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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5


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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5 Empty Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5

    Post by LunarFog Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:45 pm

    Assuming you have very low Dex and Strength and 10 humanity, would Quelaag's fury sword be better than something like....a +5 Chaos rapier or straightsword?
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5 Empty Re: Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:21 pm

    Depends on your style. Those weapons have very different movesets. If you wanted something more closely equated you could do a chaos falchion or painted guardian sword, and add bleed damage to the equation. As far as whether or not they'd do comparable damage, I'm not positive. The wiki has pretty thorough stat spread sheets for a lot of weapons though. A lot of them add in the humanity scaling too. You could check there.

    Edit: With a +5 Chaos Falchion and 10 humanity you'd be doing 217 physical damage, and 248 fire damage, making an AR of 465.
    With Quelaag's Fury Sword fully upgraded it'd be 90 physical damage, and 255 fire, making an AR of 345.

    The difference is that Quelaag's not only scales with your humanity, but scales with your stats as well. So it really depends on your stats. If they're really low, you'd probably be better off with a Falchion, or something comparable, but even at 20 something with both scaling stats you'd probably be doing more damage with QFS

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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5 Empty Re: Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5

    Post by Glutebrah Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:39 pm

    use this site.
    at base stats (13 dex) and 10 humanity the Quelaag sword does 434AR and a +5 chaos Falchion does 427AR.

    so Quelaag's is better, at base stats it has 7AR more, and can go all the way to 506AR at 40 dex.

    not sure where the poster above me got his numbers from
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5 Empty Re: Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:47 pm

    Glutebrah wrote:use this site.
    at base stats (13 dex) and 10 humanity the Quelaag sword does 434AR and a +5 chaos Falchion does 427AR.

    so Quelaag's is better, at base stats it has 7AR more, and can go all the way to 506AR at 40 dex.

    not sure where the poster above me got his numbers from

    The wiki spread sheets. It didn't say whether or not it was including humanity for the fury sword, so I'm guessing, considering the difference in our numbers, that it wasn't.

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    Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5 Empty Re: Fury Sword vs. Chaos +5

    Post by AzureCrow Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:52 am

    I also would recommend the furry sword, for one it does nearly all fire damage which means it will be more effective against defenses and will do more damage than the chaos blade which would have very little scaling. This is especially useful as most low level and light gear has poor fire resistance and many players won't focus on fire over physical defense.

    Also aside from the fact that the chaos blade does 20 damage to the user every hit it also has a requirement of 16 str which is high for most base slvl builds, on the contrast the fury sword has on of the lowest strength requirements at 11str.

    Basically the furry sword would be more useful in most situations and if you cannot 1 hand the chaos it's no contest.

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