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    What is the point of life? Really?


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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by raecor14 Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:37 am

    Im not talking the big question, no, I'm talking about something way more superficial and selfish. what is the point of my life? As a small child i was told it was to be happy, i liked the idea of this, this was a sensible desire to have in life. then i was told it was to be be a functional member of society. well this is alright i guess but whats the point of this? to have money for my off days, well i can see how this benefits the world as a whole. Or i did until i got dumped. see the whole point of the system is to give us a reason to work. to provide for a family, get things we want and the things we need. now this works great for 99% of people, but what if your like me and relationships are all that really matters to you? whats the point of it all? why should i work to be a doctor? so what should i aim to do with my life? i'm 16 so theoretically i could do almost anything.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:42 am

    Relationships (both friends and partners) are generally the thing people care about the most. Even if you have a a life which you don't consider particularly enjoyable or good, a good group of friends or a girlfriend really make the difference. People to be around and take your mind off your troubles. That's the most important thing in life to me. Work and everything comes second (most of the time anyways).

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by raecor14 Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:58 am

    Serious_Much wrote:Relationships (both friends and partners) are generally the thing people care about the most. Even if you have a a life which you don't consider particularly enjoyable or good, a good group of friends or a girlfriend really make the difference. People to be around and take your mind off your troubles. That's the most important thing in life to me. Work and everything comes second (most of the time anyways).

     it's not so much the breaking up as what it signifies, without a girlfriend i really have no ultimate goal and am wandering what one worthy of me would be.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:09 am

    ultimate goal? One worthy of you?

    I think you need to stop living in the future so much. At your age, you're right, you could do anything- though as of next year you will be pigeonholing yourself into more specific areas of study, and therefore your job and education prospects. My advise is do what grabs you, what interests you. Sure it can be about money, but do something that leads to a job you want to do. Having the ultimate goal is fine, but focusing on the now and the little steps is how you reach it. It's not so much finding something 'worthy of you' as doing something you enjoy and really want to do.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Marino. Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:23 am

    To think about what the point of life is .

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by passivefamiliar Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:38 am

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:41 am

    passivefamiliar wrote:42.

    Was wondering when someone would bring that little reference out silly

    I swear the robot just made it up on the spot lol

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Hart Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:42 am

    To do what you want man.

    Your sixteen, you would apparently like to be in a nice, healthy relationship so go do that.
    If your ex is now your ex, then it would seem that relationship wasn't what you wanted. Go out to parties, get drunk (EDIT: although the soulswiki forum, community and management in no way condone the use/abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs among minors or any person(s) for that matter big grin ) and mingle with people from school.

    Like Serious said it sounds like you're getting stuck in the mindset of thinking too much about the future and losing perspective. Theres no reason to need your life to be some fantastic narrative with some major end-goal. And at your age I would expect you to still be mulling over the various career etc. choices.

    So for now think short term, find out what your mates are doing this weekend and go with them. IDK go find the house with the shoes on the powerline (points if anyone gets the reference lol) or go bury a horse below sea-level. Anything really, sounds like you might have hit a rut in the road, but once you get a bit of momentum you'll find its alot easier to feel satisfied with your life than you would think.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by passivefamiliar Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:42 am

    But, really I had to. Sorry. 

    For a fair answer there is not. Its alota lot of trial and error making choices and finding out after if its worth it or not. You just have to find what makes you get up in the morning, my wife and iI are working on having kids soon. My job is just a job imI'm not happy there but it pays the bills, your first several yes SEVERAL jobs will most likely not all be ones you like and thatsthat's just part of life. Learn what you can and eventually try to find something your proud of/happy doing.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:35 am

    The point of life is what you make of it. You are in control of your life, your happiness, no one else is. If there's something out there that makes you happy or will make you happy, go do it. If you don't know what that is, go find out. Life is as dark or as beautiful as you make it to be.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:03 pm

    Well if you're relationship focused and your end goal is provision for that relationship:

    First off, I can relate. I've had several wildly different jobs and been happy pretty much everywhere. Why? Because work is work and it's all to fund my real life outside of work. I make the best of it and try to advance myself no matter what I'm doing.

    It also seems you don't know if there should be goals or ambition absent of a relationship and I can get this to some degree as well. Since I have a family I'm trying to put in the best situation as possible I'm preparing as part of an interview I expect shortly to have a lengthy salary discussion to put me and mine as far up on the heap as I can manage.

