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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Weapons and Magic - What to Use

    Post by User Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:27 pm

    This is the index. This is not the actual post. The posts for such facts will be underneath this index. This will give a reference to what it is that the subject will focus on. Like I said, the subject will be posted around 11PM.

    Introduction - 0.00

    Basic Weapon Classes - 1.00

    Magics of Dark Souls - 2.00

    Shields - 3.00

    Weapons Qualifications - 4.00

    Magic Qualifications - 5.00
    • Ranged Sorcery - 5.01
    • The Buffers of Weapons - 5.02
    • Pyromancy and Miracle Hinderers - 5.03
    • Chaos vs Flame Pyromancies - 5.04
    • Sounds and Illusions - 5.05
    • Healing Miracles - 5.06
    • Offensive Miracle - 5.07
    • Buffers of Magic - 5.08
    • Whips and Combustions - 5.09
    • Dragon Magics and their Usage - 5.10

    Armors of Wanderers - 6.00
    • Armor Weights - 6.01
    • Resistance and Poise - 6.02
    • Armor Attributes - 6.03

    Items and Ammunition - 7.00
    • Bombs and Knives - 6.01
    • Munition of Quality - 6.02
    • Physical Buffs - 6.03

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:43 pm; edited 13 times in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Introduction - 0.00

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:18 am



    Welcome. This thread is based on the fact of different weapon types, different magics and usage of the world. As it were, this thread is to clarify different diversities of items for users to use for their own speculation of choice in future builds, as well as current ones. These facts will help you in many situations, if you are able to use skill and comfort for the things you use for such times. As it were, these different types are all set to different criteria within the world of Dark Souls, and have their own weaknesses and strengths, despite if you see them or not. They all do, and they are all a usage of such means when the times come.

    As it were, and Introduction is not what you look for. Instead, you look more for the information of such weapons and things when combat is concerned. So...



    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Basic Weapon Classes - 1.00

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:18 am

    As it were, their are different classes and clarifications of different weapons. Before you can go into the world as a champion, understanding of the tools of destruction and sometimes peace needs all a basic understanding, as well as their qualities and weaknesses to be understood for the right tools for the right job.

    Some experts solely use a weapon that has a good amount of qualities that are easily seen, however their are also other weapons that can eaisly counter such weapons at times. The players must understand such clarifications, and aim for the sucess required of becoming the Champion of Destruction, with the usage of the Raw.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Straight Swords - 1.01

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:19 am

    Straight Swords; One of the Common Weapons of Enemies that we see within game... if the enemies can hold weapons, of course. These swords are usually set in the scaling of a balance between dexterity and strength, although the straight swords also have a few that are more towards the dexterity side than strength. These swords are mostly slashing weapons, with usually the R2 Two-handed attack being a thrust like a rapier sword, and is a slashing attack usually similar to that of normal curved swords. The Base Damage for most of the weapons is low, however the scaling is usually superior to most other classes with its balancemnt.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Shortsword

    When it comes to scaling, these Straight Swords are known to not increase to over C-Rankings for most of the Normal Swords, however the few that are scaled towards dexterity more usually are more based on such scaling to increase in dexterity. The Balder Side Sword and the Silver Knight Sword are both examples of such things, aiming more towards dexterity than strength. However, the Balder Side Sword is more towards a better scaling than the Silver Knight Sword, but the base between the two is over-sized by the Silver Sword. Only a few weapons do not follow this trend of C-Scalings or over-dexterity swords. Two of them are the broken swords, in which the broken sword has better base and scaling compared to that of the Hilt Sword. The Barbed Sword is based on a D-ranked scaling over the plate, however it is the only straight sword with a Bleed Effect. The last is the Drake Sword, in which has no scaling, but the base damage oversize the concept in early game plays. Even so, the Drake Sword's capability to use a 'shock crack' with two-handed R2 Attack makes this sword being a special magic weapon. Their are no Swords that have no special effects of damage, other than the Bleeding affect of the Barbed Sword, as well as the Divine quality of the Astora's Straight Sword.

    When it comes to One-Handed Attacks, an almost 180 degree attack of a slashing attack is seen with an R1 and R2 attack. The Two-Handed Attack is that of a usual Katana Attack in an R2 Move, in which it slashes upwards and downwards, removing the moveset of a slashing attack of AOE to a more direct attack. As usual, weapons that are Two Handed multiplies the Damage Count, despite how the stats on the Player usually does not show the true amount of damage, and it also increases the strength by a tad, in which helps with the scaling sometimes as well in low-leveled strength classes. The sword is good for diversity of attacks, with the attacks being usually fast and quick, with the attacks being that of a short AOE attack against multiple foes infront of the character, while the R2 moves are mostly based on single targeted enemies. However, if you require a shield for most foes, the Straight Sword is that of usually an R1 attack, removing damage for a longer sweep, and a good shielding compared to blocking with R2.

    The Straight Swords are usually not chosen as weapons due for their usual common short range compared to other weapons, although its weapon class is based on full out balance. These swords, however, are more easily resisted by armors of many kinds, from medium to heavy armor. In a sense, light armor enemies are more weaker to use enemies. These Swords also do not have the quality of Poise, in which these swords can not stun enemies with ease compared to many, with most enemies needed a good amount of hits to cause such stuttering.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:15 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Curved Swords - 1.02

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:21 am

    Curved Swords; Their are two qualifications when it comes to Curved Swords: The Normal Medieval Kinds, and the Brittle and yet Hard Katanas. Both swords are very smooth, when it comes to their movesets, usually attacking with a sort of elegance and speed compared to many other weapons. When used, these weapons are very similar to that of a Straight Sword. However, different qualifications make them different. These Katanas and Curved Swords are more less damaging towards Heavy Armored Beings, and more are aimed to light no bare beings, enemies with bare or cloth armor for the most parts. These weapons are also entirely based upon the basis of Dexterity Scaling, and less on Strength. Only the Washing Pole, a Greatsword Katana in its own rights as a long thread sword, which is balanced in a D-Scale Ranking for both Strenght and Dexterity. As well, the Jagged Ghost Blade has barely any scaling, residing to only an E-ranked Strength Scaling.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Shotel

