Fire, fire, burning desire
Stimula surges through all
Burn, burn, burn the way down
Feel the warmth across the bore
Here she is....
Right there, see? She came from across the sea, they say. You don't see her? She rests inside the carriage, where no horse no bull tugs at the reigns. It pulls itself with dark oak and white wood. Drapes of red cover over the rest, the carriage hidden from the best.
When the winds grow warm
Be wary of her form
For she has come from the lands before
With a will, that will enslave us all
Where is she?...
Hidden under the drapes, don't you see? Hidden in the wood, in the shell of oak. The magi rests within from sight, not even I can see her light.
What is she, you say? Some say she could be a witch, they say. Others say she is just a trickster, from the bay. Others think that she is one of just play... But I know better: she is goddess of flame.
Wheels stop turning
Flames start burning
The hour comes near
Soon, comes the seer.
What does she do?...
When the time mumbles; when the night plunders, there is no mistake that the hour has come. In the night, when the new moon arrives, she comes from the dark with torches of pine. All stacked around, stakes closing with sound. Dug deep in the soil, the stars see them burn.
The torches come lit
It's time to be fit
Gather round the carriage
Time for the marriage
It's time to be wed
Let us dance to the end
Hmmm, Hmmmm....
Here they come, from the houses around. From the lads to the lassies, from children to old. We never feel cold, not even the children. Were warmed by the fires, that begin to grow.
As we stand on the grass, remember the torches. Do not be brass, they are here for the courses. As the time grows near, the white flame approaches. From each, single end, they reach for the sky.
Gather round, all men
Grab the woman to end
Time for the dance
Flames blur the bend
As we dance around
She comes to bound
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
There she is, don't you see? The lights, where they go? Shhh, she's coming, don't you hear her sing? The time has come to be, too late to say no; grab my hand, baby, it's time for the ring.
The lights come abound, rising from the torches. Circling us, we stand to watch. We have no porch, and have no sense to keep notch. We'll be lost soon, when she begins to bloom. Hold tight, lassy, this will be soon.
Preached on the top
The torches blaze black
There's no sense to that
For our heads have popped
There, on the top
She stands for the bop
She twirls around
Her robs abound
Grab on, sweetie. We're gonna get meaty. What's that, you say? Why, it is she, I say. The goddess of flame. See her silk come alive. Twirling around like smoke, I dare not to poke. She looks so divine, yet I fear for my life. If I stare too long, I might burn for bond.
Don't look too much, baby. Or she might take you, maybe. Her fingers are fire, see the streaks of the sire. The waves of red, of yellow and black. Smoke withers from her tips. I shutter for bliss. Stop staring, stop staring. Just dance with me. Or it not be, as you will soon see. She will take anyone staring, from child to old; from lass to lad, she will take them all.
Where? Don't ask so... it is bad to question so. You see, she is a dragon, I think. Dressed disguised in silk and clean. It is never good to keep looking, for she shall brag on. Just dance with me, before the show begins to play. Otherwise, you shall never see the rave.
The boys in their skirts
The lassies are hurt
They wither in shame
They fight for the claim
They see the flames
Blackness rise high
Smoke comes with a sigh
Stars leave without pry
We dance, and we dance
We never get a chance
If you look her too long
We shall have no song
Where are they going, you say? They could not stand there too long; from the lass to lads, from children to old; they looked too long, and now leave without song. Why, you say? She prefers those of play. If you watch, you burn. If you play, you churn.
You'll see, lassy... hold me, this will be a while. Don't pry, or you'll bile.
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
She moves on her stand
But we can not stand
The crowd is on parring
We go without caring
We dance, and we prance
We don't have a chance
Stay with me now
We'll make it sound
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Stay with me, lassy... it's coming...
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Not yet, lassy... I'll tell you when, lassy.
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
She's almost there...
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Hold my hand, and stare.
Flames shoot from the stands
The dragon's mouth grands
A head of the burning
We keep on churning
The torches light high
Reaching up to sky
From black to the red
We shall soon be bed
The dragon's head
Reaches towards ned
She swallows him whole
Taking him to the toll
The head disappears
He comes reappeared
Lost all of his clothes
Black ***, in the bold
They pay no mind
The lonely stand by
She takes his hand
She twists his band
They dance and they dance
Her eyes glowing red
They dance till she reaches
He wished for the beaches
The heat is too much
Here comes the must
As she reaches his thigh
He bursts without sigh
Where did he go?...
He's gone now, he's gone now. The boy is smoke now. His flame died, he couldn't stand the dine. Now, look here to me, or her head might get thee.
Don't look lassy. Don't be too sassy. She'll sweep you off your feet, until you've lost your beat. You'll be gone from this world, and I'll be sad until old. Hold me tightly, just dance and stay hot now. We are here, rightly; Let us go until bow.
Many of them are under her spell, bound to her will and dancing as her puppets. Why aren't you her muppet yet? Because you are following me, so. Don't look, don't look. Like I said, in the book: Don't look until told. Don't be too bold.
Quick, kiss me. She's bound to do it again... Don't worry, soon you'll be bliss. Keep check with me, and soon the plan will be.
Don't be afraid, sweetie. This is your dream to be. Hold me close, and your hope will burst. Trust me, lassy. Soon you'll be sassy. Don't be naughty now, soon you'll be jaunty. Just hold me close, lassy. Don't be sassy until she comes. When she comes, beware the buns.
Ow, she's doing it...
Look now, she has chosen another. Don't even bother, you'll get chance, don't sunder. Let me talk in your ears. Dance with me, don't reach beer. Be drowned in the moment, but don't lose your moment.
Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Her silk reaches ilk
The taste is of milk
A woman takes hold
Arms wrapped from cold
Taken to the stand
Sally breaks band
Wrapped in her arm
She is in for bar
Her lips are filled
With the scent of thrill
It won't be long now
'Till she makes for the bound
Hmmm... Hmmmmm....
She falls from grace
She lost her pace
Her flesh grows cold
She was too bold
Taken by the fire
Wrapped for the Pire
Sally falls from grace
In towards base
Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Don't be scared, Sally is fine; The Pire will only make her self 'dulge. Pire? Her pet that she holds, a demon I think. Dressed as a serpent, that likes to ink. Don't worry, that smokey thing won't have you. Pire is that cruel, to hold onto that rouse.
She might suffocate in the end, but she will be thrilled to the bend. Just dance with me, and perhaps your chance shall soon be. Do you have something to offer? Good, good. You are brave. If I didn't know, I would tell you to behave. Either a fool wants to be a tool, or one that wants indulgence. Whatever is the reason, you'll soon be the roundest.
That's metaphorical, sweetheart...
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmm, Hmmmm.... Hmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm Hmmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
I hope you the best, sweetheart. Remember to be warm by heart; show her you want to be caught, and don't get too lost. She'll pick you soon... today's your day to be wed, perhaps. Just hold onto me, sweetie. Soon you can be twirled to be.
What will happen if I am hers?...
I wouldn't worry, now. Perhaps you should be sorry, now. You had time to think this through, but you chose to take this rouse. Hey, hey, don't panic now. This may be a picnic, if sound.
Will I ever see you again?...
Don't worry, lass. I will whip out the bass. You can hear my strings, above all things. Don't worry, lassy. I will see you live happy. Make sure that she does not condemn, I fear if it would happen like them.
I think it's time for me to leave. Dance by yourself now lassy... I'll be away from your circle now; I'm just your oracle, as of now. When thou has reached your time, you shall forever be fine... Goodbye, sweetie.
Hmmm, Hmmmm....
We twirl, We hurl
We dance as the pearl
Shimmer to the fires
We are of desire
We dance, and dance
We go on our prance
We may get our chance
To have our last dance
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Okay... here I go...
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Her eyes turn twisted
They go for the blessed
She turns towards stare
She looks with a care
In here gaze, of her frow
We keep it on, now
Stares in her dance
We go on our prance
Whips of fire take her
She can not take burr
Taken from the circle
She comes for the lurker
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
...What is that in your hand?
It's for you, my lady. I-I come to please you, my lady.
I did not see you have it, when I chose you to dance.
Well... I have tricks of my own, lady... w-would you like to hear me play?
Before I cast you in fire? Make no mistake, sire, I shall feed you to the Pire. If you so much as displease me, I shall cast you in fire... why do you smile?
Because beauty deserves mutiny; that is to say, a beautiful creature deserves to reside in the best of thing, of the wonderful things, undisturbed. Here...
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Mandolin, Fandorlin
It comes, Candorlin
Her fingers go on
It comes for the bond
Flames jut, ablaze
Rise up, amazed
Fingers go without break
Perhaps she shall be take
We dance and we dance
We go on our prance
The Pire looks up, tired
Sally cums to the fire
While the lady on the tire
Plays on, without tire
Guttered, Amazed
She dances with Praise
Her silk is of ilk
Her taste is of milk
She twirls all around
Prancing to the sound
They play to strings
The flames of sting
They come with full bling
They tuck to the ring
A blazing cage
Trapping all, amazed
We dance, and we dance
We go on our prance
As the lady takes dance
The hum goes with prance
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm Hmmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm, Hmmmm, Hm Hm Hmmmm... Hm Hm Hmmmmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Hmmmmm.... Hmmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm....
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmmm, Hm Hm Hmmmmmmm...
... What is your name, child?
Um... I don't think I have a name, my lady.
What? Surely, you have a name!
It doesn't really matter, my lady. I can be whatever you desire, my lady. A name doesn't matter, unless it is of matter; that is to say, only you matter, and I can play 'till none matters.
And what can you offer me, other than an instrument, child? I could take anyone who is coy enough to bring such a thing to my stand!
Well, my lady, I don't think they would have a chance, if they were to take the stand.
And you do?
Yes... because I can do this:
Hmmm, Hmmmm...
She takes a step in
The hands come in
As she holds her around
She takes her abound
As she is held close
She comes with a boast
The lips touch for bliss
It comes with the mist
They catch on fire
Brought in desire
The lady held tightly
She withers slightly
They dance in the stand
She dives in for chance
Fireworks stream high
They wisp on by
The lady gives a sigh
As the stringer takes kind
They kiss, and they dance
They don't go on prance
They move with fire
Much in desire
What is your wish, sire?
I want to wed you, bed you, and be with you, my lady.
Hahahahah... you will burn to crisp, without a lisp, if you so much as miss.
I won't, my lady. I am good, maybe. I can't be in, but I have other ways to give.
I'm sure you do... take my hand, 'betty'. We shall see how you do, ready.
Is my name now betty?
Yes... if you are ready.
I am, my lady...
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm Hmmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm, Hmmmm, Hm Hm Hmmmm... Hm Hm Hmmmmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmmm...
Hmmmmm.... Hmmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm....
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmmm, Hm Hm Hmmmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm... Hmm, Hmmmm.... Hmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hm Hm Hm Hmmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmm... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmm, Hmmmm.... Hmmm, Hmmmmm...
Hmmm, Hmmmmm...