    Now if I didn't have a family I might not worry so much and that seems to be a milder form of what you're expressing. Basically, "it's just me so why bother?" if I understand correctly.

    Well, I'll be brutally honest, life doesn't stand still between relationships. I had a breakup in college that was tough for me. But I still had to push for the degree and the grades I wanted to set up for the FUTURE relationships I might have. A college degree with good grades means a better shot at establishing what I want and what I would want for the important people in my life.

    An absence of a current relationship hasn't actually changed your goals from what I can tell. There'll be something in the future and it's far easier to set the foundation for a successful life now than trying to make up for lost time.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:54 pm

    On the philosophical level, does life necessarily need to have meaning :p?

    In practice, it probably doesn't matter and you can make whatever meaning of it you wish.  Being a "functional member of society" is not the meaning of life unto itself, but rather a way to continue it in a fashion that most people find preferable.

    You make your own meaning, and otherwise there is none and you just choose to do what you want when choosing is an option.

    As for relationships, the vast majority of them come and go.  If you feel you are lacking, then find another.  However, my advice in this regard is to get a stable perspective first.  Things work a lot better with relationships when they're sought because one wants to have them as opposed to doing it out of a feeling of pure need.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Carphil Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:19 pm

    Because not being alive is boring, there's literally nothing to do. So, if you given a present, enjoy it happy

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by MosquitoPower Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:29 pm

    How about a some wisdom from Vegas magician Penn Jillette:
    This quote from his great podcast show went something like this:
    "The point of life is getting stories to tell."
    Its sounds odd... but strangely true at the same time...

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Hue Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:04 pm

    In order:
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by steveswede Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:59 pm

    Did anyone else think after reading the title of this thread that the OP was about to go hollow?

    Anyway to answer the question on a scientific/biological level, the point is to pass on your genes.  On a personal level the point is to do what you want.  There isn't anything complicated about the point of it, what's complicated is finding the stuff that will satisfy us and this is because we don't really know what we want until we experience it in some form or another.

    You're just bored and frustrated with the status quo in your life which is very normal with your only release you can relate to ATM is being with someone.  It's tough finding something like a hobby to fill that void but if you look hard enough you will find something.  Get a guitar and just start messing about teaching yourself other people's songs, then once you get the hang of it you can start making your own melodies and songs.  Once you get into it you will feel quite proud at your achievement, plus you can have fun pissing off your parents while learning.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Reaperfan Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:10 pm

    There is no point in life. I don't mean that in a pessimistic kind of way, though. Just that there isn't a singularly definable and pinpointable answer. Everyone has different reasons and goals for how they choose to live. We all hold things in different values, so what we choose to define our life by won't be the same from person to person. One person may choose to value independence and comfort over relationships and societal success. Another may choose to value a cause and their personal expression over survival.

    You have to find your own point. Think about what you personally value and what you want to accomplish. When you find something you're willing to actually work towards, then that is the point of your life.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by SirArchmage Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:33 pm

    To worship Shrek of course.
    Shrek is love.
    Shrek is life!

    But in all seriousness the question is a tad redundant. Ask a million different people and you will get a million different answers. The only ones that anyone ever seems to come to a census to is the nihilistic "god is dead, life sucks" crap, the overly optimistic "live to love bring peace" crap, any religious doctrine that specifies the point, and my personal favorite, the simple answer of "Whatever the hell you damn well please to do."

    Praise Shrek.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Slarg232 Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:46 pm

    The Point of Life is to find a reason to keep on living. That's about it.
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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by Forum Pirate Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:25 pm

    Reaperfan wrote:There is no point in life.  I don't mean that in a pessimistic kind of way, though.  Just that there isn't a singularly definable and pinpointable answer.  Everyone has different reasons and goals for how they choose to live.  We all hold things in different values, so what we choose to define our life by won't be the same from person to person.  One person may choose to value independence and comfort over relationships and societal success.  Another may choose to value a cause and their personal expression over survival.

    You have to find your own point.  Think about what you personally value and what you want to accomplish.  When you find something you're willing to actually work towards, then that is the point of your life.

    As an example, the "point" of my life, is whatever it is I'm doing at the time. (which is usually whatever I want at the time.)

    I'm a simple kind of guy.

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    What is the point of life? Really? Empty Re: What is the point of life? Really?

    Post by reim0027 Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:39 pm

    To get to a point where you don't envy others.

    Although, scientifically, the point of life to to successfully pass your genes on to your offspring. Both fun and practical! Win/win!! cheers 

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