    Compared to the Katanas, the Curved Swords are based mostly on the attacks of similar quality of a fusion of a Dagger and a Sword. Usually, the length of these weapons are between the two. As well, if a weapon is put into their left hand, the blocking mechanic is replaced with a parry similar to that of a parry, which is longer effect compared to that of a shield, while keeping also a swinging effect. As it were, special curved swords such as the Furysword does fire damage, and the Jagged Ghost Blade has a bleeding effect. Even more so, the Shotel has a special R2 attack that allows the weapon of ignore blocks. As it were, these weapons are less of a variety compared to their longer, straight types of weaponry. These Swords are more or less replaces base damage (due to the resisted effect compared to straight swords) with rapid speed, allowing them to swing with a good succession, with less endurance being eaten up compared to other swords and other heavy weapons. These Curved Swords are a very elegant weapon choice, in a sense, meant for players who want to be more of a rapid pest, than a hard-hitting boar.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Uchigatana

    The Katanas, like the Curved Swords, have similar qualities to them. However, a few qualifications to these weapons are more so easily seen. These Katanas all have a bleeding effect. Their length of these swords are more towards a normal sword, and most of them longer than a good amount of straight swords, sometimes close to being a greatsword, for the Washing Pole of course. These weapons are also more brittle than other weapons, with less Duration than other weapons. Very breakable if not repaired, these swords are also commonly fast as a Curved Sword. Their is a special sword, the Chaos Blade, which has a greater base damage, is known as a Demon Weapon, and is upgraded VIA Demon Titanites. As it were, the sword also does a tad amount of damage to the player, hence the chaos aspect to it. These Katanas need special care, and their speed and length are extremely well. of course, all but the washing pole has no scaling towards strength, just solely dexterity, so later games other curved swords trump them VIA scaling. However, their starting base damage is a tad greater than that of other swords, which makes these swords easily likable early to mid game, until players increase scaling to other things VIA leveling. These weapons are the most loved, and the most infamous, compared to all other weapons, excluding a few.

    As it were, the Curved Swords are usually more obscure than the Katanas, despite in later games the Curved Swords have a better quality to it later in game. As it were, many Curved Swords replaces a kick with a slash and then blackflip, adding more dmaage and less stun. It combines a roll and an attack, allowing better combat that a kick, which is more used to disarm shielded and bare to medium cladded enemies. Take note, that it does not do as much damage than a normal attack, and it does not stun as well to heavy and shielded enemies. Be warned skill is required for curved swords when combat includes the heavy, which is very popular in PvP.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:18 am; edited 2 times in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Rapiers - 1.03

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:25 am

    Rapiers; A Third Qualification of Swords. However, unlike other swords, it is a crossbreed between a spear and a straight sword. These Swords replace a slashing motivation with a more piercing attack. More aimed towards the killing of Heavy and Medium cladded enemies, these swords remove base damage and less scaling with the ability to allow players to do more damage against enemies, even if they have a physical resistance towards normal weapons, since most armors are less resistant to piercing weapons. Their scaling is more based to Dexterity, similar to that of curved swords, however their scaling is usually seen as 'poor'.

    Look Skyward

    Only having a few amount of weapons, each has their own qualities and faults. All they share is the thrusting attack, similar to spears. This allows shield wielders to hide behind shields and use the sword, allowing such players more diversity of combat. As it were, the Kick is also replaced as well, with a trusting slash, and the a backstep away from them. Similar to that of a normal curved sword, these Rapier are more based on heavy enemies than light, which makes them the opposite ends of the poles, despite being both dexterity based weapons. As it were, the rapier has no slash, excluding the Estoc, which has an R2 attack that allows a slash, in case enemies surround the user of such a weapon. The lengths of each weapons of normal quality scale from a normal dagger to a longsword. As it were, the normal rapier and the dagger rapier, the mail breaker, both are similar to daggers, in the sense that both have a critical hit bonus, which allows such diversities of weapons for the thief-liked classes, in the sense that the sword can replace the slashing daggers.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Estoc

    All three of the normal weapons are based on a D-ranked strength, and a C-ranked Dexterity at the start. However, the two special weapons, the Knight Lord's Rapier, as well as the Pardoner's Rapier, Velka's, are more based on different scaling, with Ricards based more on dexterity than strength, and the Velka's more so to Intelligence. As it were, no weapons start with a base damage over 80, however most weapons can reach to about 150-160 base damage, as well as the contribution of scale damage with dexterity. As it were, like spears, most of these swords are based on thrusting attacks, despite any attacking process. The only exception is the Estoc.

