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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration


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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by kazumoshi Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:11 am

    Faith Mage done tanky.

    A build based around re-applying buffs.

    Obsidian greatsword for the cheap CMW buffing ability. I'm torn between the OGS, and the idea of using a two handed strength weapon. If someone would like to compare and contrast a similar build using strength instead of the OGS, I'd love to see that.
    Alluring skulls increase the stationary time of HSCM and Pursuers.
    HCSM is on the slot for mosses and making more openings for casting pursuers.
    Pursuers gives me enough time to cast a longer buff, like GMB, Great Heal, or CMW. 
    With this I effectively triple my HP. 

    I understand that this build is incredibly cheap if the opponent isn't quick to catch on, but I've been wanting to do something dastardly for the longest time now. 

    Any ideas as to how I can better this goliath?

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by SadPanda Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:55 pm

    The whole Pursuers distraction thing doesn't work as well as it does on paper. Invincibility frames will be your downfall there.

    If you want a sure fire way to keep people away from you, use TWoP. They'll be too scared to risk getting backstabbed, so you'll have a couple seconds to buff, heal, etc.

    The only really invaluable spell is dark bead, so you're best off putting your STR higher to around 27, and using a more damaging weapon. I don't know for sure, but I believe CMW and dark bead require only 18 INT.

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by SadPanda Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:05 pm

    Here, try this:
    It's min/maxed through the roof, but since you had a Giantmom prior, I don't think you'll mind.

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by kazumoshi Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:08 pm

    SadPanda wrote:The whole Pursuers distraction thing doesn't work as well as it does on paper. Invincibility frames will be your downfall there.

    If you want a sure fire way to keep people away from you, use TWoP. They'll be too scared to risk getting backstabbed, so you'll have a couple seconds to buff, heal, etc.

    The only really invaluable spell is dark bead, so you're best off putting your STR higher to around 27, and using a more damaging weapon. I don't know for sure, but I believe CMW and dark bead require only 18 INT.
     In my experience, pursuers has worked well enough to justify using it. More so than TWoP, which has a longer casting time and doesn't work if I already have a pre-existing buff equipped. I might swap GMB for TWoP depending on how this version of the build goes.

    I'll take your advice on the strength route though.
    The homing spells are the fastest way to remove pressure from an enenmy in my experience, and not having 32 intelligence would sacrifice a lot of their intimidation factor.
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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:03 pm

    now go, lay waste to all the fools that stand in your way.

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by Leet Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:05 pm

    SadPanda wrote:Here, try this:
    It's min/maxed through the roof, but since you had a Giantmom prior, I don't think you'll mind.
    You have 2.2 weight units left. You can wear something like the Thief Mask and you'll have better defenses all around while still being able to fast roll.

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by kazumoshi Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:46 pm
     Taking in the advice listed, I'm probably going to end up using this.

    I still stand by using Pursuers, as it gives me so much time if I execute it right, but I'll look into other strategies. 
    Thanks for the tips Joy

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by SadPanda Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:48 pm

    TooLeet wrote:
    SadPanda wrote:Here, try this:
    It's min/maxed through the roof, but since you had a Giantmom prior, I don't think you'll mind.
    You have 2.2 weight units left. You can wear something like the Thief Mask and you'll have better defenses all around while still being able to fast roll.
    I left it blank so he could choose what he wanted.

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by SadPanda Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:49 pm

    kazumoshi wrote:
     Taking in the advice listed, I'm probably going to end up using this.

    I still stand by using Pursuers, as it gives me so much time if I execute it right, but I'll look into other strategies. 
    Thanks for the tips Joy
    So you have two sprained ankles for all those crutches?

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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by Leet Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:52 pm

    SadPanda wrote:So you have two sprained ankles for all those crutches?


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    A Manifestation of Current Frustration Empty Re: A Manifestation of Current Frustration

    Post by kazumoshi Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:32 pm

    SadPanda wrote:
    kazumoshi wrote:
     Taking in the advice listed, I'm probably going to end up using this.

    I still stand by using Pursuers, as it gives me so much time if I execute it right, but I'll look into other strategies. 
    Thanks for the tips Joy
    So you have two sprained ankles for all those crutches?

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