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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?


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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Tokidd Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:15 pm

    Hello everyone

    I have read many posts on this forum and others about favorite weapons; which weapons are under or overrated, whci are the best, etc., and it seems to me that a lot of experienced players think very poorly of the Quelaag Fury Sword. Why is this? I don't just mean they dislike the sword - many posters seem to actually hate the thing. So I'm just wondering - What's up with all the hating?

    I am a new player (warrior build) who has only just finished Anor Londo. My character level is 100, and my sword of chice is the QFS. My base damage as a hollow is 420.

    Although there may be other weapons that have much higher damage points, I find that the QFS does more damage than any other non-Greatsword when its stats are maxed and the player has some humanity ( a high dexterity also helps). Furthermore, it has an excellent variety of moves, delivering quick slashing combos with R2, and a very quick power attack with R1. Typically, with my stats and a few humanity, I do close to 500 damage with each hit. Perhaps there are greatswords and ultra greatswords that can deliver more damage, but in the time it takes for a Greatsword to deal one blow, I can deliver at least two with my QFS. Further more, when comparing power attacks, I clould also easily get in two attacks for a greatsword's one.

    In other words, as a player who likes to use a fast sword (I also like Katanas), I think the QFS is an excellent choice. Although I typically use heavy armor (Havel's set), I like a fast sword that does heavy damage. The QFS seems to fit the bill perfectly. So again, why alll the hating?



    Last edited by Tokidd on Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by RANT Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:19 pm

    i dont really use dex weapons much but at sl 120 qfs is pretty weak compared to other weapons.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Tokidd Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:21 pm

    Ok, thank-you for contributing. But putting aside greatswords, which weapons are more powerful than the QFS?
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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Whknight Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:38 pm

    I feel it depends on perference and movesets, I usually perfer to use it on S&O only, otherwise I'm using a longsword so I can stab as well.

    In regards to higher ARs aside from great weapons, I believe lightning weapons and some chaos weapons if you have 10 humanity could beat it.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by SlakeMoth Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:41 pm

    I don't hate it. I just don't use it because I find that other weapons give you more bang for your buck. However, I'll give it another go just in case I've underrated it. I'm always ready to learn (usually the hard way)happy

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Tokidd Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:55 pm

    My lightning Uchigatana is not yet fully upgraded and does a little less base damage than my QFS. If I were to upgrade it all the way, it would probably do more base damage than the QFS, but with high humanity the Quelaag would be abou the same.

    Another thing I like about the QFS is its range. It' s almost as long as a Greatsword, but moves as fast as a scimitar. The Uchigatana, or other Katanas (with the exception of the Washing Pole) have a short reach.

    Anyhow, with the QFS I have pretty good base damage (about 500 at its highest), a very quick and effective moveset, including a devastating combo with R2, and a very quick power attack that does pretty good extra damage. On top of that, it is a long sword with an excellent ramge. With this in mind, I'd like to hear which swords are better when taking into consideration all these factors. For me, a small increase in base damage is not as important as speed and range.

    I would really like to hear other opinions. For those who do not use Greatswords, what do you use, and why do you prefer it to the QFS? I'm curious to see what other options I have.



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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by callipygias Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:23 pm

    QFS may do less damage, but it's also much quicker than most weapons. It's very effective. I think the distaste some people have for it stems from the idea of it being a "first playthrough" weapon. Kind of like the Drake Sword (minus the scaling issues). If you get a hold of it your first trip through Anor Londo it'll be your best friend for a while, but I think most people sort of move on from it eventually.

    I remember thinking at first how wicked-cool the thing is, but somewhere in my second playthrough the elegance of many of the other amazing weapons in the game drew me away from it.
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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:11 pm

    Its great, 500ish AR on a 3.5 weight weapon. It stunnlocks better than its weight, it can parry if in left hand, it has reach and speed.


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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by callipygias Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:24 pm

    The downside to its low weight is that it makes it a favorite of the... I'll call them "super-low-level invaders" in the Burg/Parish. But if they didn't use QFS they'd just use something else, I guess.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Extertionist Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:30 pm

    I like it but there are simply better weapons out there. For example I have strength build and use a Zweihender plus a lightning Ricard's Rapier and the rapier does better damage then QFS and has an elegant move set as well.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by callipygias Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:34 pm

    Actually, for such a crazy-looking weapon, the Furysword has a fairly elegant moveset too. That graceful scimitar arc. Nothing can match the rapiers in that respect though.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Tokidd Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:34 pm

    Yes, I would love to upgrade Velka's Rapier - seems like a formidable weapon - but I don't have the patch ( I have to buy an adapter so my 360 can connect to my wi-fi) so TT is almost impossible for me to get. Are there any good rapiers that do not require TT to upgrade?