    These Swords are very used for enemies of heavy cladded armor, and is more appealing as a substitute of a dagger, despite how the daggers and the rapiers have little qualities, other than the critical hits and the one rapier being the length of a dagger, qualifying it as a Hybrid of a Dagger and a Rapier. These Swords have more of a diversity of attacks, and is more usable without a shield, than the reluctive long spear. Unlike the spear, these weapons are also more faster when it comes to attacking without blocking. Their ability to be used at the left hand is exceptional, as the Rapier can parry as well as a curved sword, with their own animation of slapping weapons away. Of course, the parrying mechanic for the rapier is shorter, and must be times precise, but it has a good feeling for any who want it on their left hand a melee weapon instead of a shield or some other weapon of choice.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Spears - 1.04

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:26 am

    Spears; Weapons that substitute speed that the fact that it has a good set of length. As it were, like rapiers, they are all based on mostly Dexterity scaling than strength, however two of them, the Trident and the Horn Spear, are based on intelligence, with the Trident only having scaling to dexterity and strength as well. The Dragonslayer Spear is also based on faith, due to its knightly quality to it.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Partizan

    As it were, like the Rapier, the spears also have a diversity of length, from the normal spear to the spears such as the Dragon Spear and the Winged Spear. However, some of these spears have a backside compared to the rapiers, in which the long spears have a noted 'minimum' range, in which case the spears can not hurt an enemy that is right in front of them (close to hugging, if it were). These spears are also thrusting, aimed towards heavily armored enemies than normal ones. Such spears include the Winged Spear. As it were, these weapons are usually to slow and direct for combat without the shield, and is mostly based on the use of a shield, with the exception of special spears such as the Dragonslayer and the Trident, which can be more so Independent of such shields, compared to normal spears.

    These spears, when two-handed, are more faster and faster than normal One-Handed Attacks, which allows players without spears to become exceptionally deadly without the use of a spear, and is similar to that of a Pole Arm during this Process. As it were, these weapons can be said to be more reliable, as they do not stagger if they miss. However, their is no sweeping attack in most cases. These Spears are more based on an AOE of a straight line, and is more reliable on a narrow pathway such as a bridge than a large hallway. As it were, these spears are solely based on Thrusting Attacks, excluding the magic attack weapons. They all do physical damage, however the Trident and the Horn does magic damage, with the horn losing physical damage, and the Dragonslayer Spear having lightning damage.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Channelers_trident

    Even so, these Spears are very useful for those who can use a spear and balance endurance and timing. These spear-men are usually also hated for their combat being hardly impenetrable in closed areas, except for deflections from heavy stability weapons, and parries. These spears are easily usable, and parrying a long-thrusted spear is only parryable when in close range. As it were, making enemies unable to move around will allow the spear user better combat, as attacking while shielded is less faster than without it. However attacking while using the shield uses the same endurance as without it.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:22 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Hammers - 1.05

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:28 am

    Hammers; Clubs, Picks, and also, well, hammers. As it were, these weapons are based on Strength more so, with the only weapon based with dexterity scaling is also the Warpick. As it were, these weapons are short, yet they are based on Raw Power. Unlike swords, they are able to pass by physical resistance, compared to other weapons, and these 'Hammers' are slower, yet they are able to target an enemy, and break them. They easily stun enemies, and is able to be used more efficiently to light to medium enemies. Despite being less used than other weapons, almost being obscured after early game, these weapons are mistreated and uncommon for almost any enemy and user.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Mace

    However, unlike other strength hammers, which rely on smacking enemies, the Pick weapons are more so in a thrusting attack, which removes the raw power with that of similar damage as Spears and Rapiers. These weapons are the MOST uncommon hammer weapons, although is more based on heavy enemies than normal hammers, which these hammers are very damaging with physical damage than swords and other weapons. As it were, these Hammers are very useful, and is sometimes easily very effective against heavy enemies as well, such as armored giant knights and such. These Hammers are effective in that stance. Like an axe, if the player misses the target, they stagger for a second or two, and makes the player vulnerable. As it were, the Hammers have lost that smooth attack sequence that the axes have, which makes the Hammers more based for skilled players. As it were, these weapons stagger better than axes in general, but only a tad so.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Pickaxe

    As is, these Hammers need a special care, as their swings are usually 1-3 seconds, takes a good endurance away, and these weapons are very easily parried for intermediate parriers. These weapons have a good durability compared to many, however the weapons that have less than 200 compared to other weapons, including the reinforced club and the morning star, is able to do bleeding damage, even though their scaling is lesser than others. Their base damage between the two makes the Reinforced Club superior to the Morning Star. The Blacksmith Giants Hammer is the only weapon that does not use just physical damage, with the usage of lightning damage (due to his profession, of course). As it were, the hammers are need to be used by players of intermediate or higher quality, and thoseof little to no skill will easily die with the usage of these uncommon weapons. Be warned.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:24 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Great Hammers - 1.06

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:29 am

    Great Hammers; Half being hammers, half being clubs and a grant, these weapons are an extreme upgrade when it comes to strength, compared to the lesser cousins. As it were, the Great Hammers remove speed with power, which counterfits most to all dexterity-based weaponry. As it were, these weapons are able to smash enemies onto the ground, and is a weapon that is usually two-handed, due to it having a larger scale of raw power when two handed, as well as sometimes a larger swing.

    Although most is a striking weapon, the large club replaces such smashing attacks with swings, and the swings have more of an AOE scaling to that of other Great Hammers. As well, the poison effect it has allows those who block or have a good amount of vitality, or they heal, to be poisoned and loss HP, helping the player kill them quicker (although minuscule). All of these weapons are based off of B-ranked or higher strength only, excluding the Grant, which has a scaling of A in faith, and the two special weapons, the Dragon Tooth and the Smough Hammer, which replaces scaling with pure raw power. However, when it comes to it, weapons such as the Demon Great Hammer and the Grant does more damage when the needed scaled levels of different attributes is obtained, removing the appealing number the two raw, based weapons of such ideas. All of these weapons can slam enemies to the ground with the R2 Two-Handed Attack almost always, excluding the enemies with a heavy, heavy poise. Usually armored with Havel, Giant, or Smough Armor with the wolf ring (and the flipping ring... be warned). However these weapons can kill if a good amount of hits, usually form 1-3, hits onto an enemy, these weapons are also slow. Not as slow as the great axes, which trumps their speed and their leng in all cases of such Great Axes.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Demons_great_hammer

    These Great Hammers are usually favored by many who love and adore raw power, however such users are trumped by a mass of Axe wielders. However, the balanced speed of both the R1 and R2 attacks are greater than the Great Axes. As it were, Great Axes usually have a faster R1 attack than a Greta Hammer, but their R2 attacks are noted as usually extremely slow when it comes to combat, causing the player to being less efficent to Great Hammers, as usually those moves are block, or usually just moved aside. As the Great Axes focus on short, slashing attacks as the Large Club, the Great Hammer has a Direct AOE attack, which kills anything that it lands on, and around it.

