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    Manticore and consoles


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    Manticore and consoles Empty Manticore and consoles

    Post by NedroidPrime Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:55 pm

    I was just thinking about it, and we all know the occasional slowdowns that happen in DkS on the consoles. True not everyone noticed it, but it is there. We also know that From previously stated there would be no DLC at all, and now Prepare To Die appears...

    The video that has been released shows the battle with the Manticore taking place in water, with lots of movement and splash effects. What if this content added for PC was what was left on the cutting room floor due to performance issues on the consoles? This would mean that we will likely never see this content on current systems due to hardware limitations...

    I don't like the idea, but it certainly makes sense... Thoughts?
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    Manticore and consoles Empty Re: Manticore and consoles

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:03 pm

    I don't like it either, but in the same way it doesn't make sense. Consoles would 100% be able to handle it.

    I think that frankly you're just worrying about and issue that's gonna get resolved by consoles getting the content, just a little later than the PC edition is released.

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    Manticore and consoles Empty Re: Manticore and consoles

    Post by NedroidPrime Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:09 pm

    I don't know if the consoles can, given the slowdowns that already exist in the game. I mean, the manticore was teased before, and then cut for a reason. This is the one I came up with.

    Also, from what I have heard, DLC requires special code on the disc, and since From previously stated that they had no DLC planned, it would be safe to assume they didn't include the code. I believe it just comes down to the limits of existing hardware. PC gets the deleted content because any limitations can be addressed or patched easily.

    I was thinking that maybe there will be a GoTY edition with some bonus content for consoles. I'm sure if they removed the water from the area it would run well on consoles, but I'm doubting it will happen. On my PS3, if there are a bunch of particle effects happening along with the action, there is a noticeable drop in FPS. I don't think From would develop any additional content, as interviews with the producer seem to indicate he would prefer to work on the next game.
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    Manticore and consoles Empty Re: Manticore and consoles

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:15 pm

    Do you know how they've created all the content for the PC? All they're doing is porting the Xbox version onto PC. If it couldn't run on the xbox then it wouldn't have been developed at all, as all they're doing is developing based on usage for consoles and just doing a direct port.

    All they need to do is release the content, they're simply waiting to announce it for Consoles as it would detract from PC version sales, at least thats why I think they havent said anything about consoles yet. They might have no intention to release it.

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    Manticore and consoles Empty Re: Manticore and consoles

    Post by NedroidPrime Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:22 pm

    They would have developed it with the 360/PS3 in mind for limitations (hence the content being cut). From what I understand, converting from PS3 to 360 is much harder than 360-PC. The move to PC removes the limitations on performance from the consoles.

    Prepare To Die is an opportunity to get additional sales with deleted content that requires minimal development time. Perfect if you are working on a new game, it would only require a couple of coders. The most dev time would be adding the ability to scale graphics on the PC, which they likely already put together during the original development for testing.

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