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    PvP Locations opened


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    PvP Locations opened Empty PvP Locations opened

    Post by SilverReborn Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:03 am

    Okay, so as much as I would love to play through the game multiple times...I was just curious about how co-op for pvp would work upon completion of the game? I'm somewhat new to DS and the thought has been hovering; if you can't summon people in areas where the boss has been defeated, then where exactly could you ever see a summon sign again once the game is finished, all of the bosses being dead and all?

    Also alittle something to keep the topic going once the question is answered, and to satisfy my own curiousity, what are everybodys favorite pvp areas? Favorite SLs to pvp with?

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Dj-B-Man-Jr Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:09 am

    The last area, Kiln of the first flame, is the unoffical "Dueling" spot for alot of people, and sl 120 is the pvp cap. Don't forget that after you complete the game you start again with new game +, all enemies are harder but you keep all your equipment and sl. I like my level 90, dukes archives is awesome if you're fighting an honorable person, having matches in the library or infront of the bonfire with all the tables destroyed is pretty fun
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:09 am

    Basically the main area for PvP is the area before the final boss, as this area is ALWAYS open to be used, as when the final boss is defeated new game + starts and once you reach there, is available again.

    also the most likely level to have action at is SL120, which is a kind of unwritten rule to promote specialisation of builds, as it limits how many stats you can have.

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by SilverReborn Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:17 am

    Much appreciate the answers, i'm glad to know that the last area will remain opened then. As for right now i've just been going back to darkwood to invade, even though i've already killed Sif in the story line. I've heard alot about that 120 rule, but does anybody actually pvp at max level? (Or is it not even common to run into people with a max level character?)
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:22 am

    It is uncommon, most people do at 120 but my friend has been PvPing (with darkwraith so equal/higher SL) at SL150, but i think the action you get is less constant than it would be at 120

    I personally think high level (200-250) would be good but not many people seem to agree.

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by k0rruptid Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:10 pm

    i think because at level 200-250 most builds will be identical.

    another 130 stat points = better armor, more health, wrath of god, crystal soul spear. ect.

    seems pointless.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by RANT Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:49 pm

    sl 200 are all around build, even at 120 everyone has hybrid builds, id actually like the official sl to be 99 which would make you really think about what you put your points into, i know everyone says that people would put all their points into vit and end but people do that in sl 120 which is worse, i see people using lightning zweihander and theyre sl 300, its just sad when i see that.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:51 pm


    did not mean as majority, meant as more available option to regular 120 PvP
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Reaperfan Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:50 pm

    To try and stop this before it happens, here's the short version. Level 200-250 PvP creates stagnation of build structure, not build variety. Everyone will be using mostly heavy armor, multiple kinds of scaling weapons, and have access to a good number of spells. What is not true though is the idea that all of these players will be using the SAME armor, weapons, and spells. Some will still decide to use miracles over sorceries, or Stone Armor over Black Iron +5. Builds will not be copy-pasted onto each character (that only really starts to happen at maximum level PvP), though they will all use the same format for their builds.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:53 pm

    Don't think there was danger of that reaper silly

    but yeah i agree, there wouldn't be much variation in builds but will be in what people use and therein lies the fun of it big grin

    if you can do everything, brings it right down to skill (Fex had an awesome quote for this on old forum but dunno where it is :/)
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Carphil Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:24 pm

    I just don't care about level because a Sl 10 can kill a sl 300 in this game, like some of you said, its about skills not about equipment.

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Deadmeat95 Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:59 pm

    I rather like pvping in the bonfire room of the O&S portion or anor.

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:31 pm

    soul level 200 guy using full havels with a zwei with crystal magic weapon VS a guy with full giant's armor using with a claymore with sunlight blade

    come on i dare oyu say that they're the same

    they can be the same build but they won't be USING the same damn things as reaper said it won't be copy pasted like most "120 capped" mentality people says

    120 is an unofficial cap so don't need to stop there if you don't wnat it

    there should be three caps for PVP or four that i will list here

    low level cap

    SLv - 20-80

    medium level cap

    Slv - 80-120

    High level cap

    Slv - 140-200

    Extreme level cap

    Slv - 200-500

    i posted this in the old forums and all i got was hate
    lets see what will happen here
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Whknight Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:37 pm

    Really the cap means nothing to me, I just don't see a need to limit myself for PvE and PvP.

