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    Weekly/Regular PC FC


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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:28 pm

    Things have been relatively settled, first FC will be Saturdays
    6pm EST (GMT-5(+1))/11pm BST (GMT(+1)) - (+1) accounting for daylight savings time
    SL100 (approximately)
    Location: Moonpit/Arty Arena or 2s/deathmatch in the arena
    Rules: Buff, Bow, Fight. No healing. Don't be an ***


    Last edited by Laharls_Wrath on Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:31 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Uparkaam Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:43 pm

    Weekends would work for me. And Moonpit sounds good.
    Mental Gear
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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Mental Gear Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:18 pm

    I would like to take part.
    My timezone is CET. Thursday to Sunday evening, beginning from 19:00 would be fine.
    Moonpit sounds right, never got invaded there so far.
    Only thing is I have no current char with SL100, only one with 123 and the other with SL4, guess I have to speed up the development.
    As I have no idea whatsoever: What is required to 'host'? How to host?

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:41 pm

    By host I'm referring to the individuals with the area boss not yet killed who are capable of summoning
    people via rss, wouldnt make sense to have it in an area where the vast majority have killed the boss

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by SarahCassandra Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:36 pm

    I'd be up for it.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by GaryBlevins Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:00 pm

    I'd be up for it. I'm east coast, so from 20:00 onward works for me.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by StiffNipples Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:15 am

    I was thinking of hosting something similar every few weeks in the Crystal Caves Forest.

    GMT+10 (Australian East Coast), was thinking around 1100 on Sat or Sun (which is something like 1900ish American time, about 0100 for England, and early am for Europe).

    I was keen for SL50-55 though (which is a common SL for events on these forums, so I assumed most would have a toon at this level, and even if you don't it won't take long to get one there).

    Theme would be Raw Steel (No magics, Raw upgraded weapons only; so no Twinkling or Demon titanite or Dragon Scale weapons, armour and shield can be upgraded to anything though).
    Just for longer fights, it might end up tedious though so fine tuning might be needed.

    Also guys if you post your timezones in GMT+/-X it's so much easier to work out what time it would be in other locations. It's pretty much the world standard too, if you don't know what your timezone is in GMT go here.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:06 am

    StiffNipples wrote:...
    I'd be somewhat interested and might stop by but all in all I'm not a huge fan of PvP at 50/55 and dislike the theme as I enjoy seeing the hybridization of builds (in any game) and as obnoxious as it can be for me personally to fight against, say, a dark sorcery heavy build, I'd rather host something where people can play what they want and if everyone hates fighting someone just handle that on a case-by-case basis

    but regardless let me know if it gets off the ground because as a whole it'd be nice to see more things going on within the PC community

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by AnCapaillMor Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:16 am

    would be interested but all my guys are in the 120 bracket.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by SarahCassandra Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:08 pm

    AnCapaillMor wrote:would be interested but all my guys are in the 120 bracket.
     As long as we have some low level invaders ( my main char is around 80 at the minute ) you could host so you will still get some fights as I imagine people dont often go over 120. happy

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:36 am

    Sorry about the delay, I had some other stuff going on
    since it's obvious a perfect time for everyone can't be had and I've gotten a bit of feedback as to when works for some people, I figured I'd come up with three times and see which is best recieved
    I'd like to attempt to get this started this upcoming Saturday (unless an overwhelming majority prefer Sunday, but Saturday seems to be the way to go given timezones mean people may be up late and people do work)
    so here are the times I came up with, listing the time for the East Coast of the US and the UK rather than purely by GMT+/-X as trying I've had bad experiences with people not comprehending daylight savings time

    -2pm EST (GMT-5(+1))/7pm BST (GMT(+1))
    This would most likely not work for me (although I may be able to show up late) but if it's the ideal time for everyone else than so be it

    -8pm EST (GMT-5(+1)/1am BST (GMT(+1))
    I feel like this would be ideal for those in the US however it runs quite late for those in Europe and as a result is probably not worth using