    These Great Hammers are more uncommon in quantity than the normal Hammers, but the quality of the two changes more so towards the favour of the greater cousin. The usage of such weapons requires patience and timing, and possibly a good amount of poise, of strategy for the player does not work in their favour.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:26 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Axes - 1.07

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:32 am

    Axes; Less Quantity compared to Hammers, however these Axes are a breed of a Pole Arm and a Hammer. Like the Hammers, they use raw striking power, used to smash enemies. However, their stunnage is less effective, but their Base Damage is seen greater than hammers, and their speed is also usually seen greater than such. However, they have a greater stagger when they miss than hammers, and these weapons have a direct AOE of 180 minus the left side a good quality amount. As it were, the Axes are also based with a balance of strength and dexterity, but more based on strength, excluding the Butcher Knife and the Gargoyle Tail. The Gargoyle Tail being that of Dexterity more than Strength, and the Butcher Knife is just Strength Scaling.


    All except the Hand Axe and Battle Axe have their own R2 Attacks, in which both the two regular axes have the same R2 attack of a downwards strike, instead of a sideways one. The Butcher Knife has a slower Strike to the ground with both hands, and the Gargoyle Tail has a spiny bendage of a strike. The Golem Axe also is different as well, using Magic. Such weapons can be easily seen as used for more open areas than hammers, as their sideways strike allows a rounder attack than the downwards strikes of hammers. As it were, users of such axes must understand that the speed and damage is sacrificed with a longer stagger, so intermediate players and over are more pulled towards this. Only the hand axe has a shorter staggering than others, with their being almost no stagger at all.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Golem_axe_1

    Surprisingly, these Axes are also good for blocking, compared to hammers, with a resistance to physical damage being 55, allowing two-handed use of it allowing more resistance to attacks, before they counter attack them. As it were, the Gargoyle Tail allows resistance to Poisons, Toxins, and Bleeding by a good amount, due to its bronze quality. As it were, the Axes have barley any special qualities to them other than such, making them mostly just raw damage, as their is only physical-only damage attacks from such weapons. The usage of weapons in closed areas is bad, as they can easily hit walls and other objects, causing the player to miss and stagger. As it were, the Axes are very uncommon with quantity, but the Battle Axe is easily common early game, as wlel as the Hand Axe. Other Axes usually takes time to obtain.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Great Axes - 1.08

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:34 am

    Great Axes; With their being only four that can be used, these axes all have different qualities, and would easily be said that they are all seperate, except for the Demon Axe, Dragon king Axe, and the Greataxe. The Greataxe can be said to have the ideal of both dexterity and strength scaling, however the Demon Axe is only strength scaling, and the Dragon Axe has no Scaling. With weapons based of quality of damage only through scaling, these weapons can be said to be all smashing attacks, except for the swing attack the Demon Axe has. The Range for all except the Dragon Axe is smaller than all of the Great Hammers, and it takes longer for them to be greater quality than some great hammers VIA damage, even with the short range and attack. The black knight axe has a similar moveset to that of the Demon Axe.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Greataxe

    These Great Axes are very dangerous for the user to use with an R2 attack. All of their R2 attacks, although easily very staggering and even slamming enemies to the ground, is slower than every other R2 attack from great hammers, and the AOE range is too small to be viable. Only the Black Knight axe is such, as the speed and range is a tad better, although more so the speed than range. As it were, the Dragon Axe trumps these Axes with its R2 attack, as it uses magic force if they miss, allowing a save from a counter swing. As it were, it can be said that any who try to use such weapons should be the greatest planners. Experts and Higher are required for such use. The Dragon Axe, unlike a swing, also does a slamming attack like the great axe, and is more similar to that of a Great hammer than a Great Axe. However, its shape and different qualities make it more towards the Great Axe quality, and is stated as such.

    Those who use Great Axe can be pleased that such weapons are more physically raw when they can be weilded, compared to greta Hammer weapons. However, the few double digit difference does not matter in the hundreds, as a sword that does 82 damage instead of 80 is usually not seen as a difference, unless scaling is involved. Removing a tad damage and faster R1 attacks with slow R2 attacks, shorter range, and the movesets being more damaging towards the player in the future, it is not recommended to use such weapons. Only the Black Knight Greataxe shows a good amount of speed and range, trumping all great Axes, and some great Hammers. if you want to use such an axe, use the Black knight Greataxe. The Dragon Axe's Magic, however, redeems it for experts and higher.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Black_knight_greataxe

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Pole Arms - 1.09

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:36 am

    Pole Arms; usually just qualified as weapons with a weapon attacked to a pole, these weapons are a crossbreed between an axe and a spear. Having a good amount of strength, these weapons are known to being heavily bad when it comes to a miss, as the player staggers once they miss for a second or two. as it were, all scale towards either a balance of strength and dexterity, or more towards dexterity, and some being more strength orientated, as well as the Crescent Axe being that of Faith Scaling as well. Those with a balanced scaling is that of D-ranking, always. All of the weapons have a slamming attack, as well as some having a swinging attack. Usually the later being that of an R2 attack, while the other is an R1 attack. However all do not have an Axe Head.

