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    Recruiting Souls players for FFXIV progression group


    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2013-10-17

    Recruiting Souls players for FFXIV progression group Empty Recruiting Souls players for FFXIV progression group

    Post by neptune Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:42 am

    I'm an avid Souls player and I think anyone who can play these games is a great gamer.

    I run a progression group in Final Fantasy XIV on the Balmung Server. I'm looking for players to join that have beat Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and are interested in long-term progression in FFXIV. We will play and beat all the battle content that gets released. We will play together at set times so we can make the most of our playtime together. And of course, we might need a short break from FFXIV when Dark Souls II comes out big grin

    Reply here to let me know if you're interested. Tell me if you have a FFXIV character, and if so, how much progression have you completed up to this point? As a side note, free server transfers are in effect right now for the next few days in FFXIV.

    Thanks for reading!

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 10, 2024 4:57 am