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    Why all my hosted invasions fail?


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    Location : Venezuela

    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Why all my hosted invasions fail?

    Post by Moalover Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:42 pm

    I've been pvping in Oolacile Township, i usually can invade other players using dark orb pretty quickly and without problems (though i've been experiencing a few game crashes when on loading screen recently) but when i'm getting invaded is completely different crying, i see the fog gate pop up then nothing, after 3 minutes or so no ghost appear and it just fade away without letting me invade or use bf until i quit and load again, and yes even after the fog gate is gone i still cant use orb or bf. Is this normal or just me?surprised
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Re: Why all my hosted invasions fail?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:16 am

     The game still possess a few flaws here and there so that can be common from a failed invasion that fails to allow you to invade/be summoned. As long as you can leave the area where it can reload i.e die, restarted the save or my personal a homeward bone the area will reload and you will be fine. The biggest sign for me is if the bonfire does not activate after a failed invasion which is what you should check in the township.

    In simple terms it works like this 1. an invader uses an orb 2. your fog goes up and you cant invade and the bonfire goes out 3. connecting you to his internet or vice versa 4. can't connect so invasion fails and here is the issue part: 5. game makes an error so when you can use orbs and signs normally it fails and the bonfire stays off though everything else works fine.

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    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Re: Why all my hosted invasions fail?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:27 am

    It happens when an invader disconnects from you while he is connecting to you.

    This is also the cause of permanent gravelord curses, a gravelord disconnects while you are cursed.

    Posts : 17
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    Join date : 2013-08-07
    Location : Venezuela

    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Re: Why all my hosted invasions fail?

    Post by Moalover Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:22 am

    But it happens everytime, maybe i'm jsut having bad luck... Thanks anyway

    Posts : 437
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    Join date : 2012-10-03

    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Re: Why all my hosted invasions fail?

    Post by BrotherBob Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:35 am

    It happens a lot to me too. When you feel that you've been standing around in an area for too long without any invasions (and yet the fog gate persists and/or you can't use your invasion items), just quit and reload.

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    Why all my hosted invasions fail? Empty Re: Why all my hosted invasions fail?

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