by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 17, 2012 8:15 am
EAF is the Earth Administrative Federation- they run the law making in earths solar system though the weight of such laws is much more dominant in subsectors of human controlled space.
KIA- Killed in Action
Monsect- A strange shard of unknown origin sometimes found on planets or in deep space. known to provide the first to touch it with the key to finding Eos, the eden of the Universe.
WNN- Wireless Neural Network (actually from another sci fi story Im working one called Human Agency)- In the future humans no longer need physical computers for in the field work and as such rely of neural augmentation to access the WNN kind of like a mental internet formed from the human consciousness. AKA a human consciousness forms a pillar, each pillar links to all other pillars while retaining it shape in an impossible manner, each link makes up the very fabric of this neurotechnological construct.
There is other stuff but as you've shown interest in this I'll throw down the characters as well.
Nathan Cross- Human, Educated in Several Alien Cultural Sciences, Skilled CQC fighter, point man for his mixed human Sakarian platoon (ill explain this too if you want), also skilled hacker of systems.
Tyrial Amarando Noig'dalln Cross- Sakarian tribesman, Skilled with Energy Lance, Stands eight feet tall, chitinous exoskeleton, anti tank expert.
Fex Sentorian- Sakarian hailing from Thanotos-Omega, Demolitions Maniac, stands seven and a half feet tall, skilled Mercenary.
Adys En'enthi- _______ Spec ops, engineer and analyist for the "other team" going after the war criminal, Skilled in light armament and systems repairs. Burnt badly during an ambush where Plasma weaponry was involved, Nathans love interest.
Koton- Isset Medical Specialist, recruited by Cross during his time on Thanatos, veteran of four tours of duty on Caldera during the Volk Uprising.
Mana- Ashlar sneak, Ashlar are able to phase through solid objects thoug not shields, cannot bear direct sunlight on skin photosensitive.
Maxim- Icarian pilot, runs Nathans ship the Ralya, and pilots his armoured vehicles.
Hunter- Sniper, Human, Once a big game hunter until a reunion with Nathan turned into a blood bath when slavers kidnapped his clients.
Natalia Borochev- Pilot of the Ralya's Gunships, Skilled gunners and pilot, skilled in engine maintanence, interested in Nathan.
Illyri San'tvas'Soni - Sarrasiri Councillor from Thanatos, became intrigued by Nathan and Adys when the arrive (not together Nathan arrived and left ten days before Adys even stepped foot on Thanatos) and reveals sections of Nathan's future to him. Convinces Adys ahead of time not to shoot Nathan on sight on Pylos (the soon to be nuked planet). May have slept with both Nathan and Adys they dont remember.