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    Best PvP area for SL40?


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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:25 am

    As the thread name suggests I have just moved my Gravelord up to SL40 probably the biggest mistake I've made yet as low level PvP was so much fun. Anywho all I want to know is where now can I go to spread the misery at this new SL?

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by aceluby Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:45 am

    Can I ask what you find so fun about low level PvP? Isn't it just filled w/ twinked out toons? All of the PvP I did was horribly boring.

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by befowler Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:45 pm

    In terms of general sl sweetspot, sl 40 can work in blighttown and sens. Possibly in depths although you are approaching the upper limit. Anor londo probably too, although I find it a bit antiseptic for glording. But of course these areas aside from Anor londo don't really have formal pvp usually ('cept for maybe the gate giant area in sens, but that's fairly obscure and they may not find your glord signs).
    Tyler Durden
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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by RANT Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:58 pm

    i'd go with anor londo if you dont mind going against lightning weapons like clays and zweis.
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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:16 pm

    maybe catacombs as a lot of people head there right after anorlondo...

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:03 pm

    aceluby wrote:Can I ask what you find so fun about low level PvP? Isn't it just filled w/ twinked out toons? All of the PvP I did was horribly boring.

    Yeah most opponents are just griefers and such so my motto became find several locations to hide where Icould get a good look at their set up. If they appeared to be wearing high tier stuff it was the old one two assassination from my hiddin spot which for me felt like I was griefing the griefers (kinda like a Darkmoon).

    The best bits of the who Glord sessions were when I switched out to my base level rapier and gifted and duel with new players characters (i neverr gifted weapons but souls and humanity were fine imo)

    Also I never had to go up against cheesy faith/int caster build, heavy ninja flipping elemental zweis, and almost all the griefers had no skillso putting them in thierce wasnt hard.

    I had this one guy invade me 20 times over three days both as a DW and a SoV and he learnt the hard way how evil and punishing the Parish can be.twisted
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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:11 pm

    gl'ing the catacombs makes it practically impossible to progress until you kill the gravelord cause of the bp bonewheels guarding pinwheels door.

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:06 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:gl'ing the catacombs makes it practically impossible to progress until you kill the gravelord cause of the bp bonewheels guarding pinwheels door.

    You sah are a genius!

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by lextune Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:31 pm

    You could also recreated your build if you really feel like it was a mistake. A low level toon like that would take what? An hour or two at most?

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:38 pm

    Yeah I will but I'm still wondering if there are any other zones that I could Gravelord in at higher levels to see if it is anygood/
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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:41 am

    the forest works at all levels pretty much but you can be like 4v1'd with forest and vengeance spirits... around lvl 70 head for tomb of the giants and ruin somebodies day with bp skelledogs and bp sword giant skellies.

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    Best PvP area for SL40? Empty Re: Best PvP area for SL40?

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