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    How do I improve?


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    How do I improve? Empty How do I improve?

    Post by wretchedsausage Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:54 am

    I'm looking for a bit of guidance as to what I should do to help improve my PvP skills. Should I practice specific techniques(BSing, parrying, dead angles, etc.), PvP in certain areas, learn more about game mechanics, or just fight a lot of people? Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for an instant jump in my skill, merely guidance as to how I should be getting better.

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by twigsterxd Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:10 am

    My only advice is to invade more bro lol. I need to learn how to get better cause I suck at pvp. The guys told me to start invading big grin
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    Post by Encore Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:13 am

    Invade and try out new styles.

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by Odinbear Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:21 am

    Practice, practice , practice. Get the RSS and do some dueling. ( u will be summoned only to be beat down by 3v1). But don't let that dampen spirits(some folks find fun in a mindless beat down because they cannot compete 1v1).

    I've not done this, but if you have a friend, summon via RSS and practice using low damage weapons/fists. Good way to practice parrys.

    Invading is fun too, but it's not always a duel and my mindset is totally different when I invade, Vrs the RSS.
    Bottom line, is practice. PVE is predictable move sets, while PVP is unpredictable move sets.

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by Odinbear Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:23 am

    Depending on your soul level, there are quite a few spots to lay your RSS and get summoned quickly. Oocalile township is one if your 55-100

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by WaffleGuy Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:31 am

    For me, I used to completely suck at PVP. I lost to every invader because I got nervous. I started doing low-level co-op with upgraded gear stand-by if someone should invade. From time to time, I had battles with invaders. It's much easier if you have nothing to lose yourself.

    The one thing I really lacked and was scared of were parries. First, I learned how to parry small enemies. Later I practised on Havel and Black Knights while doing co-op again. But parries on PVE are different from PVP.

    So what I did was low level invasions. I used unupgraded equipment against beginning players, so the fights would last longer. The thing is, a lot of players aren't prepared for invaders or just can't handle themselves (yet) in a real fight. So it's a good practise for trying out weapons, tactics and parries.
    One tip I can give you is (with fast weapons as straightswords, curved swords, etc. is this:
    1) Block first hit
    2) When they hit you, immediatly press parry
    3) Enjoy le riposte

    You'll learn the timing of weapons this way. It's especially nice fighting people with hammers/axes because they're slower. They can be more punishing though! :razz:

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    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:17 am

    I'll admit I suck at invading and PVP. I'm about a 50/50 win-lose. My main problem is because I always seem to forget to use the arsenal I have prepared. My greatest wins come from mixing things up; throw a spell followed up with a dagger/melee attack etc; try and get some combos in.
    Saying that though I did a lot of invasions this weekend with my SL10 and the red eye orb. I had some great fights 1v1, 2v1 and 3v1. The only problem at low level with 3v1 is that the phantoms charge in and gank you so you need to prepare your ground too

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    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:19 am

    WaffleGuy wrote:
    So what I did was low level invasions. I used unupgraded equipment against beginning players, so the fights would last longer. The thing is, a lot of players aren't prepared for invaders or just can't handle themselves (yet) in a real fight. So it's a good practise for trying out weapons, tactics and parries.
    One tip I can give you is (with fast weapons as straightswords, curved swords, etc. is this:
    1) Block first hit
    2) When they hit you, immediatly press parry
    3) Enjoy le riposte

    You'll learn the timing of weapons this way. It's especially nice fighting people with hammers/axes because they're slower. They can be more punishing though! How do I improve? 2640184516

    Oooooo good tip! +1 for this
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    Post by ublug Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:55 am

    As others have said, practice, practice, practice How do I improve? 4203215067
    Make a low maintenance level 110 duel build if you like to duel against randoms, so you can fight level 100-120 pvp'ers.
    Focus on the basics at first: movement, dodging, stamina management, counter backstab, toggle escape.
    Stay away from buff builds and one track weapons/techniques. Buff builds will get you a lot of wins, but you'll mostly learn how to push R1 fast. A great scythe will also get you a lot of wins but you'll quickly end up doing only the running attack, the same goes for a uchigatana.

    From what I know now, I wish I had started out with something like this: A simple claymore build will teach you a lot of lessons in pvp: unlocked fighting, poise break, stunlock, dead angles.

    Last edited by ublug on Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:29 am; edited 2 times in total

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:08 pm

    Equip the cat covenant ring, you'll cry alot but you'll learn a lot too.

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    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:43 pm

    @ublug - yet more brilliant tips and thats a great build! It even works from SL10 upwards providing you have the 16 Strength. I do love the claymore and have been using it from day 1

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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:47 pm

    Join a Fight Club, or ask one of our members for duels. Both of them can be great and you'll find some helpful advice. I'm sure people will also spar with you and help you practice moves such as dead angling or parrying.
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    Post by Maneater_Mildred Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:52 pm

    reim0027 wrote:Join a Fight Club, or ask one of our members for duels. Both of them can be great and you'll find some helpful advice. I'm sure people will also spar with you and help you practice moves such as dead angling or parrying.

    This, jump on the forum chat and set up some practice fights with forum members. Lots of great people here who are more than happy to spar.


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    How do I improve? Empty Re: How do I improve?

    Post by wretchedsausage Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:30 am

    Awesome! Thanks a lot for all your input. Sparring with people from chat sounds like a great idea, I'll definitely give that a go. please keep the good ideas coming happy

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