I saw this was on sale for 75% off on Steam the other day, so I decided to grab a copy. It's like Left 4 Dead, but harder and a bit more strategic. The weapons feel quite satisfying, and it looks great for a $20 indie game. The animations on player characters are a little (very) clunky, but that's a minor complaint. There are loads of unlockables, but power doesn't really increase significantly, so at no point are you really "OP". The enemy AI is great from what I've seen, and your team AI is great in fights, but can't do objectives, unfortunately. Even so, soloing the missions is possible, and even on normal provides a pretty great challenge (or maybe I'm just bad).
Anyone else have this and, if so, would you be up for a heist at some point?
Anyone else have this and, if so, would you be up for a heist at some point?
Last edited by Quarik on Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total