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    Creative Writers Sanctum


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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 7:24 am

    So Dough and I got to thinking and we came up with this very special place for those of us who enjoy sharing thier creative writing with others. Thus the Sanctum was born and here we can rollout story plots, discuss ideas, post our writings, and share tips and advice.

    Thus in commemoration of my 2000th post here in the forums I declare this thread to be OPEN!

    The Sanctum

    Creative Writers Sanctum 2_126210
    Welcome ye weary travellers who have journeyed for many a moon to reach this point. Be at peace and enter, and be prepared to share the stories of your travels.

    Here you are amongst kindred souls whose perchant for the gift of storytelling is strong.

    Here you will find wisdom from others and share your own.

    Here is where every story begins and ends.
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 7:26 am

    Way better than I would have thought of mate. So I figured since I came up with such a funny name I'd list our writers in -
    The Writer's Block

    Last edited by DoughGuy on Fri May 18, 2012 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by Spurgun Thu May 17, 2012 7:28 am

    The Readers Block
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    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 17, 2012 7:29 am

    The... Advice Block?
    Lord Maxim Tolvo

    Last edited by Serious_Much on Thu May 17, 2012 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 7:38 am

    Did anyone get the pun?
    So I'll start us off with my epilogue to my story, Iconoclasts. Spoilered as it contains scenes of torture and violence. And due to my paranoia I have to mention its protected by my Creative Commons liscence on DeviantArt.

    Its split into 2 drafts. The first is the original and the second is the one Tolvo helped me out with.
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    Post by Spurgun Thu May 17, 2012 7:43 am

    I did’t get it the first time but when i saw it again i got it silly

    Nice read, i liked the second one more.
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    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 17, 2012 7:51 am

    I got the pun, but I thought the double meaning is suitable for subsections of the place you know silly

    Nice stuff... though is this the first part of it? It seems midway, but I can't think of a way to make it seem more like a beginning.. Perhaps adding some sort of memory/dream of what happened immediately prior to waking? Not a vivid one, but a fleeting dream that just induced confusion and fear before waking up, and once again being plunged into the darkness of torture..

    Also, the first section is sorta confusing, in fact I don't understand what happened, truly.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 7:52 am


    +1 for that boyo!

    So to kick things off I've been thinking of doing a Crime thriller novella which is centered around the concept of devil worship with links to ancient hebrew, egyptian, christian, and hindu mythology. Its called "Sinners" and follows a man named Joshua Blackwell, a survivor of the West Coast Fires in 190-something which gutted Sandiago.

    He and disowned daughter of the weather Winter's Banking family stumble onto a series of grisly murders which come to awaken some distant memories in Joshua (give the pro scientific vs occult views of the early 20th century I figure this will fit in well).

    While all of this is going on Detective Walter Gerhardt also tracks the perpetrator of the murders leading him to the musical duo Harrion Meyers and Louise Kawalcyzk who just arrived in New York from the West Coast aboard a train under investigation for a suspected double homicide.

    Meanwhile in the Lower East Side Leonard Kowalcyzk, Mason Erricks, and Eddie Chambers continue to run thier bootleg liquor joint (aka its Prohibition time) against the wishes of the Giorlano Family, and soon after the Mafia Massacre that is directed against the Giorlano's they hear disturbing rumours from thier patrons.

    What follows in the 72 hours of the story will undermine the New York power pyramid, reveal terrifying new facets to occultism and devil worship and test the sanities of the protagonists.

    So what do we think?

    I also have a shorter serial that is set in the distant future, and is inspired by Mass Effect and Dune, whic follows Nathan Cross on a journey across the know universe in pursuit of a deranged war criminal who is making use of a PMC to achieve his ends. Thes being to use a series of clues given by the shards of a monosect which are sent by Eos, the universal Eden, to attract the worthy to the planet. Nathan finds one of these on Padaras where he is fighting Sakarian rebels in a mixed unit (with his Noig'dallo (blood brother) Tyrial, a Sakarian) however the unit comes under attack, first by ambush, and then by heavy artillery fire which "kills" him (not real death just really badly hurst aka face shattered, limbs blown off, but still breathing). he is heal throught he use of gene regeneration surgery (illegal as stated by EAF laws) and is asked to do one last job as repayment for the help.

