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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias


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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias Empty Question about Greatsword of Artorias

    Post by Sock Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:08 pm

    With the risk of having posted this in the wrong thread (Not totally sure where this would go otherwise), I have following question about the Greatsword of Artorias. Not the Abyss one and not the cursed one but the 'real' one.

    According to wikispaces's Dark Souls wiki (I know, curse upon me for going on another wikipedia site), Artorias Greatsword has the highest Faith modifier at 140.

    This strikes me as odd, as Artorias Greatsword has a B-scaling in Faith, while Gant has an A scaling (but if I've understood it correctly, has a lesser Faith modifier).

    Is this true? Have I misunderstood the connection between modifier and scaling?
    Or is it an oversight on the developers?

    Thanks on beforehand!
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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias Empty Re: Question about Greatsword of Artorias

    Post by Sentiel Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:24 pm

    The Faith in this case is a Aux effect, just like Bleed, or Poison and is common to all Divine weapons, even those upgraded in the Divine upgrade path. It means that the weapon is capable of killing skeletons in Catacombs even with their Necromancer alive and should do extra damage to such enemies, which is dependant on the Aux number. As for the reason why Greatsword of Artorias has largest Divine Aux, I can't answer that. It's probably thanks to lore.

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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias Empty Re: Question about Greatsword of Artorias

    Post by Sock Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:26 am

    Oh? o.o But, doesn't all weapons with faith-scaling automatically kill skeletons even though the necromancer is alive?

    Why is a Faith aux even needed? >.>; isn't it just yes or no, kill skeletons or not
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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias Empty Re: Question about Greatsword of Artorias

    Post by Sentiel Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:49 pm

    I will copy paste what our wiki says about the matter. It will be easier to understand then whatever I will conjure with my own words.

    What is Occult and Divine?
    [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Occult and Divine are two different magic augmented weapon upgrades that scales with faith. Their magic properties are just magic damage, and is identical to any other magic augmented weapon. Their damage outputs are also very similar, but each of the upgrade paths have an added bonus against a select few enemies:

    • Divine weapons have increased damage against Skeletons and Harpies.
    • Occult weapons have increased damage against Black Knights, Silver Knights, Ornstein, Gwyndolin, and Gwyn.
    • Divine weapons will also prevent skeletons from re-assembling while their necromancer is still alive.

      • This is only true for hosts in their own world, meaning that phantoms can't utilize this feature.

    • The number rating given to Occult and Divine indicates the extra percentage of damage it will deal. For example, a weapon with 110 Divine does +10% damage to enemies that take more damage from Divine weapons.

    • Divine means holy damage. Divine weapons, thus, are strong against undead creatures. Deals NO extra damage to invaders.
    • Occult is unholy damage and is strong against Living. For example against silver knights. Deals NO extra damage to hosts.
    • Some weapons have excellent faith scaling when they are Occult, here is a video showing them Occult Weapons that have A or better scaling

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    Question about Greatsword of Artorias Empty Re: Question about Greatsword of Artorias

    Post by Sock Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:28 pm

    Thank you, that I understood very clearly! ^^

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