    The Lucerne is similar to that of a Pickaxe, with a piercing damage attack like such Pick Axes. The Giant Halbred and the Halbred also has such damage, although it also has an blunt damage attack as well as the thrusting. The rest either have Smashing Attacks or Slicing Attacks. As it were, these weapons all have a good quality as such. The two normal scythes, both the great scythe and the Lifehunter, is solely based on Bleed Damage as well. However, the Lifehunter Scythe also increases the Players Bleed as well, if swung repeatedly. All have only physical damage, except the two with magic damage, the Titanite Pole and the Crescent Axe, as well as the Giants Polearm having lightning damage as well. As it were, the lack of most of their scaling is replaced with a goo quality of Base Damage, starting over 100 damage. The Gargoyle Halbred also has the same quality as that of the Gargoyle Tail Axe. The Crescent Axe also has Divine qualities to it originally.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Giants_halberd

    Being so, these weapons are more based in the independence of a shield, compared to a Spear, as well as its range being that of good usage. Even more so, some attacks from certain weapons have a certain minimum range, as the spears, and can miss the enemy if too close. As it were, these weapons are easily used for any that can aim with ease.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:30 am; edited 1 time in total
    Chosen Undead
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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Greatsword - 1.10

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:38 am

    Greatsword; These Greatswords are simialr to Great Axes, in which their attacks are fast and short R1 attacks, with heavy and long R2 attacks. However weapons such as the Stone Greatsword and the Blakc Knight Sword do not follow this quality. Their range is longer than normal swords, although their swing is still seemingly shorter than they have the right to be, and are more so easily unrecognizable as a good quality for most, only relying on the fast and sturdy Serpent Swords.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Great_lord_greatsword_1 Weapons and Magic - What to Use Greatsword_of_artorias_3 Weapons and Magic - What to Use Moonlight_greatsword Weapons and Magic - What to Use Black_knight_sword

    As it were, these weapons can block as good as a small shield when two-handed, and are easily good for their quantity of weapons to choose from, however a good amount of them are not recommended. Weapons such as the Bastard Sword and the Black Knight Sword are both very short for greatswords, and their speed of attack is not always seen as wanting for such short range. However both their R2 attacks are fast, although is similar to that of a Great Axe, meant for one targeted enemy with a short AOE. Even the claymore is of similar siding to the bastard sword, although its range is greater, removing a small amount of base damage compared to the sword. Although both the claymore and the bastard sword uses that of slamming attacks, the Black Knight Sword has a thrusting attack, like normal sword weapons.

    The Serpent Swords are both extremely fast, even though they are heavy Weapons, and both do a good amount of damage. They are favoured for their speed, range, and movesets, as the Flamberge attacks similar to that of a curved sword, and the greatsword attacks with either a large slash radius, or a slamming slash attack, making it weapons of good quality. The flamberge also has a bleeding effect, like katanas as well, and the distinctions between the two is similar. The Stone Greatsword has a similar swing, and is useful for its usage as an R1 and R2 attack, and two handing it allows a magic attack like most dragon weapons. The soul weapons, the Moonlight, Gwyns Sword, and the Artorias Swords, are similar in their range and attack, although the moonlight sword, being a dragon weapon, has an R2 magic effect, while the Gwyn Sword is of weaker scaling, but better base, compared to the Artorias Swords. As it were, the normal Artorias Sword, the Moonlight Sword, and the Stone Greatsword has magic damage, with Moonlight having no physical. All weapons have a balanced scaling, however most of them are based with their own scaling compared to others. The true Artorias Sword has a Divine Effect as well.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Icon_res_divine

    These Greatswords have their own diversity of weapons, with almost as much Greatswords as Straight Swords. With all having their own qualities, the player must learn to focus these weapons to their favour, as each have their own focus as such. However, stay clear of the slow and short-ranged weapons such as the Black Knight, Claymore, and Bastard Sword. The requirements to weild any weapon over those three are in the 10 and higher soul levels.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Curved Greatsword - 1.11

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:39 am

    Curved Greatsword; With only three weapons, each have their own qualities to them. They all have a good range to make up its speed, which is greater than most Greatswords in general, rivaled by the Man-Serpent Greatsword and Flamberge. As each share the same attacks, they follow the basis of Curved Swords, being based mostly on the bare and light than the heavy. However, they have a good amount of stagger, and all but the Gravelord Sword are based on Dexterity than strength, as the Gravelord Sword does not have a good scaling of either, being E-Ranked. The Gravelord Sword also has a thrusting attack that is exceptionally longer than some spears and pole arms, and also has a Toxin effect, the only weapon having a such quality of killing. Many of low to high leveled players use this sword for its vast strengths, despite its shorter range than other Curved Greatswords. The Server also has a minimal drain health effect for every hit it inflicts, giving HP to the player (although unnoticable). As it were, the Curved Swords are exceptionally fast.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Gravelord_sword Weapons and Magic - What to Use Murakumo Weapons and Magic - What to Use Server

    With little to talk about, one sword can only be obtained from the skeletons, and the other from the swamp, and they are all three unique, the Gravelord Sword most of all. As it were, These swords with a large scaling have less base damage than others with lesser scaling, as a duly note, with the Murakumo being the greatest of all VIA scaling. As it were, the Murakumo is also the hardest to get, depending on the farming of enemies. As it were, follow the same basics as the Greatsword, with their R2 attacks being mostly more faster and of a greater efficiency than that of Normal greatswords. To be fair, their quality of the two out of three functions similar to that of Katanas, but they are not so, as they are more distinct than so.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Ultra-Greatsword - 1.12

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:41 am

    Ultra-Greatswords; The least of my Favourites. Every weapon that is here has a good reach, but it does not help that it is also a slow r1 attack, with most having an even more so slower R2 attack. Of course, these Ultra Greatswords have their own scalings and base, similar to that of the normal Greatswords. The Crystal and normal Greatsword, qualified as Ultra-Greatswords, are both long and heavy, and the most popular out of them all, with the reguler having a scaling worse dexterity wise than the crystal version, as well as less of a base damage at the start. The Zweihander is similar to that of the claymore and such, except it has a longer range, and its R2 Attack is even slower, although it staggers enemies more easily, making this sword the best out of the family of regular swords VIA base damage and so forth.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Dragon_greatsword

