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    NPC face character creation?


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    NPC face character creation? Empty NPC face character creation?

    Post by MosquitoPower Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:31 pm

    Ok I give up,

    I have searched all around and can't find any guides on making exact replicas of NPCs faces in the character creation.
    (There are a zillion equipment loadout guides for NPCs though LOL)

    There are not that many NPCs with exposed faces... but I would assume there is a guide out there somewhere for making them....

    (The main one I'm looking for is the crestfallen warrior's face.)

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    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

    Post by Aigaios Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:45 pm

    Well im sure that I am not alone here but making any decent looking face in dark souls is pretty difficult and I don't mean messing around with the colour but the face itself, I always end up making my character look like an alien or... Erm.... Someone really ugly.

    I remember back in Demon's Souls when you could change your character's eyes too look like the eyes of vampires from Underworld.

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    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

    Post by MosquitoPower Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:57 pm

    Im right there with you Aigaios on the difficulty of getting something that looks remotely human out of the create a character editor. no see 

    Hehe, well im giving it a go and im about an hour in in trying to make the crestfallen warrior's face...

    Not to over analyze it (but that kind of thing happens after looking at a face for over an hour) but what is proving to be rather difficult to capture is the shocking amount of indifference that is present in the crestfallen warrior's expression.

    He is does not look particularly sad or angry... he just looks like he's not caring one way or the other....
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    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:45 am

    sorry, the only special thing I can do with the character creator is make Cyclops's...

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    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

    Post by MosquitoPower Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:48 am

    Well I got as close as I dared for now.
    The nose is tough, he seems to have this flat stub nose but the editor reeeaallly like pointed noses.
    Eyebrows could use some work too...

    Side by side comparison:

    Here are the pictures of all the editor sliders in case any other poor sap wants to fight the slide bars in the character creation to make this face.

    Sliders Part 1:

    Sliders Part 2:

    Sliders Part 3:

    Sliders part 4:

    Last edited by MosquitoPower on Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Put pictures of the slide bar editors)

    Posts : 216
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    Location : Drinking tea with Snuggly

    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

    Post by Aigaios Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:54 am

    I just noticed how much the Crestfallen Warrior looks like Robb Stark or is that just me? Also good job i think the closest i would ever get is the hair.

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    NPC face character creation? Empty Re: NPC face character creation?

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