    On the other hand I can see a use for setting a 'cap' only to increase the number of people you can fight against, that's it really.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Carphil Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:38 pm

    Not hate, I had a 237 guy (Data got corrupted sad ) and I could pvp with him without waiting at kiln, and i could win or lose the same thing as sl 120

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:35 pm

    SilverReborn wrote:Much appreciate the answers, i'm glad to know that the last area will remain opened then. As for right now i've just been going back to darkwood to invade, even though i've already killed Sif in the story line. I've heard alot about that 120 rule, but does anybody actually pvp at max level? (Or is it not even common to run into people with a max level character?)

    *raises hand* i never capped myself at lvl 120 will never do because thats just not enough for me

    the game has a max level cap of 710 capping yourself at lvl 120 is just shamefull if you ask me
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Big Ben Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:37 pm

    What makes it shameful?

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:38 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Don't think there was danger of that reaper silly

    but yeah i agree, there wouldn't be much variation in builds but will be in what people use and therein lies the fun of it big grin

    if you can do everything, brings it right down to skill (Fex had an awesome quote for this on old forum but dunno where it is :/)

    and don't forget the main benefit of being high level

    A lot less one shoting on you NO more Lagged CSS one-hit kill that hapenned a lot on lvl 120 big grin you can always survive one hit which is good

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by bradnak Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:38 pm

    It could be merely be observation error, but a majority of the people I defeated in the Kiln with my SL120 (and so could calculate SL by number of souls I got), were higher than SL120. Using what is incredibly flawed logic, I figured that the people to whom I was losing were higher than SL120. I've raised that toon to SL130 and have seen no decline in number of duels, quality of duels, or douchey-ness of people.

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:39 pm

    Big Ben wrote:What makes it shameful?

    well its shamefull for me personally i don't know why would it be shamefull to anyone else really

    although i can think of this

    if the developer place a cap of lvl 710 means that they want you to level up as much as you can

    if they didn't they would just place a lvl cap of 120 and be done with it do you agree?

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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:40 pm

    bradnak wrote:It could be merely be observation error, but a majority of the people I defeated in the Kiln with my SL120 (and so could calculate SL by number of souls I got), were higher than SL120. Using what is incredibly flawed logic, I figured that the people to whom I was losing were higher than SL120. I've raised that toon to SL130 and have seen no decline in number of duels, quality of duels, or douchey-ness of people.

    thats the lvl range 120 can PVP with people that are 12 levels above or bellow them since the rnage is 10% your lvl
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Carphil Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:43 pm

    They give you freedom to do anything you want, if ya want to cap at 120 you can, if ya want to continue leveling uo you can, but, at least for ME, leveling up never made pvp worse. With a sl 237 I had more fun fights at kiln than with 120. I could summon people and be invaded by other types of people, not only darkwraiths. This means Not everyone caps at 120.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Big Ben Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:45 pm

    Scudman_Slayer wrote:
    Big Ben wrote:What makes it shameful?

    well its shamefull for me personally i don't know why would it be shamefull to anyone else really

    although i can think of this

    if the developer place a cap of lvl 710 means that they want you to level up as much as you can

    if they didn't they would just place a lvl cap of 120 and be done with it do you agree?

    Doesn't really matter to me what the developer wants me to do. I do what I want to do.
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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Carphil Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:47 pm

    Doesn't really matter to me what the developer wants me to do. I do what I want to do.

    They give you freedom to do anything you want


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    PvP Locations opened Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by bradnak Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:47 pm

    I should clarify my point - that being that it appears that most people are gaming the soft SL120 cap for pvp by taking advantage of the +/-10%.

    I wonder that there hasn't been a lot more inflation as more and more people game the +/- 10% to squeeze a little more to get the win.

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