying.

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:58 pm

    That was only ever a problem when the posts were utter spam between a few select people. If its with a lot of people chipping in on an on topic thread I don't think anyone will mind.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:03 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:That was only ever a problem when the posts were utter spam between a few select people. If its with a lot of people chipping in on an on topic thread I don't think anyone will mind.
    But even then, I thought the main problem wasn't that a small group of people were having a conversation on a forum, but more so the speed of said conversation.

    And instead of having the more laid-back way we have the forum, I'm worried that all the new people will make it extremely fast paced, and harder to keep up with. I really like the easy-going but not slow pace of this forum.

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:28 pm

    I think you're worrying too much about that. Those things tend to sort themselves out. Maybe there will wind up being new subforums here to accommodate extra traffic, or simply the preferences of those who want to keep up more of a certain kind of discussion.

    Look at the League of Legends forum for example; general discussion there moves at an absolutely absurd pace, though the rate of people coming and going from the game causes tons of repeat topics to be generated and argued. More experienced players simply hang out in strategy or one of the other subforum threads instead of general discussion, and everyone there gets what they're looking for in terms of discussion.

    The mods here have shown themselves to be adaptive, and the current size advantage this forum has only makes it more likely that it will hold its lead. Just don't choke big grin.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:30 pm

    Well you weren't here for it, but as the most popular forum, at one point you had 3-4 people posting replies to a thread intending to be first and threads which exploded in the space of 5-10mins. It's just you newer members who've never dealt with that. The old guard are more than used to it

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:41 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Well you weren't here for it, but as the most popular forum, at one point you had 3-4 people posting replies to a thread intending to be first and threads which exploded in the space of 5-10mins. It's just you newer members who've never dealt with that. The old guard are more than used to it
    Hmm.  I think anybody's who's been on LoL general discussion at certain times of day has "dealt with that".  You could/can post a reply there on general discussion and have it off the first page within 5 minutes.

    This community has grown a lot and I don't want to make light of the accomplishments of this forum, but becomming a giant #'s game with spam flooding is not one of those accomplishments relative to other game forums happy.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:49 pm

    TheMeInTeam wrote:
    Serious_Much wrote:Well you weren't here for it, but as the most popular forum, at one point you had 3-4 people posting replies to a thread intending to be first and threads which exploded in the space of 5-10mins. It's just you newer members who've never dealt with that. The old guard are more than used to it
    Hmm.  I think anybody's who's been on LoL general discussion at certain times of day has "dealt with that".  You could/can post a reply there on general discussion and have it off the first page within 5 minutes.

    This community has grown a lot and I don't want to make light of the accomplishments of this forum, but becomming a giant #'s game with spam flooding is not one of those accomplishments relative to other game forums happy.
    I do believe he was talking to me about that.

    And by the way, after talking to Dibs... He showed me some of the threads from the past days. Ridiculous.
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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:03 pm

    New people are just people. they can be good or bad. we'll see how it goes. incidentally seeing as I got onto the forums via the link on the wiki, I noticed new members are banned from joining, whats with that 0.o

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    Prepared for the influx of new blood? Empty Re: Prepared for the influx of new blood?

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