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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Broadsword VS Longsword


    Which one do YOU prefer?

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    Broadsword VS Longsword I_vote_lcap56%Broadsword VS Longsword I_vote_rcap [56%] 
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    Broadsword VS Longsword I_vote_lcap44%Broadsword VS Longsword I_vote_rcap [44%] 

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:53 pm

    The ages old question.
    Uchigatana, or Iaito.
    When it comes to those two, the choice really depends on your preferences.

    However, in case of Broadsword VS Longsword, one has more to consider than just damage, reach and moveset. That is chaining. Both of these fine weapons have very deadly combos you can utilize to take away even a whole HP bar of your opponent.

    I've been using each of these for many hours, days even and can't decide.

    Broadsword has a handy 1H combo, which can catch people off guard, but it's usable mostly against low to no Poise opponents and those usually know how to Toggle Escape. Further, it's roll R1 has a horizontal slash. While short in reach, it can be used to further combo with ease when it hits. However, the weapons shorther reach gets me backstabed often as I have to get very close to the enemy. Finally, it has slightly higher damage, which I believe is too tiny to consider for PvP purposes.

    Longsword lacks a decent R1 combo, but it has a pretty useful poke instead, which is nice to punish rolls and keep people off you. It's 2H roll R1 is also good to catch people that end their rolls and can be used to combo as well, but landing a hit with it is much more difficult. On the other hand, it's longer reach makes the weapon a bit safer as It doesn't get me backstabed as much.
    Finally, I prefer how Longsword looks, but I don't want Fashion Souls to be the decisive factor here.

    I'd like to pick one of them to get fully used to it, instead of switching between them.
    Help me choose, please. happy
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:56 pm


    Because Andre talks sexfully to me.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by RANT Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:05 pm

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:48 pm

    Barbed Straight Sword with Rotten Pine. I know it's not one of those two, but it's amazing.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:55 pm

    sunlight straight sword, basically longsword with a bit more damage and a different aesthetic
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Animaaal Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:26 pm

    If I had to base a build around one or the other I'd go with the Broadsword, pve or pvp.

    The option to reliably dead angle (I know the Longsword dead angles) with the 1 handed r1 would be too much for me to pass up in pvp, and the lack of range wouldn't be much of an issue for me personally in pve.

    However, I'm kinda with Rant...I use the Shortsword, Dagger, and Heater Shield until new game on A LOT of builds.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by GrinTwist Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:07 am

    It was either the Longsword or the shortsword for me. Since the shortsword isn't an option though I'm going with the longsword.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Carphil Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:16 am

    Longsword for me, its a classic, I enjoy the looks and the thrust attacks.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:51 am

    I didn't expect such mixed results. Poll and post wise.
    I'll be busy with work and procrastination for some time, so I'll let the thread go on for a bit longer.

    As for the other weapon suggestions.

    Sunlight Straight Sword is slow and doesn't chain as well. It's also too heavy for me.
    Barbed Straight Sword is like Broadsword, but has less damage. The Bleed it has makes no difference to me, because this weapon has one of the lower Bleed build ups and people generaly know how to avoid Bleed.
    Shortsword is just shorter version Longsword with lower AR and weight. Why?
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Animaaal Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:53 am

    Shortsword is awesome because you don't need 10 strength....sorcerer cool 

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Jansports Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:55 am

    I don't know about this shortsword boom, should've invested sooner I guess.

    But I'd vote Longsword. But I tend to find myself wearing Leo rings often.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:07 am

    I got a quality build of 28/40, so Str isn't an issue Animaaal. winking

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Avenger649 Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:52 am

    In my ability the combo ability of the broadsword makes it a winner though not by much, especially if you have a leo ring. I find that the One handed R2 attacks make it slightly more useful as they can easily dead angle and do enough damage.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by billy_bayonet Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:44 am

    You seriously need to ask..... -_-
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Dibsville Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:09 am

    Longsword. I love Broadsword to death, but when it comes down to it, I prefer to have a Thrusting attack.

