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    Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk?


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    Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk? Empty Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk?

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:29 pm

    Want the tornado hat, but so far i've found it impossible to invade anyone.
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk? Empty Re: Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:32 pm

    Shakie666 wrote:Want the tornado hat, but so far i've found it impossible to invade anyone.
    If I remember right, it's a random invasion, so it probably depends on the amount of traffic.  Try on Friday or Saturday night when you might have more people playing.  But I would think that soul level 40 - 50 should give you a decent chance.

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    Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk? Empty Re: Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk?

    Post by twigsterxd Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:30 am

    I go 30-35 and always get summoned if it's busy enough. 40-50 is good, 120 is excellent

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    Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk? Empty Re: Whats a good Sl for invading as the old monk?

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