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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:29 pm

    Like usual, I'm probably the last person on the planet to discover a well-known fact, but I thought I'd throw this out there anyway.

    I discovered, by accident, that if I select the option to "join in progress" on someone's gamertag (either friend or recently played list), it will create an invasion of their game. I did this just out of curiosity for someone I had just helped past a boss, and nothing happened at first. I went about my business, and the next thing I knew, a message was coming up that I was invading his world. I'm assuming it used a cracked red orb to do this, but I'm not sure.

    So in theory, you could select someone who may have invaded you three nights ago, and as long as he/she is showing the option to join, you can target them.

    Is there anything equivalent to this on PS3, or is it always random?
    Liff Daddy
    Liff Daddy

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by Liff Daddy Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:33 pm

    I wondered how that worked, saw it on a few friend's profile and I didn't know exactly what would happen if I tried selecting it.

    Now I know.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:49 pm

    My friends and I had been using it to ease the connection if we were trying to coop, as selecting this seemed to help in this way. But the invasion thing was something new to me. Puts an interesting spin on things, for sure, especially if it's a griefer.
    Compulsory Poster
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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:52 pm

    one bonus for xboxers then... don't know if theres an equivalnet on ps3... hope there is though. could you also use this to be summoned as a phantom?
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:00 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:one bonus for xboxers then... don't know if theres an equivalnet on ps3... hope there is though. could you also use this to be summoned as a phantom?

    Yes and no. Using the option doesn't automatically bring you in as a phantom, but doing this, then putting down a stone seems to make it appear faster, and cut down on "summoning failed" messages.

    Having said that, we've never actually tried using the "join in progress" option, then simply leaving things alone. I suppose it's possible that if we gave it a few minutes, it might do this in the same way an invasion gets created. Have to test it, but my guess is I'd end up invading my friend if I didn't put down a white stone.
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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:04 pm

    okay cool, gonna look for a similar command on ps3 when i get home.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:25 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:okay cool, gonna look for a similar command on ps3 when i get home.

    Maybe if you bring a friend up and use the triangle button to select options. One thing about the "join in progress" option that we always found strange is that, it doesn't always appear. Sometimes it's there, and other times it isn't. 5 minutes can pass where your friend, in human form, has no option to join, then it pops up for no reason.

    My theory has always been that, you only get the join in progress option as long as the game isn't currently trying to initiate a random invasion on your friend's game. Sort of like how you can be in the forest, and the fog door goes up, and your option to drop a white gets greyed out. When this happens it seems to lock you out of other MP sessions, other than summoning. This also leads me to believe that the join option is only linked to invasions, even though this doesn't explain why it also seems to make summoning easier. It's a complex MP system, that's for sure.
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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:58 am

    yeah it really is weird specially since the servers arent regional like demons... just need to find a buddy in soul range to test i guess... i keep making new builds to lvl 60 then coming up with a new one...

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    Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox? Empty Re: Did you know you can target specific people to invade on Xbox?

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