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    Having trouble with online play


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    Having trouble with online play Empty Having trouble with online play

    Post by wretchedsausage Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:33 am

    another member of this forum and I were attempting to summon each other to make a trade. At first, when he was trying to summon me (White Soapstone Sign) it kept failing. We tried quitting and reloading, replacing the sign, etc. but nothing worked. Then I tried to summon him, and I couldn't even see his sign. During this time, we was summoned and invaded multiple times by different people, whilst I had no other player interaction at all. 

    Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be? I have had trouble summoning and being summoned in the past. 

    We were both human throughout.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:39 am

    Bad luck? Dark Souls' finicky online?Shrug
    Chosen Undead
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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by GrinTwist Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:42 am

    It may be something wrong with your connection if your friend keeps failing to connect to you, or maybe it's their connection that could be the problem. I'm no expert here but I would recommend signing out and signing back in, if that doesn't work maybe resetting your modems.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by Dibsville Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:48 am

    First of all, the summoning system in Dark Souls does not work both ways. When  summoning it is based on the host.

    To give an example, a SL 50 can summon as high as a SL 65, but only as low as a SL 35. But if a SL 60 tried to summon, they would only be able to summon as low as a SL 44.
    This may be the explanation as to why one person can see the sign but the other can't, you're simply out of the range for one of the hosts to see the sign.

    To explain the failed summons, replacing a summon sign is a bad option because of the way the signs work. It's too long to explain, but putting it down too fast will cause problems. That and the fact that other people are trying to summon as well. 

    Also, your console plays a part in summoning.
    Certain Xbox players can not summon each other due to location. The PSN is pretty solid for the most part. GFWL is just hit and miss.

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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by wretchedsausage Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:51 am

    @Dibs, we were both the same level (SL10) and the summoning failed several times without replacing the sign. I find it odd that he got invaded and summoned by other people, but I did not, nor did I see any other signs.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by Dibsville Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:53 am

    Try placing in a less populated area. It doesn't have to be something like the side of the forest, just a less frequented spot.

    A great example is the Parish. Just put your signs on the Altar with the Firekeeper soul.

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    Having trouble with online play Empty Re: Having trouble with online play

    Post by wretchedsausage Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:58 am

    OK, I'll try that tomorrow

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