    The data package he recived from the Monosect is keyed to his WNN signature so removing his WNN box or letting him die is unfeasible. he is tasked with tracking down the war criminal and ending his plans. Firstly he has to attend to buisness. In the 3 weeks he was out his lower Lilith Andrews was KIA on Pandaras, he attends her funeral, has to try to pull a squad out of a training mission gone wrong, and try to avoid being killed by another team which seems to be on the trail of the villain as well.

    We shall see the team trapped on space station falling out of orbit only to be stuck on a planet where the madman intends of detonate a series of atomic warheads to cleanse his trail from the planet. He will meet Sarassirii, the most perfect beings in all the universe one of whom will become "intrigued" by him (not what you are thinking theres a psychological condition in all of thier race which makes them disspassionate about things, they have two sets of eyelids, thier normal ones and black ones which means they see in shades of grey untill the become intruiged) and whom will prophecise his meeting with his future love interest.

    etc its fun in space.

    What do you guy think to this?
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 7:56 am

    Serious_Much wrote:I got the pun, but I thought the double meaning is suitable for subsections of the place you know silly

    Nice stuff... though is this the first part of it? It seems midway, but I can't think of a way to make it seem more like a beginning.. Perhaps adding some sort of memory/dream of what happened immediately prior to waking? Not a vivid one, but a fleeting dream that just induced confusion and fear before waking up, and once again being plunged into the darkness of torture..

    Also, the first section is sorta confusing, in fact I don't understand what happened, truly.

    Its actually the epilogue to the story but I wrote it first because I knew what I wanted it to be.

    @Viral the first one saounds like a classic crime thriller. Looks good.
    The second one is more my type of reading and sounds exciting although the use of acronyms ithout explanation left me having to fill in a few gaps.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 8:15 am

    EAF is the Earth Administrative Federation- they run the law making in earths solar system though the weight of such laws is much more dominant in subsectors of human controlled space.

    KIA- Killed in Action

    Monsect- A strange shard of unknown origin sometimes found on planets or in deep space. known to provide the first to touch it with the key to finding Eos, the eden of the Universe.

    WNN- Wireless Neural Network (actually from another sci fi story Im working one called Human Agency)- In the future humans no longer need physical computers for in the field work and as such rely of neural augmentation to access the WNN kind of like a mental internet formed from the human consciousness. AKA a human consciousness forms a pillar, each pillar links to all other pillars while retaining it shape in an impossible manner, each link makes up the very fabric of this neurotechnological construct.

    There is other stuff but as you've shown interest in this I'll throw down the characters as well.

    Nathan Cross- Human, Educated in Several Alien Cultural Sciences, Skilled CQC fighter, point man for his mixed human Sakarian platoon (ill explain this too if you want), also skilled hacker of systems.

    Tyrial Amarando Noig'dalln Cross- Sakarian tribesman, Skilled with Energy Lance, Stands eight feet tall, chitinous exoskeleton, anti tank expert.

    Fex Sentorian- Sakarian hailing from Thanotos-Omega, Demolitions Maniac, stands seven and a half feet tall, skilled Mercenary.

    Adys En'enthi- _______ Spec ops, engineer and analyist for the "other team" going after the war criminal, Skilled in light armament and systems repairs. Burnt badly during an ambush where Plasma weaponry was involved, Nathans love interest.

    Koton- Isset Medical Specialist, recruited by Cross during his time on Thanatos, veteran of four tours of duty on Caldera during the Volk Uprising.

    Mana- Ashlar sneak, Ashlar are able to phase through solid objects thoug not shields, cannot bear direct sunlight on skin photosensitive.

    Maxim- Icarian pilot, runs Nathans ship the Ralya, and pilots his armoured vehicles.

    Hunter- Sniper, Human, Once a big game hunter until a reunion with Nathan turned into a blood bath when slavers kidnapped his clients.

    Natalia Borochev- Pilot of the Ralya's Gunships, Skilled gunners and pilot, skilled in engine maintanence, interested in Nathan.

    Illyri San'tvas'Soni - Sarrasiri Councillor from Thanatos, became intrigued by Nathan and Adys when the arrive (not together Nathan arrived and left ten days before Adys even stepped foot on Thanatos) and reveals sections of Nathan's future to him. Convinces Adys ahead of time not to shoot Nathan on sight on Pylos (the soon to be nuked planet). May have slept with both Nathan and Adys they dont remember.