    The Demon and Dragon Swords are both the same, except the Dragon Sword has a magic attack along with its normal R2 Two-handed attack. As well, the Demon Machete also has a better scaling than the Dragon Sword, of course. As it were, their is less to talk about when it comes to the qualification of Ultra-Greatswords, as they are similar to that of normal greatswords, except longer and heavier. The Black Knight Greatsword, above all, has the greatest scaling at the start, and can be said that the R2 attack has the best staggering effect of all the weapons, rivaled only by its cousin Axe and the Demon Spear's R2 attacks. However, the R2 attack can be easily dodge or halted by others, being of similar length of attack as the Demon Spear. As is, their is nothing to talk about.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Bows and Crossbows - 1.13

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:43 am

    Bows and Crossbows; As it were, Crossbows are heavily disfavoured compared to the Bows that people use. However, as Bows attribute to the fact of scaling, the Crossbows solely are based on the Base damage. When upgraded, the Bows damage increase rapidly higher than any other weapon would have the rights of increasing so, as a Normal Crossbow can be that of 50 damage to over 300 in +15 alone, having the greatest rising of all weapons. However, the Crossbows require aiming of the blind eye, as Aiming is not as accurate, nor avaliable, as that of the Bows that players can use. However, Crossbows can also go as long as such as bows. Depsite this, Bows can shoot rapidly, while Crossbows are unfortunatly have a time delay before the player can do anything after they fire once. As many choose the Crossbow obtained from Seath's Domain, the crossbow that shoots three bolts, the rest are ignored for their inefficency of not being of the same quality as a normal bow.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Light_crossbow Weapons and Magic - What to Use Dragonslayer_greatbow Weapons and Magic - What to Use Avelyn

    As both are similar, both require the usage of Ammunition. The Crossbow and the Bow both have two slots of their own, meaning you can use four different ammunitions in total if both a bow and crossbow are in hand. As it were, the damage also done with such weapons also is added with the quality damage of the Ammunition. If a +100 magic damage arrow was given to a +55 physical damage bow, it would receive 155 damage, with 100 being that of magic. Same for crossbows. As it were, ammunition for bows is also more varied than crossbows, as Bows have the special Fire and Poison Arrows that Crossbows don't have as Bolts. Despite the Distinction, the Bow requires both hands, while the crossbow requires only one, although two handing it will help with aiming. As it were, Using the bow would be recommended on the left-handed slot, as you can two hand the bow in any slot, left or right, giving room for more offensive weapons such as swords and such on the right. As such, the Bows are more friendly to novices and higher, while crossbows should be used with descretion for all experts of Dark Souls, as range is limited to only your eyes. The Sniper Crossbow, despite without aim, has a good long range, but aimage with camera and character is needed. Using the crossbow on your right hand would be viable if you want to use a shield, but the left hand can also be so, as you can pull it out when someone is out of your range from your right handed weapon. Crossbows are mostly seen as a quick draw weapon, while bows are seen as a stable one.

    When using both weapons, it is reminded that Bows are more for scaling, as their base damage will always be lesser than a crossbow, as well as its ability to use poison and fire arrows at enemies from afar. Still, both are ment for different things, and both have their own qualities and faults, and the players must recognize that as much as they can.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Knives and Daggers - 1.14

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:46 am

    Knives and Daggers; These small, puiny swords are known as being very dangerous to many. For one, they are, other than rapiers, the only weapons with critical hit counters over a hundred precent, making these weapons do more damage with crits that with normal attacks. These Daggers are also fast, being equivalent of speed to that of curved swords, although their range is very small for most, exlcuding the Crossbreed's and the Ghost Blade.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Wpn_Bandit%27s_Knife

    The similarities of the Daggers nad Curved Swords, is that the daggers, particularly the parrying dagger, are made for the left hand, despite their parries not counting towards the cirtical hit counters. Still, they all share the fame of being good parrying substitutes to curved swords and small shields, and can be said that the Parry Dagger is used by the experts of such quality. Of course, blocking is impossible for left handed daggers, as their is no blocking, replaced by the parry. As it is, all except the Crossbreed's dagger, which is more a Curved Sword than a Dagger, have a critical hit bonus greater than other weapons, which devaste +whatever the precent of the weapon, to the base damage of the weapon itself, which can cause a good amount of damage if 200 damage is the base damage for a weapon, adding to about over 450 damage if the precent is 125, for example. These Daggers are fast, and use few endurance, with rapid swings being greater than curved swords. However, the base damage follows the trends of being weak towards any weapon that scales exceptionally with stats, all except for the Ghost Blade, which has the highest base damage of them all. All being E-ranked Strength, and B-ranked Dexterity, the Crossbreed's Dagger trumps all with an A-ranked Dexterity Scaling, which can be up to S-Ranked After Given Scales are set. However, unlike regular Dragon Wepaons, it has no Magical Quality, except for the 50% bleed capability, uniquie to only the dagger, and the Occult damage it has, which other weapons do not share. in general, the highest critical weapon is the Bandit Knife, which trumps all with 147 critical chance, and has a better base than all normal daggers.