    Also, don't hate on Shortsword. My base level Sorcerer would like to have a word with you.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Animaaal Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:36 am

    Sentiel wrote:I got a quality build of 28/40, so Str isn't an issue Animaaal. winking

    Oh...well don't use the Shortsword then, I would use the Longsword and/or Broadsword. silly 
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:43 pm

    billy_bayonet wrote:You seriously need to ask..... -_-
    Not asking you.
    I know you will answer Broadsword even if I ask between Acid Surge and Seek Guidance. tongue 

    Dibsville wrote:Longsword. I love Broadsword to death, but when it comes down to it, I prefer to have a Thrusting attack.

    Also, don't hate on Shortsword. My base level Sorcerer would like to have a word with you.
    Will be waiting in Burg with my SL 712 and two phantoms. bounce 
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:31 pm

    Using the barbed straight sword allows you more points for other stats however, without worrying as much about lost damage potential. If you lose the other swords then you'll constantly worry about how much you're losing. At least for me, I find it hard to level up the way I know I should, if I can still increase something else more obviously.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:14 pm

    Balder side sword. Yes, I know everyone uses it, but I hardly use straight swords as it is, this is the only one with a moveset that I like.

    Aside from that, the zweihander is a (very large) straight sword... silly
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:03 pm

    No one has mentioned dark sword. Of course, no one will mention it.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Paragon Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:14 pm

    Though it is not one of the options, the Dark Sword is actually MUCH better than most people give it credit for. The r2's on the Dark Sword hit for greater damage value on average than other straight swords of comparable AR. Meaning that tho less versatile, the r2 on the Dark Sword hits harder than the r2 on the broadsword.

    That being said: broadsword > longsword

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by TheMeInTeam Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:49 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:Balder side sword. Yes, I know everyone uses it, but I hardly use straight swords as it is, this is the only one with a moveset that I like.

    Aside from that, the zweihander is a (very large) straight sword... silly

    People often shy away from straight swords because they are quality weapons.  They don't have the damage capability of alternative options on a given scaled stat to other swords, and while they can combo, so can pure 1 stat type scaling weapons.

    BSS is the rare straight sword that is nearly pure dex scaling (and has a longsword moveset more or less, unlike silver knight straight sword), and therefore doesn't need a ridiculous 40/40 to get near-max damage on 1h attacks.  Even with 2h, you need 27/40 on other straight swords and that hurts.  On SL55 builds elemental versions are acceptable, but aside from that IMO this is the real barrier to using straight swords in Dark Souls.

    You can do OK on a 2h 16/40 set at least, but even then it's not optimal.

    In terms of moveset, I prefer the longsword slightly, sometimes.  Both are great.  However, it's hard to justify carrying either instead of things like BSS, SKS, a dex halberd, hammers, piercing swords, daggers, or even decidedly more niche option like the whips.  All of these show their potential much sooner and with much less investment.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:20 pm

    The only chaining BSS does is 2H R2 into R2. The weapon has strong poke and it's long. However. using is a waste of my Quality build. When it comes to poking, I have my trusty Rapier, which will outrange BSS anyway.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by TheMeInTeam Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:27 pm

    Sentiel wrote:The only chaining BSS does is 2H R2 into R2. The weapon has strong poke and it's long. However. using is a waste of my Quality build. When it comes to poking, I have my trusty Rapier, which will outrange BSS anyway.

    It's a pure dex weapon, of course it's a waste on a quality build lol.

    My point was that it maxes its utility at nearly base str and 40 dex, whereas if you want to unlock the true potential of, say, the longsword or broadsword you'd want both 1h and 2h options, needing 40/40.

    If you're going 40/40 anyway there is good cause to use these straight swords.  If you aren't, one can almost certainly find a stronger weapon, unless they just don't care of course.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:31 pm

    Broadsword. I used mine all the way to Gwyn (then I switched to Lifehunt and in the next game cycle the Great Scythe).

    But for combos........Priscilla's dagger

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