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    PvP Locations opened


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    PvP Locations opened - Page 2 Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:48 pm

    Carphil wrote:They give you freedom to do anything you want, if ya want to cap at 120 you can, if ya want to continue leveling uo you can, but, at least for ME, leveling up never made pvp worse. With a sl 237 I had more fun fights at kiln than with 120. I could summon people and be invaded by other types of people, not only darkwraiths. This means Not everyone caps at 120.

    thats a very good improvemenet

    because before i think it was about 80% of the community capped at lvl 120 :| could be wrong but i think it was about there when i was on the old forums

    good to see less people are capping themselves

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    PvP Locations opened - Page 2 Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Scudman_Slayer Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:49 pm

    bradnak wrote:@scudman
    I should clarify my point - that being that it appears that most people are gaming the soft SL120 cap for pvp by taking advantage of the +/-10%.

    I wonder that there hasn't been a lot more inflation as more and more people game the +/- 10% to squeeze a little more to get the win.

    its totalyl possible since the cap is not direcly exaclty at lvl 120 its around the 10% range of it so if you want to get to lvl 130 to get an extra 10 point you can go with it without less pvp

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    PvP Locations opened - Page 2 Empty Re: PvP Locations opened

    Post by Deadmeat95 Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:52 pm

    I don't give a hoot about sl cap I just wanna be were the action is.

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