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    Vitality build help pleez.


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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:59 pm

    Remember that vitality dump Northern Regalia build from Demon's Souls? Well I want to make something like that. Except in Dark Souls form. Any tips?

    Last edited by Enigma5991 on Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Railage Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:02 pm

    Meet the stat requirements for an elemental weapon and pump all your points into vitality..
    Tyler Durden
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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by RANT Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:03 pm

    Vit/end build are the easiest, just get enough points to wield whatevr weapon you are gonna use then dump everythinng in vit/end and you have the most boring build in the game.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by befowler Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:11 pm

    Never did a demon souls vit build, but I've done a few in DkS. I think they're a lot of fun, particularly at low-mid levels. I just picked a viable weapon with pretty low stat reqs like BSS, great scythe, or claymore, and then got Vit to at least 55-60. Use ring of fap and mask of the mother to get good hp growth well above vit 40 (tiny being ring is worth another 100-150 hp, but usually not enough to justify the ring slot imho). The max hp possible is something like 2753 or something, but you can get to 2500 pretty fast and tank it up. I've had fights where the player thought I was glitching because your bar won't even go down for the first few hits.

    If you are aiming for sl120 you will still have plenty of points for other stats, so you can get endurance up pretty high (w/ring of fap bonus too), and add some buff spells via int or faith. I also like to throw on replenishment/sanctus because it takes so long to kill you that regen actually is useful. Surviving multiple backstabs is also sweet.
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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by RANT Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:17 pm

    Keep in mind that you will get bsd a lot cause vit builds are considered cheap by some, I find them boring and most of the time I will end up chain bsing to get it over with.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:31 pm

    It's a shame I never made a SL 120 build in Demon's Souls. I would love to make a Northern Regalia build. Maybe you can do it with Gravelord Sword or Great Lord Greatsword? I agree with Rant vit builds are bit boring but I would do it for fun as I hace never done a Vit build.
    Tyler Durden
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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by RANT Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:42 pm

    They are hated because trolls and farmers use them.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:46 pm

    Yeah, it takes about 3 BS to kill them, lol.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:23 pm

    I think that it would be loads of fun. Taking 3 plus backstabs? A health bar that goes off the screen? Hell yeah.

    The Sanctus sounds like a nice idea. Sanctus + Power Within mabye? It would be even better if Power Within took down a set amount of damage, like 10/second, instead of something like 3% total health drain/second. Duno if it does or not.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:28 pm

    Use an un-upgraded Pyro Flame, it helps by draining less HP.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by befowler Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:38 pm

    Yeah maybe I'm biased because I fight a lot of max level farmers who have 99 vit, but having more of my own hp is only a good thing in my view. People constantly try to chain BS me regardless of my build so I have never noticed much difference there. In addition to using an unupgraded pyro glove you use a lingering dragoncrest ring you will make power within last longer, which in turn makes it do less dmg per second, and therefore lets you counter with sanctus better. I don't think you can have power within and replenishment going at the same time, unfortunately. You can also use the red tearstone ring -- it kicks in below 20% health which on a vit build is still like 500 hp. You're a...I dunno, wood cannon instead of a glass one.

    It's also a lot of fun at 50-60sl, because you can coop and tank for people on 4 Kings etc where a lot of people get 1-2 shot. I've gotten a lot of nice PMs from people who I helped kill 4 Kings or S&O for the first time by being a giant damage sponge. If you save a few points you can still mix in mid level spells and miracles, and pyro of course, so you're not stuck just a dumb fighter.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:51 pm

    If the Sanctus and Power Within combo doesn't work, then I don't know if I will use Power Within at all. Depends on if it does a set amount of damage or not.

    Grass Crest Shield/Sanctus
    Pyro Glove
    Some beefy armor set, to make my character more, beefy. Will include Mask of the Mother.
    Ring of Favor and Protection
    Havels Ring

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:55 pm

    If you use a lightning Claymore, you'll look like a griefer or a troll. Why not try something more classy?

