by befowler Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:05 pm
So I've found a sorta fun sunbro tactic that I thought I'd mention. While waiting for summons, I've taken to reading the Book of the Guilty, starting from the highest sin down. At first it was just for giggles and style tips while I waited, but I soon noticed I was actually running into some of the listed players. It's particularly noticable if you stay in one area for a while since you start to get repeat invaders. The book lets you see a recent picture of their buildouts and stats, right down to what spells they have attuned. The beauty of it is that the more skilled they are, the more likely you are to have seen their bio since they likely have a lot more sin - I was also doing this in Anor Londo where a number of professionals seem to have taken up residence, so my odds seemed to be pretty good. To date I've had 3 wins on "named" invaders, largely because I knew exactly what their buildouts are just from their invasion msg name, so before the guy even appeared I for example knew he'd use a mura and GC, or a rapier and WOG, or whatever. It's kinda awesome.
Also, since I'm on EST I just skip the non-U.S. sounding names in the book since I rarely see those folks anyway. Saves time. You can just browse entries while waiting to be summoned; although you can tell when you've been summoned because a little save icon'll come up while you're reading.