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    Forest invaders hiding


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    Forest invaders hiding Empty Forest invaders hiding

    Post by Artemis_Swift Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:25 pm

    So here I am waiting to fight in the forest and someone invades me. I find him and he is just standing there for no reason at all, out in the open. I kick him and nothing happens, I then hit him with a fist, but still nothing happens.

    A lot of invaders have been doing this and I don't know why, can you shed some light on this conundrum for me? It's really annoying as well because there is one dude I cannot find and it won't let me exit because of him.

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    Forest invaders hiding Empty Re: Forest invaders hiding

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:31 pm

    Its a way to farm souls, put on the ring and go away for a few hours. the ring keeps summoning you, chanes are another invader will kill the host. so handy souls for doing nothing.

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    Forest invaders hiding Empty Re: Forest invaders hiding

    Post by Kirk-Barb Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:32 pm

    They are hoping for easy souls by you getting killed by another invader.

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    Forest invaders hiding Empty Re: Forest invaders hiding

    Post by Artemis_Swift Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:36 pm

    Ah. I thought it was to irritate the host by not letting them refresh. most of the time I end up finding them and killing them except for the sneaky ones.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Forest invaders hiding Empty Re: Forest invaders hiding

    Post by Dibsville Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:38 pm

    This is a way people gain souls (and it's a good one if you don't have the time to sit and play Dark Souls, such as if you have work or school). What they do is put on the Cat Covenant Ring so they get summoned. Then they just leave their system on. They'll automatically get summoned, and sit there. Now, since there's normally only 1 phantom with the host, another invader can also invade the host and kill him. This means that the other invader does all the work while yours just sits there. They're not actually hiding from you, they just simply haven't moved from where they spawned at. By doing this, people can get tons of souls, although it's not as effective as helping out.


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