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    Chargeable spells


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    Chargeable spells Empty Chargeable spells

    Post by XachAttack Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:19 pm

    This might not be new, but in case it is, here you go. Looks like some spells can be charged, like a 'weak' attack and a 'strong' attack.

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by Seignar Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:40 pm

    All that is missing is for the Soul Sword to count as a "weapon" so you can dual-wield it and become a real Magic Swordsman. They've really gone and made a ton of changes to Dark Souls. Enough to make it different from Dark Souls, but insufficient to "change" the game; an example of a great sequel.

    I wonder if they will use this opportunity to remove variations of the same spell. For example, with Soul Arrow, the Light Cast would be Soul Arrow; charged Light, Heavy Soul Arrow; Heavy Cast, Great Soul Arrow; charged Heavy, Great Heavy Soul Arrow. Already, this system can compile 4 previous spells into 1, giving the opportunity for many classes to use both the "weaker" and "stronger" version of the spell (As opposed of right now, where you shouldn't be using Soul Arrow when you got Great Soul Arrow). That gives more focus on things such as these new spells which are the Soul Sword and the Soul Rain.

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by Myztyrio Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:53 am

    Seignar wrote:All that is missing is for the Soul Sword to count as a "weapon" so you can dual-wield it and become a real Magic Swordsman. They've really gone and made a ton of changes to Dark Souls. Enough to make it different from Dark Souls, but insufficient to "change" the game; an example of a great sequel.

    I wonder if they will use this opportunity to remove variations of the same spell. For example, with Soul Arrow, the Light Cast would be Soul Arrow; charged Light, Heavy Soul Arrow; Heavy Cast, Great Soul Arrow; charged Heavy, Great Heavy Soul Arrow. Already, this system can compile 4 previous spells into 1, giving the opportunity for many classes to use both the "weaker" and "stronger" version of the spell (As opposed of right now, where you shouldn't be using Soul Arrow when you got Great Soul Arrow). That gives more focus on things such as these new spells which are the Soul Sword and the Soul Rain.

     That would limit the intelligence requirement for each of those spells though. Although, they could simply say "X" int for light attack, "X" int for heavy attack.

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by passivefamiliar Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:32 am

    i like the idea of bundling the spells into 1.Wouldn't be to difficult to put lvl restrictions on being able to charge spells. There were plenty of timesI'd like to use the weaker spell on weak enemies but keep the strong ones for boss/invasions 

    im not 100% on board, only because its so different  But im interested.
    Chosen Undead
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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:18 pm

    At first, I thought doing a light attack just meant that you don't use as much of the stack of spells you have. Like using half of a Fire Tempest, and saving the rest, ya know? But I guess charging up an attack just means you're using up stamina. So sorcery will still benefit more from less, more powerful casts, than more plentiful and less powerful casts.

    What I mean is that if you have a more powerful spell in your arsenal, than, say, the Soul Spear we are talking about, then you'll have less casts, and more power, AND you can charge it up to be even better. It's like "Hmm. Do I want to charge up my Soul Spear? or do I want to charge up my more powerful Soul Lance?" So far, the answer has always been the more powerful spell, in the current DkS. 

    So.. Sorcerers will most likely spank bosses still, and have trouble with mobs due to limited castings, but at least the sorcerer will have more freedom and customization with specific playstyle. Especially in PvP.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:54 pm

    What I like better though, is where it talks about being able to back away from a locked on enemy and swing behind you without breaking lock-on. Sounds very useful.
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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:00 pm

    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:What I like better though, is where it talks about being able to back away from a locked on enemy and swing behind you without breaking lock-on. Sounds very useful.

    Idk. Depends. I'm used to backing up and taking a swing. Very useful for long distance weapons like my halberd. Hopefully it'll be easy to get used to.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:25 pm

    Would be nice if that was able to be turned off then.

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    Chargeable spells Empty Re: Chargeable spells

    Post by Jansports Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:34 am

    I don't like the sound of "likely to swing behind you" I lock on to enemies specifically to take advantage of the fact that my movement and attacks will be based of their position relative to mine, if I wanted to swing behind me while moving away from an enemy I'd unlock. This feature seems like it's adding nothing new (since you can already back away from an enemy unlock and swing anywhere you please) while taking away the ability to strafe/backup/approach while maintaining your attacks are aimed at your target. I'll be pretty unhappy if I have to stop moving before every swing/cast manually if I want to hit my Target.

    I do like the sound of Spells and Miracles being more extensive, it would be great to return to DeS where it was possible to play a caster WITHOUT having to rely on a weapon to get mobs out of your way to ensure you had enough spells to actually finish the boss.  (Ironically thanks to combustions huge number of casts and quality damage, it and great soul arrow are pretty much the backbone of pure casters, once you get both copies of these babies you can really chew through an area and still have your bigguns for the boss)

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