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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)


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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by ColeTheUber Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:43 pm

    If anyone asks you "who is the worst Capra Demon slayer in the world?" Answer proudly "ColeTheUber!"
    The Capra Demon always destroys me, as in I can't even land a solid hit on him. Not him, not his godforsaken dogs, not even his grandmother. And now, I'm going at him again in NG+.
    I've already died nine times without scratching this guy, so if you'd like to help someone out, leave a post. I will be on for the rest of the night, and probably all of tomorrow.

    PSN: Cole-The-Uber (or Wulfe, for some weird reason it displays both).

    Last edited by ColeTheUber on Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:21 pm

    Hey dude, I don't have a character you can summon to help but I have a few pointers that may make the fight doable for you.

    First off is the eagle shield will do wonders in this fight. Any other greatshield works but most can use this one. Second, magic shield and great magic shield combine with a greathshield will be impenetrable. Third, this dude doesn't like fire, so a fire weapon, or charcoal pine resin will make quick work of him. Lightning and magic also do good. Pyromancy can make him go down fast also.

    My strategy is to rush past him shield up, if you time a roll right you can make it to the stairs, go up all the way and turn around. the demon is much slower than the dogs so the dogs should meet you at the top first. Kill them now. After you're done with them the battle is fairly easy, you can lure the demon into the corner, climb the stairs and dropping attack him. Or you can dodge and roll to finish him off. With good gear he shouldn't be too hard to finish if you follow those steps. One thing to remember though is this battle is a bit about luck, you can get very lucky and beat him easily, or things can turn against you and you'll die at the fog gate.


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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by Sebastrd Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:28 pm

    If I was on PSN, I'd give you a hand.

    I always equip the Eagle Shield and a spear, then turtle up right inside the fog gate. From there I just try to get a dog between myself and the demon and poke it to death with my shield up. Once the dogs are dead there's a lot more room to maneuver.

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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by ColeTheUber Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:15 am

    You see, this is my problem. I play a build that relies heavily on faith. In an hour or two I've dealt a whopping 800 points of damage over almost thirty tries by poking it with my lighting spear +5.
    If I can manage to take out the dogs, I have no stamina left to dodge or block his attacks; if I focus on him, I get body blocked by dogs when I need to move. On top of that, I understand that Strong Magic Shield only lasts for about 11 seconds... and I'm not great at maintaining Sorceries.
    Tried going WoG to take out the dogs early on, but the casting time is just too long to have any effect.
    Casting times on all of my lightning spells are way too slow to use them offensively, and none of my other weapons are strong/fast enough to make a difference.

    If I had any distraction whatsoever, it would take only a few hits for me to bring him down. I usually use Grant+5 in normal gameplay for it's amazing Faith bonus and sheer power, and the one time I hit the Capra with it, I took out nearly half it's health in one blow, so it's a matter of not dying in one shot. Which I'm not that great at.

    By the way, the only reason I'm not still floundering around in the Demon Ruin during my first playthrough is because I poisoned the Capra Demons one by one with arrows. The Taurus Demon hoard were pushovers compared to my struggle with these guys.
    Town Crier
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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:52 am

    If I remember correctly with Hidden body you can cause the Capra and dogs to not notice you right away, so you can rush up the steps, kill the dog there, then hit the other at your liesure and kill Capra. I actually have a character at your SL range, it would just be a bit of a pain to get him to the Basement, I can do it, but only if you for sure can't beat him.
    Stat Guru
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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:02 am

    What's your equip weight at? If you've got fast move speed, just time a few rolls right out the fog gate so you end up behind the capra, and about halfway between both dogs. That should get you enough space and time to get WoG off and probably kill both dogs at once. If not, aim for the stairs, and cast WoG once you're up there.

    Once you've taken out the dogs, the Capra shouldn't be much trouble. If you still can't take him on 1v1, try the Eagle shield or Iron Round Shield--either one will make him much easier.

    I don't know when the next time I'll be on will be (I play very often, though) but I'll keep an eye on this thread and if it isn't resolved by then, I'll jump in there with you.
    Chosen Undead
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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by Spurgun Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:40 am

    i can help you out if you are still having trouble.

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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by Johannsny Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:11 am

    I have a ng+ sl 98 guy sitting right there, bounce died 5 times to the capra. I'll help you if you help me.

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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by ColeTheUber Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:49 am

    Well, the Capra Demon was defeated (thanks again, Green Eagle!)
    But Johannsny, if you still need help, I'd be glad to lend a hand.
    Town Crier
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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:50 am

    Don't forget to edit the title to say this was resolved. big grin

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    Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved) Empty Re: Capra Demon, SL 117, NG+ (resolved)

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