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    What am I doing wrong?

    Dusk Soul
    Dusk Soul

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    What am I doing wrong? Empty What am I doing wrong?

    Post by Dusk Soul Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:29 am

    Recently my pride took a huge blow, I let my 12 year old cousin fight in a few invasions using a CMG build (he fell in love with that spell after seeing someone killing me with it) I made a quick Katana build and let him host in the burg.

    He dominated every fight he was involved in, his Kill to death ratio being closer to 3:1 while mine is probably round 1:3. 

    Anyway, the point is that seeing him made me reconsider my current play style, which I try to keep varied (switching builds at the drop of a hat attempting to keep things fresh); but since I change how I play really often I haven't mastered any weapon, spell or tactic at all. Now I consider myself at least somewhat decent at Pvp; but I begun to wonder if I should stop doing that and focus myself.

    The point is that I just don't know what to do, I love Dark Souls; but loosing that often is beginning to take it's toll on my enjoyment of the game.

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    What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

    Post by Raijinilli Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:37 am

    I think that is definitely a fantastic idea if you wish to hone your PvP skills some more, I try to use a weapon for as long as it takes me to get good at it and have a positive win/loss ratio.  Even if you get bored of a particular weapon and want a bit more variety, while still retaining that general weapon class, just switch from say a Claymore to a Bastard Sword if you catch my drift.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    What am I doing wrong? Empty Re: What am I doing wrong?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:49 am

    I have been in that feeling before. When I question my fighting stlye after many losses I just takes time to study myself and list my strengths and weaknesses and then work to improve them. I think you are wise to spend time mastering weapons in the game.

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