    As it were, Daggers should be only used against other beings, IF the player knows how to use it. Intermediates would use it for such things as backstabs, but experts who can parry and riposte will include more damage than a backstab, in which is more challenging than backstabs. Light to no armor is recommended, as rolling will be your best friend. However a weapon used by the skilled, the unskilled use it with glitches, mods, and lag in order to kill others online, and make these weapon types frowned upon, mostly the Bandit Knife. Be warned if you see such enemies, but do not falt the tool, as the tool does not choose to cheatingly kill you. Fault the player.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Fist Weapons - 1.15

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:48 am

    Fist Weapons; as it were, this topic also includes the Whip, as their is not enough room for the whip to be in a seperate list, and the whip is more related to a Fist Wepaon more than anything else, just to clarify. As it were, fist weapons also include unarmed and dragon body, as they both qualify as 'fist'. As it were, all Fist weapons and Whips are the least common weapons within Dark Souls, and anyone who objects is a fraud. All Fist weapons follow their own qualities, as were. The Caestus is similar to straight swords in scaling, and is also the weakest weapon of fists. However, the qualities of attacks is similar to that of a normal unarmed attack, although kick still remains, and it also includes the fact that is more so of a boxer in a sense. The Claws, which orintate towards a Curved Sword in Scaling, is able to cause bleed damage upon enemies, and has a greater base damage than the previous fist weapon mentioned. The last one, the Dragon Bone Fist, is the greatest of them all, with it having the greatest base damage out of them all, and the scaling orientates only to Strength. Also it is the heaviest, so players must be wary that it takes 8 weight to hold it. As it were, the magic effects dragon weapons have is unable for this dragon weapon as well, however it is given a great R@ attack that has its own minature power towards it, which replaces the absence of force that other dragon weapons have. All three weapons orintate to different classes of weapons that are actually of better quality, although these fists are those of the disiplined and steady.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Whip

    As for the rest, the Whips are more orientated towards scalings similar to Katanas, although they re completely useless against armored beings, orientated only to the bare. However, unlike the fist weapons, they have a longer reach than almost all other weapons. Even more so, the Notched whip has less of a base damage, due to its bleed effect it has. As it were, whips would seemingly be used by those who can master the quality of dodging and harassing, as it does a better job of ranged combat that other melee weapons, and faster than crossbows. However, the quality of only affecting those bare make this weapon almost 'immunified' by people with armor, so users beware. Using a large area is as good as a small one, so the environment that will only hinder and help you would be that of Ledges, as you can not do a proper drop attack, nor can you do critical attacks with such whips. As it were, the Dark Hand also does fist damage, although it is that of no scaling, and fixed at 200. As it is, it is harder to use than any other fist weapon, as only rolls, movements, and the usage of R1 attacks is useful, as the R@ attack does the same damage as R1 if the enemy is not an NPC. However its capability of drawing Humanity from NPCs and Players makes it an annoying wepaon, although barely ever used.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Dragon_bone_fist_1

    The Dragon Fist weapon brought from the Dragon body is another matter, in which it is able to do from around 100 to 700 damage in total, depending on the enemy. Whether it scales with the dragon covenant like Dragon breath is unknown, but the fist quality of such a thing makes it very useful, despite how it says on the stats that it does 20. Unarmed is useless, and not recommended. As it is, the only other quality noticed, is that fact the the Dragon bone Fist has a resistance to fire and magic by 30 or 50. As it were, these weapons are underminded compared to the rest, but it has a good amount of quality towards themselkves as well.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Magics of Dark Souls - 2.00

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:49 am

    As any fantasy, Magic is one of the many aspects that players cherish. As it is, Dark Souls has about three clarifications of Magic that the player uses as such. However, their are also items and weapons that also have such magic qualities that must be noted, as they have their own quality of magic as well as any other spell the player casts. let us Begin, shall we? As it is, all except for the Dragon Weapons scale with the catalystic items the player uses, as well as scales with Dexterity in terms of how fast spells are cast. if you want to cast a fireball or a soul arrow faster, Higher Dexterity is required.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Tin_banishment_catalyst Weapons and Magic - What to Use Pyromancy_flame_1 Weapons and Magic - What to Use Crown_of_dusk

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Sorcery - 2.01

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:51 am

    Sorcery; A noted Aspect about such things, this class of spells is the most offensive, as well as a good self-supportive class. As it is, the Sorceries have many aspects of Soul Arrows and Soul Spears, having as much as 7 ranged attacks, including the White Dragon Breath. As it is, it also has the ability to silence the players movement, make them almost invisible, camoflauge with surroundings, repair, hide your right weapon, buff your weapons with three different buffs, remove curses and other resistant-type faults, make sound aurals for enemies to fall towards, and other such means. As well, sorceries are the most expensive to buy, and the hardest to find within the world of Dark Souls by random searching, with only the great magic weapon and the hush sorceries easily found, as well as Remedy. As it is, Sorcery is the most popular class of Magic, and is used by many different players, both the weak and strong.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Soul_Spear Weapons and Magic - What to Use Repair Weapons and Magic - What to Use Fall_Control

    The munition of such things is plenty enough to suffice, so players do not have to worry about quantity. Even more so, all magic weaponry does magic damage, which it has no fire or lightning elements towards it, making anti-magic enemies and players a troublesome to those types of spells.

    As it is, sorceries are qualified of sufficency towards the catalyst, in which most of the catalyst depend upon intelligence, excluding the Ivory and Darkmoon Catalyst: The Darkmoon Catalyst scales with Faith, while the Ivory stops at 180 or so. Evn so, their are more Catalysts than the Talismans that Clerics use, so mages can chooce which catalyst fits them the most. However, many of the spells that can be bought require the largest sums of souls, so be warned

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Pyromancy - 2.02

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:52 am

    Pyromancy; The most offensive of all of the Magic Usages, as well as the most hardest to master, with the exception of great combustion. As it is, it takes the second longest to cast spells, rivalling the Miracles. As it is, unlike sorceries, most of the spells that Pyromancers use is, in fact, offensive to the core. Even the self-buffs are orientated to an offensive strategy, such as flash sweat and iron flesh. The exception of the few, is Undead Rapport, which is more of a peaceful reproach than an aggresive one.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Great_FireballWeapons and Magic - What to Use Iron_FleshWeapons and Magic - What to Use Fire_Tempest

    Being as their are three different magic usages in terms of attunement, it is the most unpopular one. As players use Pyromancy, many use things such as Great Combustion and Fire Tempest, although these spells are easily combated by others at will. Still, many hate these players almost as much as others, despite how hard it is to orientate that. Other offensive spells are harder, requireing timing and range. The special quality of Pyromancy, however, is that it does not scale with any Attribute. Rather, it scales with the glove itself, which can be upgraded 20 times, the most upgradeable path that any weapon has in terms of length. It is also the most expensive, making Pyromancy for those who weild it more in the ascended + 5, which is over a million souls worth, more than Sorcery needs to fill in their attunement slots, in most cases. As it is, Pyromancy also has Chaos Flame Magic, which scales also with Humanity as well.