    -6pm EST (GMT-5(+1))/11pm BST (GMT(+1))
    I think this would work best, the downside is it's around a popular time for people to eat dinner
    on the plus side it doesn't run too late for those in Europe and (I don't believe) it is overly early for those in Australia (I may be wrong here)
    Could maybe bump it an hour earlier/later if need be

    so all in all I feel like some time around 6pm EST/11pm BST/10 pm GMT on Saturdays would be ideal, or at least as close to it as we can get
    depending on how long it goes on people may have to dip in and out to eat but that's not the end of the world

    looking for feedback, who would be able to make this time, who wouldn't, suggestions for a different time or moving it back or forward an hour, etc (post here or feel free to message me on steam)

    lastly, for a general ruleset:
    -Buff (x1), Bow, Fight
    -No Healing
    - ~SL100 (I'm content with having people around the 120 range or 80 range if others are, after all this is for fun and the more the better imo, although anything above 120 would be pushing it imo)
    -Don't be an *** (this isn't hard, constructive criticism and help are good, being salty or an arrogant prick is bad)

    and for communication/organization at the time of, there's either the forum chat or the steam group chat if that is being actively used for something else (open to other suggestions as well but either of these seems as though it'd be fine)

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Uparkaam Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:58 pm

    I'm okay with the third one.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Rarayn Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:33 am

    Sounds like fun, and it looks like I'll actually be able to participate in this one. The third option sounds good to me, though an hour or two earlier or later would also work. (My timezone is GMT(+1))

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:31 am

    So a handful of people have confirmed the third time (6pm EST (GMT-5(+1))/11pm BST (GMT(+1)) ) works for them so it looks like that's that

    updated the OP with the information

    also, I could also potentially stream it (depending on what else I'm doing at the time), and if not myself a couple other people have offered to do so if they can make it
    I'm not sure if anyone has an issue with it being streamed, but if not it could potentially bring a few more people in

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Revoltage Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:10 pm

    I'm looking forward to this, it's been a while since the last time I've participated in anything. Is there an approximate time for how long this will run, or is it going as long as there are people who want to fight?

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:25 pm

    I see no reason why it couldn't be the latter, people might as well just go until bored
    Mental Gear
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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Mental Gear Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:32 pm

    So that would be starting time 12.00 midnight in CEST if the worldtimebuddy site is correct.
    Looking forward to this.Point Forward

    I'll stay until I fall asleep.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Rarayn Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:13 pm

    First fight club was fun. Hoping we'll manage to arrange another one soon.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:14 pm

    had, imo, a nice turnout, thinking about doing it again next Saturday at roughly the same time if people are interested and I'm free (which I think I should be)

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Rarayn Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:05 am

    I'm certainly interested. Can't be 100% certain nothing comes up, but as far as I know I'm free on next Saturday too.

    Moonpit again, or do you have any other good areas open for summoning? The Kiln comes to mind, but I guess that's not as accessible to everyone.

    Doing what Revoltage suggested and trying some team deathmatches in the Oolacile arena would also be cool.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:42 am

    I don't have the kiln open as I'm lazy and tend to stop with PvE after the four kings are dead, and the one character I had that did have access to it is mid-ng+ run and I'm streaming that for some buddies so it's going slow and wont be up to Gwyn for a while

    Arty arena could work, but it's also a bit less accessible than the moonpit, and honestly I'm more than happy having it in the moonpit again
    idk, open to suggestions

    Also, think 2s would be a lot of fun, assuming connections work (no idea if dscfix functions properly with the arena or not), they're part of the reason I love to catbro

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Rarayn Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:17 am

    I'm fine with the Moonpit as well, but if we're doing this weekly it might be nice with some variation every now and then.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:02 am

    Yeah twas good fun must try and get a decent SL100 build together for the next one.

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:06 am

    haven't posted in a bit, have had a lot on my mind and my days have been less than ideal
    wanted to confirm that tomorrow (Saturday), same time, place, and SL, works for me
    if you need to contact me, feel free to message me on steam (although I'm at work at the moment so I wont be around for a while)

    I'd love to get some 2s done and maybe mix up the location however to start things off going to be in the moonpit until people show up, can talk over location changes then
    will most likely be using the steam group chat again, as well
    hope to see you there

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    Weekly/Regular PC FC Empty Re: Weekly/Regular PC FC

    Post by Laharls_Wrath Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:06 pm

    ended up just doing 2v2s and deathmatch in the arena
    was a huge laugh

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