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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp?


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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by TonyDamajer Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:34 pm

    Since we know that PSN is far from beeing perfect and lag plays a signicant role in our pvp days, do u think that the PC version will be better suited for pvp?

    I hardly ever had problems with lags on pc online games since warcraft 3, while Ps3 online games (namely Tekken 6 and Dark Souls) suffered in terms of online play.

    I think its save to assume that the online play will be better since it will work over steam.

    If it comes to a point where I can parry fast attacks on reaction, I think the improved online play will push me over the verge of getting the pc version aswell.

    What do u think?

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:19 pm

    I think if there was no lag, parrying would be way too easy and it would break the game. I really hope that isn't the case.

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by dannyhugz Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:27 pm

    Personally I think it'll be a lot better. I've got a buddy I co-op with a lot and 9/10 times when we get invaded he will get backstabbed from literally a fireballs length away on the screen. His net connection isnt great so even monsters tend to lag out sometimes(I'll backstab one and it'll take another swing sometimes before it dies). So people that have internet connections that are just playable have a tough time when they are hosting multiple people on an already questionable connection. I know I'm super excited about the prospect of the online play when the PC version comes out!

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by RailBladerX Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:45 pm

    FROM is useing GFWL (Games For Windows Live aka not a good thing) so...the internet might not be as good as you think...

    but yea if lag changes i would soooooo change to PC instantly but mainly because me and my bro wanna Arena pvp it up like bosses.

    and at a first glance i doubt parry would be an op thing, just means you have to bait more. hell more people would making it more predictable, allowing one to bait more players.

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:10 pm

    Its actually going to work with GFWL, its just available for sale on steam.

    edit: whoops missed that last comment xD

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by TonyDamajer Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:59 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:I think if there was no lag, parrying would be way too easy and it would break the game. I really hope that isn't the case.
    So do u think the lag keeps the game balanced?

    I personally think parry should be about prediction AND reaction - as of now, its only prediction and you have to use gimmicky methods like getting hit and then parry to overcome the lags.

    Even if it will work over GFWL, it should still be better than PSN and if it will have the same problems bulletstorm did, people will find a way around the GFWL bullcrap, so the outcome will be the same.

    It would really surprise me if pc online play wont be better, especcially since they also indicated that they added some new pvp matchmaking stuff
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:28 am

    Parrying as it currently is works as it require great skill. BSing is the problem. If they could fix lag while keeping parrying difficult it would be good.

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

    Post by TonyDamajer Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:20 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:Parrying as it currently is works as it require great skill. BSing is the problem. If they could fix lag while keeping parrying difficult it would be good.
    yes vortex/timetravel looking BS are annoying, but I alsoe often get hit from 30yards way with a close ranged weapon. I don think they will change parry - players will adapt to it, like they did with many other things.

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    Better online play on pc -> better pvp? Empty Re: Better online play on pc -> better pvp?

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