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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Broadsword VS Longsword


    Which one do YOU prefer?

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 I_vote_lcap56%Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [56%] 
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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 I_vote_lcap44%Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 I_vote_rcap [44%] 

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by ChizFreak Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:41 pm

    Iato > Multiverse

     Longsword > Broadsword

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by IHateTheFourKings Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:09 pm

    The Sunlight Straight Sword is slower than the other swords? I've never noticed that. In any case, that and the Balder Side Sword are tied in my opinion.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by KrazykevS10 Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:26 pm

    If I were to choose for PVP and didn't want to try to cheese everyone by stabbing and rolling away every ten seconds,I'd go broadsword.Plus I actually managed to stunlock a pair if gankers to death with it at the same time the other day.I don't much care for how it looks though,doesn't really look like a broadsword because of how sharply the blade slopes to a point.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:47 pm

    I see the poll is still very tight. Currently in the favor for the Longsword by one vote.
    For the past few days I was focusing on finishing my Dex/Faith build and it's still quite a challenge for me. In the spare time, I was doing some practice with my Int build, so I haven't touched any straight swords in a while. Well, not counting using Astora's Straight Sword for PvE. happy

    As far as PvP goes, by Broadsword has recently run up against a wall, or a BSS R2 to be precise. It's usually no biggie for me, but the person I fought used the poke masterfully to counter my every attack. With a Longsword this wouldn't be an issue. In the end, his BSS fell short of my Rapier, but I would prefer to not rely on it when I get into a tight spot and rather deal with the situation only by using the straight sword of choice.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by divinebeanpole Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:23 am

    Wow, I didn't expect it to be that close of a poll, but it makes sense. To me, they are equally good weapons, but I chose Broadsword for 1 simple reason:

    Whack whack r1r2 combo, its probably one of the simplest and funnest combos in the game

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Ishiotzin Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:37 am

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:06 am

    Broadsword is winning it seems.

    Yesterday I tried it's one handed combo and it's amazing. The [poor guy couldn't even toggle out of it, because it's so fast. Good way to trash 0 Poise builds. I never use these weapons in one hand too much, because of my stats, which are 28/40.

    I have a questions. I've been told that Broadsword does higher than usual Poise damage, can somebody confirm this and perhaps give me some numbers? Thanks. happy

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by VaDoom Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:26 am

    My pick is broadsword.
    You don't have to break poise to make the combos effective if you have enough poise yourself.
    For poise damage, I can't tell if it does more than usual or not. I often win the poise race with it even with lower poise than my opponent, but that may just be because it's so fast.
    I used to use it as a hit and run weapon with low poise, but it's definitively better in combos with higher poise.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Kahldris_Ducard Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:38 pm

    I voted Broadsword originally, but after spending some time with the Longsword, I must say I do love that thrust, I have caught many a people in the combo and the thrust followed by another R2 is amazing, can do some serious damage with that.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:39 pm

    I choose Lagstabsword.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:28 pm

    Kahldris_Ducard wrote:I voted Broadsword originally, but after spending some time with the Longsword, I must say I do love that thrust, I have caught many a people in the combo and the thrust followed by another R2 is amazing, can do some serious damage with that.
    Incidentally, this is what I do with Broadsword.
    Roll, unlock and do a R1. The horizontal slash has short range, but it can catch people off guard, especially if they go for a bs and chains right into R2.
    Longswords stab is good at punishing rolls and it has longer reach, but since it's a stab, it's easier to miss when unlocked.

    On the other hand. It has happened to me several times that I got someone into a combo with Broadsword and the second R2, or the R1 afterwards missed because of distance between me and the enemy. This never happened when I used Longsword. I am aware that it's the fault of my spacing, but thanks to lag and DWGR, it's sometimes impossible to get into the correct distance to do a full combo.

    I really like both of these weapons, even if they're risky to use and difficult to master. What I don't like though, is that they can't deal with Poise tanks. Those guys will either trade, or Poise bs me and I have to keep being aggresive to chip away their Poise to be able to combo them. I usually poke them with Rapier, or bs fish them myself, but I lately started using SKS and Black Flame. I'd like to learn to chip away their Poise with BF and then chain them with a sword. It's hard to time though and more and more people are aware of their Poise lately and avoid me when I chip them.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Kahldris_Ducard Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:35 pm

    I realized the same thing Sentiel. I was enjoying the broadsword and then bam, spacing poise bs and more. I switched my quality build to Longsword/Claymore or Sks, I just Rng them to chip their poise and finish with the longsword combo.
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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:51 pm

    I now use Longsword and Rapier. I had an epic fight with one of the forum members who used Longsword while I used Broadsword and I got wrecked. His/hers spacing was perfect to the point of using the little difference in length of our weapons to his/hers advantage and so my attacks missed, while his/hers hit.

    Broadsword seems better against aggresive players, while Longsword seems better against defensive players.

    As for the Rapier. I use it's running R1 to do a quick damage, which usually ends the fight and for criticals. Both swords have pathetic criticals. Also, when I fight someone who has some giant weapon, or tons of Poise. I can't use swords on those guys, or I'll get backstabbed eventually.

    I gave Claymore a few rounds, but got used way too much to MLGS.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Kahldris_Ducard Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:03 pm

    Obsidian Gs is also a good option for poise break and for that R2, auto knockdown ftw.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Leet Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:59 pm

    I'm UGS kind of guy but i do run into people on here/randoms who are pretty good with both. I voted for broadsword though because i'd personally use that over the longsword. Both weapons are something to watch out for in the hands of a genius. 

    And while we're on topic of the Obsidian GS. Hands down one of my favorite swords. I rarely use it anymore seeing as i'm currently mastering the Zwei, but i am in the middle of a OBGS/Faith build. The AoE will be awesome in the 2v2 arena.

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Acarnatia Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:16 pm

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    Broadsword VS Longsword - Page 2 Empty Re: Broadsword VS Longsword

    Post by Sentiel Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:53 am

    I hate OGS, even though it's R2 AoE is cool. The reason being it's length. The thing is probably the shortest greatsword and as I said, I'm used to MLGS, which is probably the longest. The ranged R2s are super sweet and if you learn to aim them, they're also very dangerous.

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