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    I found a magical flying spider wizard.


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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by IceIfrit666 Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:49 pm

    So today I was helping my father put the pool cover on, well obviously, our pool.
    During this I noticed a spider on the cover. I was about to leave because my dad didn't need my help anymore but instead I started watching the spider for whatever reason. It just crawled around a little bit until it reached the edge of the cover. It sorta slided down and you could see that it put a thread on it to get down safely. And then instead of heading toward the ground it glided in an arc and started going up. I saw a second thread coming from the sky as it flew around and out of sight. Also there was nothing that was near that could've held the second thread, so I'll assume the spider is a wizard and learned to fly.

    The end.
    p.s. my parents think I'm on drugs.Shrug
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:27 am

    I'm sure there was something you just didn't spot.winking 

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by SirArchmage Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:10 am

    Sorry about that. I am on a quest to teach all the animals in the world magic so that I may lead my eventually magical army of various critters against the populace, dominating the world so that there are less people bothering me while I read.

    I see that the spiders are mastering their lessons in flight well.
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:29 am

    Next on the agenda: fireballs
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Carphil Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:56 am

    I don't know where, but I already saw a pic or video about spiders that could literally glide for a long distance, or just do a big matrix jump or whatever. Perhaps you met one of these rare vagrants..

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by twigsterxd Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:32 am

    Not sure of the name, but there ARE spiders who can jump and seem like they are flying. Not the ones you want to be messing around with.

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by WaffleGuy Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:04 pm

    I'm just gonna say there are worse things out there.

    Like scorpions. Namely flying ones (in a way).

    Nature decided at one point to combine scorpions, musquitoes and wasps together and create the Mecoptera:

    Don't look if you're scared of the previous bugs I described.:
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Mr. Tart Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:05 pm

    WaffleGuy wrote:I'm just gonna say there are worse things out there.

    Like scorpions. Namely flying ones (in a way).

    Nature decided at one point to combine scorpions, musquitoes and wasps together and create the Mecoptera:

    Don't look if you're scared of the previous bugs I described.:
    That's some sexy shiz right there.

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by WaffleGuy Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:08 pm

    On another note, there are spiders who are quite adept at the camouflage spell. Mainly there are spiders who mimic themselves as ants, and pretty accurate if you ask me. 

    ant-mimicking jumping spider:

    I'm guessing this is now a 'weird magic spider' thread.

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Bassman Bob Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:19 pm

    Some smaller spiders can actually use their threads to fly. Similar to hang gliders.
    Exhibit A::
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by skarekrow13 Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:26 pm

    The first time my daughter saw a spider she pointed at it and asked: "Eat it?"

    Now I know she just wanted to absorb its powers
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Carphil Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:48 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:The first time my daughter saw a spider she pointed at it and asked: "Eat it?"

    Now I know she just wanted to absorb its powers
    hahha, careful she might become a superhero
    Mr. Tart
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Mr. Tart Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:52 pm

    Bassman Bob wrote:Some smaller spiders can actually use their threads to fly. Similar to hang gliders.
    Exhibit A:
    Ugh, that reminds me of something that happened when I was younger. There were "raining" hundreds of spiders were I live one day. It went on for about an hour. Once it had settled down, there were spiderwebs everywhere.
    The Letter X
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by The Letter X Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:56 pm

    WaffleGuy wrote:I'm just gonna say there are worse things out there.

    Like scorpions. Namely flying ones (in a way).

    Nature decided at one point to combine scorpions, musquitoes and wasps together and create the Mecoptera:

    Don't look if you're scared of the previous bugs I described.:
    And I thought camel spiders were bad...
    Bassman Bob
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Bassman Bob Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:10 pm

    WaffleGuy wrote:I'm just gonna say there are worse things out there.

    Like scorpions. Namely flying ones (in a way).

    Nature decided at one point to combine scorpions, musquitoes and wasps together and create the Mecoptera:

    Don't look if you're scared of the previous bugs I described.:
    That looks like some $hit from borderlands, man.

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by WaffleGuy Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:31 pm

    The Letter X wrote:
    WaffleGuy wrote:I'm just gonna say there are worse things out there.

    Like scorpions. Namely flying ones (in a way).

    Nature decided at one point to combine scorpions, musquitoes and wasps together and create the Mecoptera:

    Don't look if you're scared of the previous bugs I described.:
    And I thought camel spiders were bad...
    I've read some articles somewhere a few years ago that camel spiders could be (kind of) trained as a pet. Responding when called and stuff. 

    I can think of many bugs I would like as 'pets', but that horrific abomination is not one of them. The urban legends about camel spiders are pretty funny though. It's stated they scream at you when they chase you xD
    Apparently the only reason they 'chase' you is because it's very warm in certain areas and they want to stay in the safety of shadows. You just happen to be a moving one.
    Bassman Bob
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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by Bassman Bob Sun Sep 29, 2013 2:46 pm

    Fun fact about the Mecoptera. That "stinger" is actually it's peni$.

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by steveswede Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:08 pm

    IceIfrit666 wrote:So today I was helping my father put the pool cover on, well obviously, our pool.
    During this I noticed a spider on the cover. I was about to leave because my dad didn't need my help anymore but instead I started watching the spider for whatever reason. It just crawled around a little bit until it reached the edge of the cover. It sorta slided down and you could see that it put a thread on it to get down safely. And then instead of heading toward the ground it glided in an arc and started going up. I saw a second thread coming from the sky as it flew around and out of sight. Also there was nothing that was near that could've held the second thread, so I'll assume the spider is a wizard and learned to fly.

    The end.
    p.s. my parents think I'm on drugs.Shrug
    Lay off them magic mushrooms, I'm gonna have a word with Mario that his drug habit is a bad influence on kids. XD

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

    Post by WaffleGuy Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:38 am

    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Dba

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    I found a magical flying spider wizard. Empty Re: I found a magical flying spider wizard.

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