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    To all the writers out there


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    To all the writers out there Empty To all the writers out there

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:04 am

    Does anyone else ever listen to musci specifically because they think it would make a sweet theme song for the movie version of thier writing? Or am I just wierd?

    At the momment I'm loving the Fray- How to save a life as it translates perfectly into the stories section pertain to Thane (my main characters) growth, love, sacrifice,and eventual "death" at the end of a massive war.

    Also I love the opening theme form the first series of Guilty Crown which makes me think back to a ToS style jouney amv or something like that.

    I'm also digging Talor Swifts Keep your Eyes open simply for the opening few lyrics.

    Is this something that other people/ writers do or is it just me? I pretty much only listen to music that I feel tells a story... or is simply badass.

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    To all the writers out there Empty Re: To all the writers out there

    Post by Darkson Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:08 am



    This track is EPIC!

    When I first heard it I thought it just MUST be used in a Western!!!

    Altough the vid is already epic enough...

    And yes man, I do this all the time when I listen to music, I sink deeply into it and let the images come to me, every good song has tells a story!
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    To all the writers out there Empty Re: To all the writers out there

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:09 am

    I only like well lyricised music, In rap I also enjoy well worded metaphors eg; I've got wood and Im in the mood to get my lumber-jacked. xD but then other music that i feel tells a story without lyrics are my favorites, eg Soothsayer is bloody amazing!

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    To all the writers out there Empty Re: To all the writers out there

    Post by Digitalyzed Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:23 am

    When I listen to music in the middle of a writing project I normally picture scenes from my story set to this music. At least if I ever do something significant I'll already have the motion picture planned out.

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