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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer


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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by kiwi_commander Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:04 am

    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer 20120406_235934

    Haha WOW... I killed him with my Forest Defender build. Before I killed him I only had about 20k souls.
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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:02 am

    Way to go, that means he could have possibly been level 700, or even had a modded toon with levels beyond what is possible. Congrats on the kill! cheers

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by chaosrave Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:15 am

    thats not super surprising... Im a lv 60 and fully upgraded in everything including consumables... I carry around 1m all the time since I pvp so much
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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:17 am

    Souls gained is based off of level, not how many souls you are carrying. If it was, I might give people a huge bonus for killing me on my FC host toon haha.

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by bloodpixel Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:20 am

    I got 300000 souls once.

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Bawheidbob Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:41 am

    That is pretty epic considering most i have ever had at one time is about 20k

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by kiwi_commander Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:30 am

    haha yeah, I am on PS3 so more than sure it was a glitched toon with the dragon head stone. I am just glad that I got the kill, by using the ring of fog + hornet's ring strategy. Same strategy I used during the Save the Forest event a couple of weeks ago.
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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:31 am

    Normally I'd say it's pretty underhanded, but the forest is the forest you know?

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by kiwi_commander Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:33 am

    Tolvo wrote:Normally I'd say it's pretty underhanded, but the forest is the forest you know?

    Yeah, unfortunately it's a case of fighting fire with fire
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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:35 am

    It's quite sad really. Because when I duel people I kind of have to switch that off in my head, otherwise in FC I might set the place ablaze and get in some trouble. I also pride myself on having a code of ethics in games, but in the forest against three gankers you just can't help but learn the dirtiest possible tricks in the game to fight them.

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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by kiwi_commander Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:52 am

    Yeah, it the same for me. When I want to duel in the forest drop a couple of humanity so they see I am friendly, and always stand on the stairs mashing "wave." But even like that some defenders are paranoid and will immediately try to kill me.

    I don't blame them
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    I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer Empty Re: I got this many souls from a Forest Farmer

    Post by Tolvo Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:56 am

    Yeah, it's the classic idea of those who fight monsters become monsters themselves. I usually don't fault them for it unless I'm doing something absurd, like using a skull lantern and sunlight magic and I just kick them never attacking, and they Chain BS me then taunt. That right there is pretty uncalled for.

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