This isn't a covenant, I just thought we needed a snazzy name. We're all about epic, crazy 2v2s in the most obscure and awesome places in the game. Upper Blighttown anyone?
My website explains everything, cause I'm teknolawjically savvy. Apparently new folks aren't allowed to post external links so message me on XBL (GT is OmenOfEpicness) for a link to my spiffy little site.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with DreadedCone, but guerrilla warfare was his brainchild so I'm just giving credit where credit is due :3
My website explains everything, cause I'm teknolawjically savvy. Apparently new folks aren't allowed to post external links so message me on XBL (GT is OmenOfEpicness) for a link to my spiffy little site.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with DreadedCone, but guerrilla warfare was his brainchild so I'm just giving credit where credit is due :3
Last edited by OminousSquaffle on Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:05 am; edited 2 times in total