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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build


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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by flyingtiger Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:31 am

    Hi everyone, posted this at Build Doctor but seem like noone notice. I'm making a Dex-Faith build but later seem like it's not really suit my play style given how limited of range miracles, now i don't know what direction i shoud take. Please help me fix it!

    This is what i'm currently at:

    Soul Level :75
    Vitality: 30
    Attunement: 14 (Magic Barrier, Emit Force, Force)
    Endurance: 28
    Strength: 24
    Dexterity: 24
    Resistance: 11
    Intelligence: 8
    Faith: 18

    What i want is:

    Desired Soul Level: 100
    Str or Dex: Dex
    Favor Dmg, Vit, or End: Dmg
    How you will use the build: Poke and Roll
    Faith/Int? Faith
    Other info you find useful:

    I would like something that can dig out damage, can survive some hits and has good balance between melee and range. Can effectively use spears, pike, BSS.
    At first i want to take Dex and Faith to 30, but it seems a bit weak so should i just take Dex to 40 and leave Faith at 18 as now?

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by shadowzninjaz Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:01 am

    What i would do with what you have now is this

    instead of making a dex faith build, I turn your build into a quality faith build, U can most weapons u want that scale with dex or both strength/dex but you can only use weapons the weigh 6 units or less is u choose to use the armor setup i made for u and i also adjusted your stats so you can have decent amount of everything. The 28 faith is for the spell wrath of the god which is the best spell for faith builds and u still got your emit force and some other spell u can use. Hope this helps good luck out there!!!!
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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:19 am

    For dex faith, reroll. You don't want or need 24 str unless you're using a mura (in which case you want 28.)

    A proper (typical) sl 100 dex/faith looks something like

    give or take for preferences and strategy.

    At current stats, you can manage a quality (like the one shadow posted,) but you're damage will be underwhelming unless you're 2handing a str or quality weapon. That claymore doesn't even break 500 ar. A greatscythe on a dex build would deal more damage

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by flyingtiger Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:59 am

    Thank you very much, both of you!

    The 24 str is for 1 hand the Dragon Slayer Spear and the Pike but i find that most of the time i'm 2 hand them so for those weapons 24 str turn out not as necessary as i thought confused .

    About spell now i think melee spell does not realy suit me so i guess turn into a quality build like Shadow suggest is a good ideal, no more Faith though and i'm thinking of getting 18 Int for the Abyss Great Sword/Cursed Great Sword of Artorias. Is that ok or am i too greedy? big grin

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:22 am

    Arty's sword looks great but the spread of so many stats kinda ruins it. You're always better off sticking to either faith or int for outputting damage.

    As for melee spells get darkmoon blade or sunlight blade on the pike and prepare for the hatemail to roll in.
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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by Forum Pirate Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:54 am

    Under sl 120 the DSS is pretty much useless, even at 120 it requires a specialty build.

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:30 am here's what i came up with. the only concept to make your char look like it's been planned this way -> regenerator. the outfit is ugly as hell but necessary to reach a significant poisevalue while fastrolling. for everything else (on lvl100) i suggest rerolling..

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by flyingtiger Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:01 pm

    xenon_nobelium wrote:here's what i came up with. the only concept to make your char look like it's been planned this way -> regenerator. the outfit is ugly as hell but necessary to reach a significant poisevalue while fastrolling. for everything else (on lvl100) i suggest rerolling..
    Thanks Xenon, a very interesting and unique build i'll try that big grin. Is it good with pike?

    Forum Pirate wrote:Under sl 120 the DSS is pretty much useless, even at 120 it requires a specialty build.
    Yeah i realized that too, a cool looking but disappointing weapon except maybe at very high level. I'm better off with the pike then.

    AnCapaillMor wrote:Arty's sword looks great but the spread of so many stats kinda ruins it. You're always better off sticking to either faith or int for outputting damage.

    As for melee spells get darkmoon blade or sunlight blade on the pike and prepare for the hatemail to roll in.
    Well i don't really like melee spell and i think it's not really worth the extra point to reach Faith requirement given the 100 lvl cap. Occasionally if i want to play with buff then there's always Gold Pine Resin or Charcoal Pine Resin, not as strong as Sunlight Blade of course but well...

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:02 pm

    the pike should be well usable with that build but the server has this special property to heal 7hp with each connected hit on top of the 10hp/1s replentishment and the 2hp/2s the shield provide, so this would perfect for the whole regenerator theme.
    pike is also really strong though, i'd try slapping on the leo ring and trade hits with 76poise ->

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by flyingtiger Fri Oct 25, 2013 4:51 am

    Hi guys it's been a few days and i tried some PvP with the build at OolacileTown (which similar to what Xenon suggest). It's very strong, you just have to maintain distance and attack/counter attack whenever there's opening. Most opponents will go down after a few good timing thursts or rolling R1 from the pike.

    Except for one case: a Int-Faith bulid invader. He just one-shot my 1514 HP with Giant Armor char again and again with Dark Bead i don't even know it's cheating or not surprised , with Wrath of God to support whenever i try to close. It's like bumping into a wall.

    Emit Force and Force are not effective in PvP, maybe i should take the level to 120 and go 30 Faith to counter all those Mages after all confused .

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    Please help me with my Dex-Faith build Empty Re: Please help me with my Dex-Faith build

    Post by AnCapaillMor Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:00 am

    Great magic barrier turns mages into kittens. It severly nerfs magic. Doing a mage build at the mo myself and a MLGS backstab did 67 damage on a guy who had GMB on.
    Dark Bead, it's not a cheat, feels like it though, if you're caught up close it's pretty lethal. Got a very fast cast time, just be cautious, it's quite easy to roll\dodge from. Same with WOG, faith\int can be a nasty combination, look up darkprojectmayhems vids for proof.
    Emit force meh, force is handy for ganks and a must have for where there's ledges. Wraith of the gods is the offensive spell you want to use.

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