    Also, without the patch, titanite chunks are extremely hard to find. I spent two hours defeating royal sentinals in Anor Londo with my humanity at 6, and serpent ring equipped, and did not get a single chunk. Seems like the patch makes drops much more common. And before anyone mentions it, I've had no luck with harvesting TT from clams. At least at Ash Lake. All I got was purging stones for my effort.

    Peace, and thanks for the replies,

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Reaperfan Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:54 pm

    Tokidd wrote:Yes, I would love to upgrade Velka's Rapier - seems like a formidable weapon - but I don't have the patch ( I have to buy an adapter so my 360 can connect to my wi-fi) so TT is almost impossible for me to get. Are there any good rapiers that do not require TT to upgrade?

    Also, without the patch, titanite chunks are extremely hard to find. I spent two hours defeating royal sentinals in Anor Londo with my humanity at 6, and serpent ring equipped, and did not get a single chunk. Seems like the patch makes drops much more common. And before anyone mentions it, I've had no luck with harvesting TT from clams. At least at Ash Lake. All I got was purging stones for my effort.

    Peace, and thanks for the replies,


    Responding to your points in reverse ftw!

    Man...I remember having to farm TT from the Clams...not fun. I would say though, depending on how easily you can kill the clams, farming the ones outside of Seath's second boss chamber is much more efficient than Ash Lake. At least twice the amount of clams and an easily accessible bonfire so you aren't running around alot (given that you've beaten Seath that is winking).

    As to the titanite Chunks, I'd say go to New Londo and farm the Darkwraiths. They're much easier to kill than the Royal Sentinels, theres 10 Darkwraiths per run as opposed to 2 Sentinels, and have a (what feels like at least) much higher drop rate. You may even get really lucky and find a slab on one of them winking

    As to the rapiers, the (generally considered) best rapiers are the ones that don't use Twinkling. The normal Rapier, Estoc, and Ricard's Rapier are the most popular ones to my knowledge and they all go up with normal titanite upgrade paths, meaning if you're going Int (I'm assuming you at least have some Int since you showed interest in trying Velka's) you can still make them Magic/Enchanted or even just +15 along with the Crystal Magic Weapon buffing spell.

    Anyway, hope this helps some happy

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by callipygias Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:02 pm

    Ditto to all that^ (and +1 if I had one left to give).

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Tokidd Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:31 pm

    Thanks Reaperfan, I'll definitely look into those other rapiers you mentioned.
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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by cloudyeki Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:18 pm

    QFS is great in PVE, but PVP is another thing. I love QFS, and I'll always keep it on me for a quick menu swap. That said, it's a weapon that takes time to find the proper style. It has range, scales, and is the midground for curved to great curved swords. It's strength lies in it's ability to stunlock and using its sweeping r2s, but you have to be able to get through poise, which is getting hard to do with turtles and flipping tanks.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by Yarxov Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:37 am

    Tokidd wrote:Ok, thank-you for contributing. But putting aside greatswords, which weapons are more powerful than the QFS?
    Most weapons in a dedicated build will out damage it.
    That 420 number is not as magic as you think, my Great scythe +15 with 40 dex does 500 Pure Physical Damage. A Butcher knife +15 does 420 Pure Physical with 50 Str, A Falchion+14 with 40 Dex does ~400 Pure Phys damage.

    I specify Pure Phys because it is better than the split damage of QFS.

    When I see it in PvP I can't help but laugh, It hits me for maybe 100 damage max? The only bad thing (for me) is the stunlock.
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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:43 am

    ^^Right there is my Scythe does tons of damage. But really, I like the moveset better.


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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by russiannightmare Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:54 am

    I have a build that uses it as a secondary weapon. I think people tend to under estimate it because of the split damage but 75-80% of the damage(not sure of exact numbers) is fire which is higher then any fire or chaos weapon. Plus if you're fighting a turtle it tends to be more effective then a pure physical damage weapon do to the fact that most shields have a lower defense to elements than to physical damage. Bonus it is harder to parry it then greatswords and such unless you're fighting a skilled player or your opponent is just lucky.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by neon__noodle Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:30 am

    Great scythe +15 is amazing. I have a chaos great scythe +5 that its great with enough humanity. In pve the damage difference from the regular great scythe +15 is negligible, but in pvp it packs quite a wallop. Also dead angle and wide sweeping r2 attack.

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    Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating? Empty Re: Quelaag Fury Sword...why the hating?

    Post by SlakeMoth Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:32 am

    I just wish the Crystal Halberd was repairable. Mainly because those evil little b*****ds in the Duke's Archives don't like it one bit.

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