    Despite all this, Chaos Flame Magic also takes more attunement slots. As it is, it is one of the least popular spell usages in PvP, although in PvE it is popular to magic users, second only to sorcery itself.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Miracles - 2.03

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:53 am

    Miracles; The least offensive, and the most timely used magic of all. of course, it is also the cheapest. As it is, Miracles focus more on the healing aspect of things, with many miracles bent on healing themselves, as well as a few other ally players. It also focuses on buffs, both offensive and defensive, and the usage of such buffs is possibly the greatest of all, only rivaled by the factors of the sound and light buffs.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Velkas_talismanWeapons and Magic - What to Use Karmic_Justice

    As is, miracles also have magic that can hinder movement, see written signs and rankings of such, and other forms. The offensive side of Miracles includes force magic similar to Dragon magic, although more orientated in a sphere than a streak. Even more so, they also have lightning spears, which orientate on lightning magic than normal, focusing on lightning damage for the most part, as force magic uses magic damage. As is, the lightning magic is more ranged, while most of the force spells are that of clsoe corridors. The most popular miracles are the offensive ones in PvP, as well.


    The Miracles focus on Talismans, which are fewer than Catalysts but can reach higher magic adjustments greater than most catalysts with Faith Scaling, with the exception of Velka's, as it oorientates with Intelligence instead of Faith. As it is, Miracles is used by many players both PvP and PvE, and rivals of quantity towards Sorcery. Even so, Miracles are the longest to use with a small dexterity rate, but they are the cheapest spells to obtain, compared to the other two, and the most easily obtained in the wilderness.

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Dragon magic - 2.04

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:55 am

    Dragon Weapons; As most of these weapon include Dragon Weapons, it is also notable that it includes the Stone Greatsword, the Channeler's Trident, and the Golem Axe. As it is, these weapons are able to emit a force strong enough to be qualified as Magic, with most either being similar to that of Force Magic, or similar to that of Missile Magic. The only exception is the Channeler's Trident, in which its magic is able to buff allies with more damage towards enemies for a certain amount of time. As it is, all of these Magic Weapons do not scale with any adjustment, but it could scale with what level the weapon is, with all only reaching +5. As it is, these Magic damage the weapon significantly. Havels Shield and the Dragon Body is also included, as they are both objects that can cast magic as well. The Crystal Ring Shield also has magic qualities to it as well, as a Missile

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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Shields - 3.00

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:56 am

    Shields; The most common item of any medival fantasy, the shield is the usage of blocking for the msot part, although some shields are meant mostly for parrying and killing as well. As it is, all shields are deemingly seen as the filler of the Spare Hands, even though they can be used as a normal weapon as well. Even so, many prefer to use it for defensive capabilities instead of Offensive, so they always keep it in their Left Hand

    However, shields can be noted for their offensive capabilities on the right hand, especially two handed, in which its melee attack is similar to that of a spearman behind a shield. As is, their are three known qualifications of Shields.


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    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Empty Small Shields - 3.01

    Post by User Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:58 am

    Small Shields; Shields known to be the most underused, and with good reason. With stability that is no greater than 45, and resistance to physical never reaching over 85, excluding the Infamous Effigy Shield, these such qualities are known to make these shields the least favoured. As it is, their are three wooden round shields that are the same of quality except for appearance, only exception being the cracked round shield, the worst shield to hold out of them all.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Warriors_round_shieldWeapons and Magic - What to Use Red_and_white_round_shieldWeapons and Magic - What to Use Caduceus_round_shield

    Out of all of the, the Effigy shield and the Crystal Ring Shield are the msot useful, as the Effigy Shield is the best weakest shield that is resistant to Lightning Damage by 90, the same as Physical, as well as Divine, as hinted by its description. With the Ring Shield being more orientated to magic and a few chunks of fire and physical, they are both orientated to focus on certain attacks, although the Effigy Shield Trumps all, despite how it weighs as a normal shield. Even so, the shields are of good quality. Shields such as these small ones are not meant for blocking repeatedly, so much as it is focused on drawing a few damage away from them, if they mistepped or became stuck after dodging or moving away. More so of an emergency only task. As it is, some shields such as the buckler or the target shield share a special parry that is similar to that of the parrying dagger. Unlike the dagger, they are able to absorb more damage, but they also way more than most other small shields. As it, parrying with these shields requires timing, as the way it parries is different than a normal left-hand parry. Still, these shields are used for such matters, instead of parrying oriented weapons, such as rapiers, curved swords, and shields.

    Weapons and Magic - What to Use Plank_shield

    As it is, none of the Physical shields can resist a hundred precent of physical damage. However, they can resist a good chunk more of magic, the rounded wooden shields can. Compared to the normal shields that players can hold, they can have a resistance of 65, which is useful incase you can not dodge mutliple soul spears from enemies. As it, these shields are oriented to emergency use only, and trying to use for actual shield combat will meet faliure in middle to late game.

    Last edited by Acidic_Cook on Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:01 am; edited 1 time in total

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