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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:55 pm

    I dusted my copy off again recently, since I have 2 friends who picked it up.  In the past, I've done a Faith, Dex, and a Mage, as well as a Vit build for the Northern Regalia sword.  This time I would like to do a quality build so I can use a nice variety of weapons.  Saw one on a forum that was:

    Vit 40
    Int 18
    End 40
    Str 34
    Dex 44
    Fai 16

    This same build talked about the advantage Quality has when 2 handing weapons (getting even better results than pure Dex)...anyone care to elaborate?

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by SadPanda Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:37 am

    With a quality build, the world is your oyster. Experiment with different weapons to see if you like the moveset of any in particular. Then it's all about upgrading it. You can check the stats of fully upgraded equipment on the wiki.

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by SadPanda Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:41 am

    And on your question, I'm assuming it works the same way in Dark Souls, typically 27/40 STR and DEX. With some leeway regarding different weapons, ex. Dragon Bone Smasher. So when you two-hand, you get a 33% bonus to STR, so 27 would be a good stop, except for weapons with higher requirements (if you want to one-hand). So 27 + 33% of 27 = 40, where scaling virtually drops.

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by densetsushun Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:23 am

    SadPanda wrote:And on your question, I'm assuming it works the same way in Dark Souls, typically 27/40 STR and DEX. With some leeway regarding different weapons, ex. Dragon Bone Smasher. So when you two-hand, you get a 33% bonus to STR, so 27 would be a good stop, except for weapons with higher requirements (if you want to one-hand). So 27 + 33% of 27 = 40, where scaling virtually drops.
    Just so you know, 40 is 150% of 27, rounded down. The formula also uses 50% extra strength when two handing.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:28 pm

    Thanks for the info...I'm going to pursue this quality build.  I love the idea of being able to try all the weapons.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:31 pm

    Another question...if I'm going to have 40 dex, will I be better off with the Sticky CLB, rather than the Quality version?

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

    Post by Cronotis Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:01 pm

    In Demon's weapon scaling doesn't hit a wall at 40 like in Dark.  That's why the build you saw has 34 strength.  You're effectively at 50 (well 51 actually) strength when two-handing.

    As for the bow question:

    "The Quality bow or Hardstone +10 bow upgraded is more powerful for a character with a low Dexterity level, but as a character's Dexterity level increases (roughly, as it approaches 30 or so), the Sticky bow's Dexterity bonus makes it the most powerful bow in the game (that's comparing Sticky Compound Long +5 vs Compound Long +10, Quality Compound Long +5, White +5, and Lava bows). Combined with Heavy Arrows or White Arrows, any of these three +5 bows can inflict massive damage in a short amount of time."

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    Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS? Empty Re: Anyone have any good Quality builds for DS?

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