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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 8:20 am

    I have too many ideas to right. On top of Iconoclasts I want to do that steampunk story and I've always wanted to do a sci-fi story that focussed on naval combat. I have not yet found a book that has any focus on it. Even 40K books mostly gloss over it, focussing on boarding parties or glossing over it to quickly get to the planetfall.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 8:41 am

    I also wanted to do a steam punk story as well as you know. I also have two fantasy books in the works (these are the ones I'm really writing atm) one more for teens and the other more expansive and gritty.

    Also I want to write a zombie apocalypse serial, a nuclear apocalypse novel, a story about a boy who travels to another world, a sci fi one about the WNN (in its true setting) and the secret world of GHOSTS and the bid made to have abosolute control/\.

    I also want to do a dozen other things but I just never seem to have time. Once I name my Gravesworn PSN co commander I shall relinquish control to them and do some serious serial writing.
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 8:53 am

    You cant leave the Gravesworn! Who shall my knights focus their enternal hatred on?!
    I'm hoping that during my 4 month uni break I'll get some serious work done on my stories.
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 17, 2012 8:54 am

    DoughGuy wrote:Its actually the epilogue to the story but I wrote it first because I knew what I wanted it to be.

    facepalm. I just looked at your initial post and you wrote that it was the epilogue.. what a fail silly

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 8:55 am

    Got any stories to share MR Serious?
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 8:58 am

    I doubt. Mr Much is an Advisor. Speaking of which Serious you should add Tolvo to the advisors. He said he'd drop by when he can.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 9:00 am

    Aye but he's also prone to writinglust where his prose is so deep even I have trouble with it, and I read Milton's Paradise Lost with ease.....
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 9:02 am

    lol I know ho wthat feels. I read about half not understanding much before I simply started gliding over the words.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 9:04 am

    Throw down some more inoclast Dough and I'll post the first parargraph of Horizon along with all the alien race summaries.
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    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 9:06 am

    I only have the prologue (which I need to do the second draft of before I post) and the plot. So I guess I'll post the plot.
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 17, 2012 9:07 am

    I do not think I'll be sharing any stories for now, but we shall see. I have other kinds of writing to press on with, primarily the work form silly

    Also, tolvo's been added to the advisory section
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 17, 2012 9:09 am

    So here are the blurbs for the first 2 books in the series

    Iconoclasts: A Last Hope

    In the land of God humanity lives a slave's life. Working every day for their angel masters the workers of a small mining town have never known another life, yet they wish to. When the spark of rebellion is born they begin stealing supplies and forging suits of armour. Rising up and killing their masters they steal their weapons and vehicles to head east ... to God's castle. Realising the threat the angels unleash Joel, their most powerful Iconoclude to hunt them down. Using their stolen weapons and forged armour the desperate group of men and women must travel across the great desert, evading hunters, disease and Joel and find a way to kill a god.

    Iconoclasts 2: Lost Purpose

    Unbeknownst to the iconoclasts they were playing a much larger game than they thought. The entire south of the world was in rebellion against god, fighting a war against the angels. When the surviving iconoclasts flee south they find the rebel bases open their arms to the Godslayers. Their ability to make armour is also appreciated for the war is still going. the angel now wish to exterminate the humans, not just suppress them. Without God to restrain them they utilise their
    entire arsenal to kill the humans. Now the iconoclasts must enter the war again to save the rebellion in the south, and begin the push north. But when they discover new knowledge that changes what they think of the entire war, will they?

    And here is the plot for the first book. I've spoilered it in case you want to wait until I write the book to know the ending (lol).

    And here is the link to a very basic picture of the world map.

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 9:10 am

    MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Im a WRITER ! I NEED NO ADVISING! I AM ALL POWERFUL...... when it comes to abandoning my working world in favour of zoning out into another story idea.
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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by Tolvo Fri May 18, 2012 4:31 pm

    So I see you made this thread, I'll stop by and give what advice I can but I'm still a learner myself. If a person wants any feedback just ask specifically for me, because I don't want to seem harsh to anyone who doesn't understand my style of criticism. As well, I would love to get some feedback on the book I'm currently writing, this is the very first part. Currently it's going under some working titles, To Invoke, Suicide, To Call, Worthless Paradise, etc. This part is called,

    Rth - Ra


    By the way Viral, Paradise Lost is an inspiration of mine. silly

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    Creative Writers Sanctum Empty Re: Creative Writers Sanctum

    Post by Azran Fri May 18, 2012 5:58 pm

    Yay, the thread LIVES!

    Hrm, anyway. I guess I will try to write something to show here; I'll just ask you to excuse my (possible) stupid mistakes; English isn't my first language. silly

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