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:59 pm

    i started making vit/end builds to combat the farmers and tons of other vit build players online. i have to say i like them but i dont think they are as powerful as most people think. i agree with rant that they are a tad boring since your stuck to certain weapons.

    the difference between 40vit and 60 vit is only really 1hit unless your opponent has a weak weapon. I personally think faith builds with 6 wog is the most powerful build in the game. i know its been said a million times but wog is fckin powerful. i went through a stage where i decided to say *** it and play how i wanted. if you use a weapon with decent range and just keep your distance and wog when they get close you will win a majority of your fights ,but its boring. challenging yourself is whats fun. playing has a hunter really makes me want to make a ranger build.
    Tyler Durden
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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by RANT Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:05 pm

    Yeah vit builds are op in low to mid levels but once you get to sl120 youll get your *** kicked by buff builds and you stikll won't be as strong even after their buff runs out.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:41 pm

    WyrmHero wrote:If you use a lightning Claymore, you'll look like a griefer or a troll. Why not try something more classy?
    Fire claymore? Cuz fire is cool.

    And I can always use Power Within against the buff builds.

    Also....Sanctus. It only does a set amount of 2 hp healed ever 2 seconds, not a percent of my overall hp. So....nah.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by mugenis4real Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:39 am

    Soul Level-120


    Mask Of The Mother
    Ring Of Favor And Protection
    Tiny Being's Ring

    Lightning Reinforced Club+5
    Pyromancy Flame

    Power Within


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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:00 pm

    This will be my build. Thx for all the help.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by aceluby Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:37 pm


    This will be my build. Thx for all the help.

    Take 3 Vit and put it into End instead, much more useful there than 30 extra HP IMO

    Also, w/ a med roll I hope you like getting BS.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by gekkyy Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:13 am

    My build:
    Vit: 93
    End: 40
    Str: 16
    Dex: 16

    MH1: Lightning Uchicatana, MH2 Lightning Falcion or Lightning Notched Whip.
    OH1: Grass Crest Shield (Or Blood Shield), OH2: Raw Composite Bow with poison arrows

    Torns Chest, Havels Gauntlets and Leggings. (78poise) and MOM
    Rings: RoFAP and DWGR

    My playstyle forces me to be very offensive its really fun for me to use this build as I enjoy agressive playstyle rather than poking around and killing someone with just 3blows with buffs.
    And the bs fisher aint that bad I normally just back from their bs attempts while spamming r1 with a fast catana or falcion their bs allways fails. And riposters and that bad either strafing to their none shielded side works. Or equip the nothed whip it cant be riposted winking

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:22 pm

    aceluby wrote:

    This will be my build. Thx for all the help.

    Take 3 Vit and put it into End instead, much more useful there than 30 extra HP IMO

    Also, w/ a med roll I hope you like getting BS.
    I possess enough pvp skill to handle backstabers with slighty less speed lol.

    My stamina will regenerate super fast anyway, so that extra 10 stamina instead of 30 HP won't really matter either.
    Adding another attunement might be better.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by reim0027 Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:26 pm

    What I do is pick a weapon, make it elemental (Chaos is a good bet), pump some endurance (30 for most dex weapons, 40 for most strength weapons). Then put the rest into vitality. Maybe save a few points for 1 or 2 attunement slots (pyro).

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 am


    EDIT: Stuff was in the wrong hands.

    Last edited by Enigma5991 on Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by reim0027 Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:26 am

    Interesting you have the Clay in the left hand. I would put the base Pyro Flame in the left hand, since you'll only use it one time.

    I also will be assume you'll be using an elemental Clay. Chaos us usually the best (with 10+ humanity).

    Don't use the Tiny Being's Ring. It really doesn't add too much health. Use the Darkwood grain ring. That will be much more valuable.

    Other than that, it looks good to me, IMO.

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    Vitality build help pleez. Empty Re: Vitality build help pleez.

    Post by Enigma5991 Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:52 pm

    Funky hands fix'd.

    And I was thinking about the Chaos path for my Clay, but I can't seem to find any exact stats for it anywhere.

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