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Jim Jam 94
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    Not for the new Consoles

    Jim Jam 94

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Not for the new Consoles

    Post by Jim Jam 94 Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:13 pm

    Am I the only one annoyed with this? Considering the new consoles wont be backwards compatible and will be out in November and Dark Souls 2 around October (presumably)

    Surely this will also hurt sales because people will be buying the New consoles and wont be able to play the game?

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by eminusx Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:35 pm

    I know where youre coming from, but I wouldnt be surprised if they did eventually release on the new consoles, likely 5 or 6 months after DS2

    up to now, i'm sure they'll have had their orders to keep any such info under wraps due to the big reveals coming up etc

    Personally, I'm indifferent if its on this or next gen, if its on a par with DS then nothing else will matter.
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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:39 pm

    It'll get ported onto next gen.

    The fact it hasnt been announce yet is actually to the contrary of what you're saying.

    If they announced it for new consoles now, it would actually HURT sales because people would hold out for its release on PS4

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by steveswede Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:46 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:It'll get ported onto next gen.

    The fact it hasnt been announce yet is actually to the contrary of what you're saying.

    If they announced it for new consoles now, it would actually HURT sales because people would hold out for its release on PS4

    Yes from a business standpoint this would be the smart move to do. +1

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by lonewolf Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:39 pm

    pc ftw

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by twigsterxd Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:00 am

    Serious_Much wrote:It'll get ported onto next gen.

    The fact it hasnt been announce yet is actually to the contrary of what you're saying.

    If they announced it for new consoles now, it would actually HURT sales because people would hold out for its release on PS4
    Exactly. If they want to make any money they would keep it a secret if they were to do it. +1 from me bro

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by tofucactaur Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:21 am

    I would guess they will release on both consoles. Now that it looks like the game is coming out in March, I would not be surprised if they dropped at the same time. I think you will find allot of games will come out on both consoles for the first year or so that the PS4 is out. The market for the PS3 will still be larger than the market for the PS4 for a probably at least a year after the PS4 drops.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:26 am

    First on the current consoles and the release it for the next gen consoles. Serious has the best view of the issue from a business standpoint.

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    Not for the new Consoles Empty Re: Not for the new Consoles

    Post by Myztyrio Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:01 am

    Yeah my guess is that they'll have all ps3 releases within a few months of the ps4 release backwards compatible, so this includes DkS2.
    I do believe they did the same from ps2-->ps3(for a few months' worth)

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